
Marsy: Miracles on Mysterious Mars

Year 2080, humanity started colonizing Mars. It's a huge craze to go there, endless possibilities are waiting. Mostly youngsters are mad to go there. Everything seems to go well there. But smell of secrecy could be felt as one approaches Earth's so called twin planet. Deep down, something is wrong. Something unusual is happening on the big planet. Leaders are suspiciously good to each other there, a little too good. As our heroes dig further into Mars, it turns out Mars is not really what they thought it would be, it's more. What shocking secrets awaits our heroes? Why is a mysterious man finding some specific newcomers so desperately? Answer lies...

Confused_Wanderer · Fantasy
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60 Chs

2.13 Short Night 2

A man totally covered in black was approaching the temple-like structure. It was not underground.

He quietly opened the door and quickly closed it. "ABSHANTING" He loudly said, it was Sat in a black hoodie.

A secret door opened from the left. He said nothing and entered the room. For a temple, the room was weirdly well lit with lots of wires here and there. It was full of medical equipment and many machines. It looked like an illegitimate child of a robotic lab and operation theatre.

"Don't you think the password is very illogical? I mean who uses voice activation these days?" It was Sarthak's voice.

"I came to visit you after so long, and this is the first thing you say?" Sat put on a lab coat and started putting on gloves.

"Don't say like I'm a patient. I'm fully functional thanks to you. I don't really need visits to stay like this you know?" Sarthak said in a cheerful voice.

"Hmm someone is enjoying the voice update." Sat laughed a little. "Yes you don't need, but I said what I said. I am not studying biology for nothing."

"You know... I'm fine as I am. What else can I wish for? I have my sister, my friend living with me, talking with me, even though I've almost died."

"See Sarthak, there is something you should know. This is not about you, not about Cécile, not about him. Not about anyone else. I know things that are even sealed to the Gods if they exist. I was not the only one who knew it, but he died...well I'm not forgiving him for it, but now I'm the leader. I'm the supreme leader of the team and the institution. My decision is final. Nobody has the right to defy me. So, help me..." Sat pulled out two small boxes from his pocket.

"*sigh* Guess I'm stuck with you...okay, do anything you wish. What's that?"

"Stem cells. I took them from the bank, and put them in our bank." Sat said normally.

"Dam...hey wait a minute, since when do we have a stem cell bank? How do I not know it?"

"Because it's in my room...and in future tense." Sat smiled. "Now let's get to work. Get the information on organ development in the fetus."

"Yep already here."

"Huh? Am I that predictable?"

"To me, yes, I'm living database. From check up report on your kidneys, I knew something was wrong for someone who is health conscious."

"And you didn't even stop me? Damm that hurts you know?" Sat sounded genuinely hurt.

"Hey don't you need to sleep? It's been a hectic day right?" In a swift move, Sarthak avoided the question.

"I see, you won't answer...fair, nah I don't wanna sleep. Nightmares are haunting me so I'm taking revenge by not sleeping." Sat said while yawning big.

"I see, well good for you, commander approved of the temple opening because of the golden ball accident. You got a night time pass." Sarthak chatted normally like he's having good time.

"Yes... it's a coincidence..." Sat smiled at the corner of the room where all the wires centred around a cylinder, inside it, was something that resembled a human head, floating in some liquid.

"Are you implying something else?" Sarthak sounded confused.

"Nah, I'm talking about the bastard kids. They are already pain in the ass, and the study and training haven't even started."

"Sure they are man, reminds me of some kids of the past..."

"Come on, don't make me sleepy with the old time..." Sat laughed a happy laugh, "Ignorance is bliss" he thought to himself and started working on a petri dish.



"Welcome to the team." The tall man in black mask applauded.

"It's my pleasure. (Damm is everyone this shady here, anyway who am I to complain anyway.)"

"Your room is just beside this room, have a rest. It's gonna be very hectic from now on." The man in black mask went out of the room.

"Yes sir, no problem. (Phew, easy one.)" Shaun thought to himself while going towards his room.

"I wonder if it was really a good idea to leave them... whatever, I can't change it now. It's time I pave my own path with my ideals."

"But isn't society fun? Isn't it fun to be around people?" Suddenly Shaun's internal monologue was interrupted by a low voice.

"Who's there? (I asked but I cannot feel anyone...come on I can't deal with any more unexpected things.)"

Nobody answered Shaun. Well it would be weird if someone really did, there was no presence of even a plant nearby.

"Damm I'm hearing things... probably because of the weird ritual ... damm it still hurts."

"You're right on that one, yes you're hearing things." Shaun heard the same voice just after closing the door of his room.

"Who-what the fuck?? Ah, hidden speaker...now you know, I am not fan of hidden speaker, tell me where the speaker is." Shaun slowly sat on his bed while scanning his surroundings.

"Are you doubting yourself? Is it really possible to hide a speaker without you noticing? Is the so called Shaun the Ship now a sheep?"

"So you are not a fan of answering questions, just asking? (This is bad...this person has some news...)" He thought as his eye started to squint.

"Yes, same as you mate, yes I'm full of news." The voice sounded like giggling secretly.

"Ha come on, it ain't fair. How in the cursed martian hell are you reading my mind?" Shaun was pretty frustrated. "Ah it's the operation on the head...fuck ..."

"Umm... you're right in a sense...but don't worry, I'm not someone you're thinking. I'm not from the commander's team.

"Ah yes, so you're a messiah who doesn't belong to any team, and you'll help me reach my goal... pretty cliche."

"Hahaha, cliche but not impossible right? Don't you get it? The one who knows this much...there is only one."

"Nobody... except...FOR ME!" Shaun stood up in excitement."

"Voila! correct. And no you're not suffering from any illness or drugs."

"So you're the voice inside my head, so where were you till today?"

"Well I'm supposed to appear to you only in life and death situation...so you rarely needed me."

"Hmm that took some work... anyway so you're here because of the operation or ritual whatever it was?"

"Yes, at first I was resisting. Then I saw it could be used in my benifits. So I used it...and believe me it got some pretty insane surprises in the future."

"Hmm ...so it's not that bad ...and if I believe you're on my side...you are gonna help me right?"

"Unless you're thinking about suicide, whatever side you're on, I'm on it too. And now sleep, don't worry, I'll only appear in time of needs. You're pretty tired."

"That's a relief, thank you." Shaun fell into deep sleep. "This world...is stupid... those with ability to lead, do not lead, those who can't, lead. Nobody is happy with it, oh the perfect utopia where the capable one lead, and everyone just follows his orders...." And the monologue faded.


Some pretty old creatures were sitting around a round table having an unknown drink. It looked more like a tea party rather than a meeting.

"There...were blinks."

(Of course they don't talk English, I, the omnipotent omniscient omnipresent author is translating their language for you.)

"Well, the last one was 2000 years ago. It's not worth observing it right? Wait did you say blinks?"

"I'm afraid...yes, blinks. 42 are confirmed. One after another." Their voices were calm, but the tension was present.

"It's been 14 billion years..."

"And 300 millions years since the last freedom fight. It was supposed to be the last one.

"Yes, our ancestors did a magnificent job..."

"And maybe it's our turn..."

"We don't have to hurry, this happened before too. But their civilization vanished way before knowing the history."

"Let's hope for it...fight for peace is never short..."

"Let's observe for the time being...if we act, there is no going back."

"Agreed "

Eh? I've already done 50 chapters? Unbelievable! I'm gonna take a break...on a second note, I'm always on one...jokes aside, how is the plot going?

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