Ye Xiwen was previously only an ordinary university student on Earth, but unexpectedly crossed through into the world known as the Zhen Wu Jie world! In this world, formidable warriors are able of turning over mountains and collapsing the ocean, destroying the sky and extinguishing the earth! He originally had ordinary aptitude, because of that he received the mysterious special space! Any martial art can be deduced within the mysterious space, other people practice for decades, he only needs a year! So long as he has enough spirit stones, any talents he faces are all floating clouds!
"Sky-shattering sword!" The whole sky was torn off by the golden sword, and terrifying power contained in this attack instantly collapsed the joint attack from the other two half-step legendary experts.
This was a terrifying sword attack, simply a masterpiece in its own league.
"Puchi!" The sword attack opened a nasty wound in the body of that half-step legendary devil expert, his blood spattered all over and bone fragments scattered in the vicinity.
The half-step legendary devil expert seemed in a terrible state. A moment ago, he had resorted to the supreme devil magical powers, but still could not stop Qi Feifan's sword attack. The power contained in that sword attack was far beyond his imagination, as if the whole universe was still ringing due to its outbreak.
Qi Feifan's sword skill was something to be scared of! No wonder he looked so confident, even while facing two half-step legendary experts.