
Marvel’s Wizard: Start from Hogwarts

This is the mtl synopsis and I don't feel like correcting it. Traveling through the Marvel universe, Jerry gets a bizarre panel that rewards Little Red Star for doing good deeds. Consuming Little Red Star can go to other magical worlds to learn magic, Consuming Little Red Star can also refresh your mind and speed up the efficiency of learning magic. In order to protect himself and his family, Jerry reluctantly embarked on the path of constantly doing good deeds to earn a little red star, and working hard to study and learn magic. The protagonist’s three views are upright, not a virgin, no brainless, no system, the panel is only responsible for traversal and refreshing, all magic is acquired by the protagonist through learning, and powerful through research. There are some other bits but not important. Notes: I am an editor for the most part the translation is almost entirely mtl. So I obviously dont own any of this. I haven't even read it yet just chose something with high ratings (5 stars) to start with. Although I don't own it, I do put time and effort into making it easily readable so I would appreciate the tip, also I'll be taking recommendations if you're interested. Later notes: not 5-star novel, maybe just not my cup of tea? anyway, I'll post the whole story but won't edit it much so I'll leave some info. guardian god is patronus, shield curse is protego, Shenfeng Wuying is sectumsempra, alo hole is alohamora, i haven't read much of the book so these are the ones I've checked or glanced at patreon.com/user?u=98213065

Epic_Gaming_7548 · Movies
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905 Chs

Chapter 780 Specialty Bar

"Successful, successful, I can see them!"

After a series of operations by Hank, the huge machine connected to the helmet finally started, and Charles also sensed the existence of mutants in the surrounding city under the action of the brain wave diffuser.

As Charles' voice fell, a smile appeared on Eric's face.

"The coordinates of the first mutant have appeared."

Hank pulled out a piece of white paper from the machine, and a very precise coordinate was being printed on it.

"I knew that we have many companions!"

Charles clenched his hands tightly, constantly stimulating his brain waves, and put the coordinates of the mutants sensed one by one into the printer of the machine.

In just fifteen minutes, twenty pieces of paper with coordinates were accumulated.

"Okay, Hank, turn off the machine, Charles is at his limit."

Sensing that Charles' mental power was about to run out, Jerry reminded Hank to turn off the brain wave diffuser.

Charles is still young now, and his abilities have not been fully developed. He must not be as powerful as his old age. It is very rare to be able to use the brain wave diffuser for fifteen minutes.

Sure enough, when Hank turned off the machine and took off the helmet of the brainwave diffuser, Charles shook his body the moment he got up, and almost passed out.

Fortunately, Raven next to him reacted quickly enough to hug him in time.

"Charles, how are you?"

Immediately following Raven, Eric was a little nervous.

As a killer who was brutally raised since he was a child, and a man whose heart is filled with revenge, Eric has no friends except some women who satisfy his basic desires.

He has always been alone.

And Charles, who could understand him, should be regarded as the first friend he recognized in his heart.

If it wasn't for Charles, he would have left with all the information about the Black Emperor the night he joined the CIA.

"It's okay, we should start as soon as possible, the coordinates will change at any time!"

Charles shook his head, trying to keep his brain clear, and then spoke to Eric.

The brain wave diffuser can indeed help Charles locate the exact location of nearby mutants, but mutants are living people who can move, not dead objects that stay still, and their positions may change at any time.

"Let's go then!"

Eric thought for a while, and took Charles from Raven.

They finally negotiated with the CIA and won the task of finding mutants by themselves, but they couldn't fail to get any results, otherwise it would not be the result he wanted to see when CIA agents were to intervene.

"Jerry, would you like to come with us, since you are idle here anyway?"

Just when the two were about to walk to the door, Charles suddenly thought of something, turned around and extended an invitation to Jerry with a smile.

Eric had a look of surprise on his face when he heard Charles' invitation. Obviously this was a decision that was not in the previous plan, but he did not object.

Jerry looked at Charles over there, thought for a moment, then nodded.

Indeed, he really has nothing else to do when he stays here except to help answer Hank's problems when he encounters them. It seems to be an interesting thing to recruit those mutants with the two of them.

He knew some of Charles's little thoughts, but he didn't care.

Just like before, he restored Raven and Hank's bodies to normal human form. On the surface, it took a lot of energy, but in fact, it was just a small matter of using a little brain to cast two magic spells.

As long as you can get the multiverse-level Phoenix Force in the future, it's actually nothing to help with such a small matter in the early stage.

Taking Jean Gray's Phoenix Force and giving some help to her future school, teachers, lover and friends can be regarded as some compensation for her.

In the evening, at the entrance of a large bar with super luxurious decoration in Washington.

"I hope this time, it will be successful!"

With a slight movement of Eric's hand, the bar's metal door opened automatically, and Charles and Jerry walked in together.

Since they left the lab, they have gone to five coordinate points, but they haven't recruited a single mutant.

Four of the coordinate points are empty. Obviously, the mutants located before have left their original positions, and now they don't know where they went.

It's okay to have a coordinate point, but the mutant is still a child of six or seven years old, and he doesn't meet the conditions for recruiting into the CIA.

"It seems to be a specialty bar."

Jerry looked at the girls standing on the tables dancing provocative dances in the noisy bar, and couldn't help smiling.

And Eric and Charles next to him also showed a smile that only a man could understand.

People are not romantic towards teenagers, Professor X and Magneto when they were young, they often came to this type of bar for entertainment.

Charles is a descendant of the British aristocracy, rich and handsome, and a frequent visitor to the bar. The first time Jerry met him was in the bar.

As a killer, after killing someone, Eric must go to the bar to release the pressure, or meet a beautiful woman to spend the night. His son Kuaiyin came that way.

So the two of them are very familiar with this kind of bar, but Jerry is really the first time to enter this type of bar.

Although Jerry has lived for many years and has been to many worlds and universes, he spends most of his time studying magic, studying laws and walking on various ways to improve his own strength.

In leisure time, I just spend time with Hermione, my family, or enjoy the scenery.

The bars he has been to the most are the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley, the Pig's Head and the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade Village. This is the first time he has visited such a very distinctive bar.

"I found it. It's the girl dancing in black lace underwear on the middle table."

Charles put his index finger on his temple, activated his telepathic ability, and quickly located the mutant in the bar.

Without the brain wave diffuser, Charles' scope for finding mutants has been greatly reduced, but covering the entire bar is still not a big problem.

So as long as the mutants don't leave too far from the initially determined location, especially if that location is home or work, then Charles can basically find it.

"Let's go say hello!"

It was the first time to come to this type of bar, and Jerry also felt a little novel. He took the lead and walked to the middle table, sat down next to it and admired it.

Charles and Eric smiled at each other, sat on both sides of Jerry, and asked the waiter for three times the wine.

Finally found a mutant who met the recruitment requirements and seemed to have a high possibility of recruiting, and the depressed mood of the two of them improved a lot.