
Married to the Queen of Darkness

A cold-hearted Male Lead with a dead inside disease who finds his cure after meeting his ever so jolly and kind-hearted Female Lead. I bet you already find it too cliche! You've read a lot of that before, right??? How about you try this one instead? Let us do it the other way around... Born between the forbidden love of a god and a human, Demigod Nathalia Watson was forced to assume the role of maintaining the peace and order among creatures of the dark after her father, The Lord of Darkness decided to resign and finally elope with the love of his life. Nathalia's mom. "Is this some kind of family business? While some inherit a conglomerate and become CEO, I inherit the highest position in the underworld." Used to dealing business with the creatures of the dark, Nathalia had no choice but to be aloof and cold as an ice queen. Until the day come and Aiden Jones comes to her life. He was an optimistic and happy go lucky guy. No matter what life throws to him, he will face it with a bright smile. Will his sunny personality be capable of melting our ice queen? Would their predestined fate eventually alter their individual nature? A love that transcends heaven and hell; but how a typical mortal that used to mundane life would deal with it???? Will Aiden soon realize that he unknowingly married the Queen of Darkness and live happily ever after with her? ***pic's, not mine... Credit goes to the rightful owner

WolfsBane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
270 Chs


Clark and Aiden walked together down the hallway, side by side.

Yet they never spoke a single word with another.

Likewise, the other fraternity boys who also came to fetch them in the hospital that day remained silent as well

It was as if all of them were all put under a silent spell and everyone mysteriously turned mute for no reason.

They all walked down the hallway without making any noise at all.

The only sound that could be heard in the hospital was the sound of their own footsteps as they made their way towards the exit.

The silence was unnerving and it made them feel like they were the only ones alive inside the hospital.

There was not even a single patient, nor a nurse that could be seen walking around the area.

It was only when they were already halfway towards the exit did someone finally decided to break the silence.

"It seemed that this hospital does not seem to have that many patients, aye? If not of its spotless corridors, I might think that we were in an abandoned hospital instead"

One of the frat boys said with an attempt to strike up a conversation with the other man that was walking next to him.

The frat boy who just spoke had a very common face. And he looked just like a typical fraternity member.

With his heavily tattooed body as if someone doodle all over him out of boredom, he could easily pass off for those hooligans that could usually be seen in the movies

Meanwhile, the man who was closest to him picked his ear first before replying

"Mike, your observation is pretty much obvious. "

The other party said with a voice full of sarcasm.

It was not as if they could not see it for themselves how the place looked like???

Mike was just basically stating an obvious fact!

There was not even a single patient nor nurses that could be seen loitering around the area.

The hospital indeed looked quiet and empty, that it was almost no different from an abandoned one

"Is this hospital usually as dull as this?"

Another frat boy with a bald head and bulky body asked Clark out of curiosity.

Among them, Clark was the one who spent most of his time inside that hospital ever since Aiden got admitted.

Since he was usually the one who stayed to accompany Aiden in his sick room

That was why, if there would be someone who would be most familiar about that hospital, that should be him.

Everyone aside from Aiden turned their heads towards Clark to wait for his response.

Due to the nature of their organization, it was only normal to say that they have been into many hospitals before already.

Yet so far, this was their first encounter with a hospital as eerie as the one that they were currently at.

"Hmm... I am not quite sure why it was so silent today. But it was not normally like this."

Clark touched the tip of his nose before he said that.

Then with a smug smile on his face, he shrugged his shoulder and walked a little ahead from the rest of the group.

Despite his slightly haggard look due to his baggy eyes, Clark still did not forget to put some air and act cool in front of his other acquaintances.

It was so rare for Clark to see his other fraternity associates being bothered about something trivial as that.

So for someone who was undeniably fond of posing and showing off in front of others, it was no surprise that Clark would be going to take advantage of this hard to come by opportunity to put himself on a pedestal.

He would never allow for such a great opportunity to easily slipped past him just like that.

Besides, it was not like that Clark was entirely bluffing it at all.

It was indeed a fact that he was already used to walking within those same corridors. After all, he had been staying there for more than a week already

So although the hospital was exceptionally quiet and a bit eerie that day, Clark was not bothered even in the least about it.


It was the sound of the elevator door opening.

There was no one who went out of the elevator, it was empty.

Most importantly there was no one outside the who called for an elevator on that floor.

Yet strangely enough, the elevator stopped on their floor and opened its door.

No one held the door open, yet it never closed as if it was waiting for them to hop in.

At some point, it was a little spooky to see an elevator delivering itself to your floor. But nevertheless, Aiden's group still took that same elevator.

After all, there was no point waiting for the next elevator going down if there was already one waiting for them.

Besides, this works to their advantage as well. It was not as if they were willing to take the stairs from the 6th floor going down to the ground floor.

That it was you could call foolish, if ever.

Since the elevator seemed to be waiting for them already, they just decided to pick their pace so as they could ride the elevator down to the ground floor.

Clark was the one who first reached the elevator and as soon as he entered the elevator, he immediately pressed the button that would bring them all the way down to the ground floor.

Aiden and the others also followed after him and with all five of them inside, the elevator looked a little cramped.

"Close the door already"

The frat boy who goes with the name of Mike urged Aiden since he was the one who stood closest to the buttons.

Of course, Aiden did as he was being told and pressed the button for closing the door at once.

Yet the elevator door never closed!


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By the way,

to my Filipino readers out there, you can also try the Tagalog version of this book. Thank you!

Please do support my other book as well, Soceress 101. If you could add it to your library, it would really mean a lot to me. Thanks!

Hello, my dearest readers.

I'm sorry if I was not able to update yesterday. As I have told you last time, I am still sick.

That was why I could barely produce chapters nowadays since I badly needed some good rest

But to make it up to you guys, I will be releasing another chapter before the end of this day.

Thank you for your patience and of course, for all of the support.

LOVE LOTS!!! *^____^*

WolfsBanecreators' thoughts