

***YEAR 2019***


<Inside Nathalia's room>

Five hours before midnight, on the same day when Aiden was tricked into becoming the sacrificial groom for the legendary Queen of Darkness


[Your highness, Please wake up. You have to prepare and get ready for your wedding.]

The talking owl said as it flew over and swooped down to her master's sleeping body.

"Five more minutes..."

Nathalia said with a groggy voice.

Then she rolled on the other side of her bed and switched her sleeping position.

Then to make sure that Hootie won't be able to disturb her on her sleep, Nathalia put a pillow over her sleepy head.

Hoping that this could help her get rid of the noise coming from her nagging pet


[But your highness, you have been saying that same excuse for more than an hour already! At this rate, you would definitely be going to run late on your own wedding!"


[We still need to curl your hair! Paint your nails! Scrub you clean and anoint you with rose oil!!!]

Hootie, the talking owl, said in a more urgent tone than before.

There were simply too many things in her mind that they needed to do before the wedding.

They were already running out of time, and yet the bride was still lazing around her bed.

"Leave me alone. I can do all those things with just a snap of my hand."

Nathalia said with a muffled voice since her head was still under her pillow.


[No! You can't do that, no magic! We have to prepare everything with our hearts. This was your wedding! You can only get married once in your life!]

"Oh, c'mon?! Can you please give it a rest??? If you are really that excited about that wedding, why don't you just go and marry that man for yourself instead??"

Unable to take Hootie's nagging anymore, Nathalia snapped back at her pet.

But she soon regretted doing it because it only made the remaining sleepiness in her body to leave altogether making her wide awake again...

"Ahhhrrrrgggg... I want to sleeeeeepppppp"


[But your highness, you have to get up now and prepare for your wedding. Your groom was already on his way to the venue and I will certainly won't marry no the man for you!]

Hootie declared with conviction


Nathalia did not expect that Hootie would actually take her last words in face value.


[Why would I marry a bare skin and featherless creature like that man??? I prefer those who have thick feathers that could warm my nest during cold nights...]

Hootie said in an almost squeaking yet sultry voice as she reimagined her ideal mate.


Nathalia left her pet to indulge herself in her own idealism.

While Hootie was still busy in her daydream, Nathalia quietly made her way to the bathroom to finally clean herself.

When Hootie finally recovered from her daze and saw that Nathalia's bed was empty, she started to panic right away.

Her imagination ran wild almost in an instant as she pictured out all kinds of scenarios in her silly little mind.


[Oh no!!! Your Highness?!! Where are you! Did she just run away??? Did she elope with someone else?? Did she jump off a building because she doesn't want to get married?? Where is she?? Where is she??!!!!! I have to find her!!!!!]

"Quit your nonsense, Hootie! I 'm on the bathroom taking a shower"

Nathalia's voice can be heard amidst the sound of running water in the bathroom


[Ohhh???? Is that so?? Very good.]

Hootie heaved a sigh of relief and reverted back to her calm self when she finally heard Nathalia's voice coming from the bathroom.

Just like what Hootie said, it was indeed Nathalia's wedding day.

Errr... I mean night.

It was a night wedding, after all

Considering that it would be held at exactly 12 midnight somewhere along a local graveyard

What a great venue for a wedding, right???

Great just great.

Nathalia could only roll her eyes whenever she was reminded about her wedding reception.

"Whoever was that jerk who thought about the idea of exchanging wedding vows at midnight and choosing a graveyard as a venue, I will screw him!"

Nathalia's eyes glowed in malice as she thought about the best wedding gift that she would gift her husband on their first meeting.

"To hell with my wedding planner as well, whoever he is! Since you loved to think out of the box, I'll definitely make sure to gift you with the nicest box!"

Nathalia said in gritted teeth as she scrubbed herself more.


[Your Highness, please hurry up... don't get late on your own wedding.]

It has not been five minutes yet since Nathalia entered her bathroom but she could already hear her pet, Hootie, nagging at her again.

"Gosh! Hootie! It's my wedding, not yours. Why are you more excited than me??? Don't worry about me getting late. That wedding won't start without me, trust me. I'm the bride remember?? I'll surely won't run late. So relax."

To get herself free from her nagging pet, Nathalia decided to give Hootie something else to do.

"Hootie, why don't you check that guy for me??? Then tell me how he looked like "


[Roger that!]

Hootie said with a salute then with a puff, the talking owl vanished in thin air leaving nothing but a faint whiff of black smoke.

"That's more like it."

Nathalia said to herself when she confirmed that Hootie was no longer around. Most likely heading towards the graveyard where her groom was waiting for her.

To be honest, Nathalia was also curious to know how the other party looked like.

Little did she know that she and her groom already had their first encounter, 24 years ago.

Although Aiden that time was still a fetus yet. Since his mother was still carrying him on her womb, that time.

Aiden and his mom were actually the same mother and child that Nathalia saved in the past.

The case of a missing soul that Nathalia Watsons made by mistake in her first day of being the Queen of Darkness back then.

The Angel of Death had already claimed the first missing soul when Aiden's mother died and it was still out for a hunt for the other missing soul.

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