
Marvel's Dark Knight

After death, Bruce comes back to life again. But It is not the same world. Why did this happen? How is he going to live his new life? Is he going to fight crime again as a vigilante? or something more? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is my 1st fanfic and English is not my 1st language. Please give me suggestions. Every comment is valuable.

Ansur97 · Movies
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13 Chs

Chapter 11- Super Soldier Serum

The next morning Bruce got ready to meet Nakamura Saito. After spending a full lifetime fighting crime he had created some rules for himself that he will follow no matter what. Unless he was forced by circumstances, he will never leave his home without his Utility belt, a bulletproof skintight bodysuit, and a mask he can use in any situation.

Bruce and Alfred went to meet with the man. He was hiding for a long time in a place called Dale. But he wants to meet in Rochester.

Bruce is anxious to learn about his parents. When he reached the designated place the first thing he did was search the place for anything suspicious. Like a hidden camera, recorder, or anything that will compromise their secrecy. His main task is to talk with the man and learn why his parents become the target and target of whom.

When Bruce met the man he recognized him at a glance. He was in a picture with his parents. When he was still a baby. Only he was much older, in his 40s.

Bruce- "Thank you for meeting with me Mr. Nakamura."

Nakamura Saito- "Oh Bruce. For how long I have not seen you. You were still a child when I last saw you. You can call me uncle Saito like you used to."

Bruce- "Forgive me, but after the accident, I had amnesia. Although for a short period. I have not recovered most of my childhood memories."

Saito- "Yes, the accident. What a tragedy. Thomas and Martha were my best friends from Harvard. It is a great loss for family, friends, and also society. Now, where are my manners? What will you take? Hot or something cold?"

-"You don't need to worry about something as trivial as that. I just want to know why my parents were targets. But first, please tell me this. You said you lived in hiding in Dale. Then why did you meet here? And for how long have you been waiting here?"

-"Dale is my hiding place. And I don't want to bring attention to that place. This place was selected as our meeting place because I have this apartment in my name. So I come here to collect rent once every 6 months. The residents of this apartment are on a vacation for few days. That is why I called for you here. And most of all recently I faked my death. I am a free man for now. I have been here for 2 days."

-"Who is it that is after you?"

-"Same people that killed your parents."


-"No. SHIELD is a government agency. The one after us is the enemy of SHIELD. I don't know who they are. Maybe no one knows."

-"Then how does SHIELD falls into all of this?"

-"Everything started with SHIELD. Do you know about Super Soldier Serum?"

-"Yes. Heard about it. Something that created Captain America."

-"First creator of Super Soldier Serum, Dr. Abraham Erskine, created it without any modern advanced technology. He was the most genius Genetic Scientist to date. Now SHIELD gave many companies the contract to re-create the serum. Wayne Enterprise was one of them. Tom, Mary, and I started the project in secret. No one knew about it. We succeeded in creating a serum that has the same effect but with many times more high requirements. If a normal human used the serum at first he will experience all the changes the same as Captain America, but after the 1st stage has been completed, his muscles will start to tear at a microscopic level. Even If we want to stop the process in the middle, it would not be possible to stop the tearing process, it will start anyway. In the 2nd stage, it just breaks the muscle, after that the healing process should begin. That is 3rd stage, which could not be completed. If the healing can be completed, then the power exerted by the person could be more than double of Captain America. But we could not heal the damaged muscles, no matter what. That is why the project was incomplete. But between all the other versions of Super Solder Serum developed, we came the closest to the real thing. That is why we got a target on our heads. When that night I heard that Tom & Mary are dead, little Katie was in the hospital and you were missing, I destroyed all the Serum that we created, along with all the machines that I made. The only thing I took was this." He showed a storage device.

-"What's in there?"

-"All the research data of your father and mother. I held onto it hoping someday I can restart their project. But all I could do was hide like a coward. When Alfred found me and contacted me, I understood I was never hidden properly. If someone wanted to kill me they would have done it already. But even so, to ensure my safety I faked my death."

Bruce was in deep thought for few moments. But for a fast thinker like him, that was enough to determine many things. He understood the motive of Nakamura Saito.

-"So, you want to come with me and finish making that serum."

-"yes. This is the legacy of my friends."

-"No. This is not the legacy of my parents. Wayne Enterprise is the legacy of my parents."

-"Yes. I understand that. But that is for you. And this is for me."

-"Even if you make that serum again, I will not permit to sell it to the SHIELD."

-"No problem. I don't care about any of that. All I want is to complete the project."

-"Ok. You can come with us. I will permit you to continue the project. But where was the previous lab located?"

-"In the south-west side of the Roosevelt Island. Renovating will take some time. But After I have all the equipment I need, I can create the serum that will work up to 2nd stage within 2 years."

-"I will look forward to that."

After the conversation, Bruce has another lead. Now he will have to find the enemy of SHIELD. The only one he can think of for now is HYDRA. But that organization is destroyed by Captain America. Bruce respects him for that. Someone who can give his life to save his country and fellow human is worthy of Batman's respect.

Bruce came back to Wayne Manor with Alfred and Nakamura Saito.

When Katie saw Nakamura Saito she was both surprised and happy.

Katie- "Uncle Saito. I have not seen you for a long time. You forgot all about me."

Saito- "My little Katie. Uncle is really sorry. But I will stay very close to you from now on. I am moving to The Roosevelt Island permanently."

Their conversation continued for 1 hour. Bruce was sweating cold. How can someone talk like that, is outside of his imagination. But he is happy that Katie is happy to see Nakamura Saito. Now she has someone who will not be too busy always. Bruce cannot give much of his time to Katie. He will get even busier from now on.

Bruce left them and went to Batcave.

Bruce- "Oracle. Hack into NYPD database. Compile a list of all the case that is not solved and the case that is already suspended because of low evidence."

Oracle- "Yes Sir."

Bruce has a long night ahead. He has to complete reading all the previous case files by tomorrow night. As he had decided tomorrow will be the first time he will go out on patrol. And try to solve some cases that can be solved.

Hello Friends. This chapter is just some middle story that is necessary for future development. It is shorter than the previous chapter. But this is normal. My target is 1k work every chapter. But I cross that limit every time. Next chapter we will see Batman's first appearance in NY City. Thank You for your support.

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