
Married to the Queen of Darkness

A cold-hearted Male Lead with a dead inside disease who finds his cure after meeting his ever so jolly and kind-hearted Female Lead. I bet you already find it too cliche! You've read a lot of that before, right??? How about you try this one instead? Let us do it the other way around... Born between the forbidden love of a god and a human, Demigod Nathalia Watson was forced to assume the role of maintaining the peace and order among creatures of the dark after her father, The Lord of Darkness decided to resign and finally elope with the love of his life. Nathalia's mom. "Is this some kind of family business? While some inherit a conglomerate and become CEO, I inherit the highest position in the underworld." Used to dealing business with the creatures of the dark, Nathalia had no choice but to be aloof and cold as an ice queen. Until the day come and Aiden Jones comes to her life. He was an optimistic and happy go lucky guy. No matter what life throws to him, he will face it with a bright smile. Will his sunny personality be capable of melting our ice queen? Would their predestined fate eventually alter their individual nature? A love that transcends heaven and hell; but how a typical mortal that used to mundane life would deal with it???? Will Aiden soon realize that he unknowingly married the Queen of Darkness and live happily ever after with her? ***pic's, not mine... Credit goes to the rightful owner

WolfsBane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
270 Chs


Nathalia carefully assisted Aiden as they walked and he was carried at one corner so he could rest.

When Aiden tried to look back at where he was previously standing, he saw that the high school girl ghost, Samara, was still left standing in front of Miguel.

She remained unmoved and so as Miguel.

<A n: If you guys have some time, I highly recommend playing the song "LET ME BE THE ONE" from this point onward, so it could add more vibe on scene.>

Both of their hands were still left in the same position and were hanging in the air as if they were actually touching each other.

Samara had a bright smile on her face but unfortunately, Miguel could not see that anymore.

He did not have any idea that his lover was currently smiling back at him, at that moment.

But nevertheless, the smile that he also had on his face was enough to show how overly delighted he was already.

Miguel also had his eyes closed and for some reason, he could not help but feel a little bit weird.

Because he could clearly feel that there was this cold sensation next to his palm.

If he would have to describe how exactly the sensation feels, it felt like his palm was placed next to an opening of a freezer.

"I will let you go, now."

Miguel said meekly under his breath.

And as soon as he said that, a tear ran down on his face., but he quickly wiped it away almost in an instant before he continued to speak his mind.

"I am so sorry for holding you back all this time. But please do remember that you will always have a special place here in my heart. You are the love of my life, Samara"

Miguel said in a broken voice as he tried his best to stop himself from sobbing.

Since Miguel could not exactly see Samara in her ghost form right now, he muttered it in the open air.

But Samara who was standing before him could hear him clearly and this was enough for the deceased soul to finally let go all her remaining sentiments in the mortal realm

This time, however, Miguel could no longer hold back his tears and it all now started to pour continuously from his eyes as if an open faucet.

His shoulders shuddered as he tried his best to weep as quiet as possible.

But unlike the tears that he used to shed before, these tears right now were tears of joy.

Joy for knowing that his Samara would now be able to be happy somewhere.

Although it also meant that she was going somewhere that he could not accompany her yet.

"Come on. We have to go now. You already took a lot of time more than what I was expecting."

Jace said as he extended his hand again to offer it to Samara.

This time, the high school girl ghost accepted his hand without a heavy heart.

Samara took one final glance to Miguel who apparently still had his left hand in the air and was smiling to no one else in particular.

Then lastly, she looked at Aiden's direction and smiled at him.

As if expressing her sincerest gratitude for helping the two of them reunite for one last time.

After that, she slowly disappeared out of thin air just like Jace. and the annoying ghost nurse.

"Are they all heading to the underworld now to receive their afterlife?"

Aiden asked Nathalia weakly.

"Yes. This would be their final goodbye. After they crossed the bridge of Life and Death, and forget about all their memories in this world, they would be judged accordingly to their past deeds here in your world when they were still alive. Then, based on that, their afterlife would be decided."

"Hmm... I see. So who does the decision making down there regarding which afterlife a deceased soul deserved???"

Aiden asked her out of curiosity but Nathalia only smirked at him first before she answered him back with an obvious glimmer in her pair of mesmerizing silver-grey eyes.

"Good thing that you asked about it now. Of course, it was us who would do that. So, when are you planning to go home with me, hubby???"

"HELL NO!!!"

Aiden blurted out and he instantly moved aside putting a safe distance between him and Nathalia.

Then with a sudden rush of his adrenaline, he managed to stand up as if he had never been weak a few seconds ago.

"I--I think I need to leave his place now, as well."

He added before he hurriedly made his way towards the office door.

Yet before Aiden could even reach out to touch the doorknob, the door burst open by itself and one after another, law enforcement officers came inside holding guns with their hands.

"Don't move! HANDS IN THE AIR!"

A voice sounded out from one of the newly arrived officers


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By the way,

to my Filipino readers out there, you can also try the Tagalog version of this book. Thank you!

Please do support my other book as well, Sorceress 101. If you could add it to your library, it would really mean a lot to me. Thanks!

Hi, my dearest readers.

Just so you know, this first ghost encounter of our couple was actually dedicated to my first boyfriend who passed away from a car accident, years ago.

I wish I had the same opportunity as Miguel had to say his farewell.

And there were nights where I used to picture myself talking with him the way Samara and Miguel talked to each other.


hehe. Just sharing my thoughts. LOLS!

By the way, keep safe everyone!

Especially to those who lived in the countries affected by the Covid 19.

Here in my country,(Philippines) we recently had the Covid19 outbreak and everyone was panicking.

Groceries kept on running low because people hoard supplies.

And community quarantines were being implemented one after another.

I have to take care of two elderlies because I lived with my grandparents.

There are only three of us here in our house so I have been really busy lately.

So pardon me if I was not able to update regularly.

WolfsBanecreators' thoughts