
I & E

Irene woke with one arm wrapped around her waist. She turned so she could see the man sleeping next to her. She was used to the beauty of ancient demons, but his hair she never got used to. How could someone not only look alright but beautiful with blue hair? 

His hair was aqua blue and wavy, just like the ocean. Even his eyes didn't fascinate her as much as how his hair looked good on him. 

Pushing his hair back, she touched his face. His lips curved up slightly, but his eyes remained shut. He hated to wake up. He would always ask her to stay a little longer and a little longer would become much longer. 

"Don't you want to get up today as well?" She asked. 

He shook his head slightly. 

"You people will think I am making you lazy." She said. 

"When did I ever care about what they think?" He said, drawing her closer. 

"I don't want them to dislike me." 

He opened his eyes. "Who would dare?" 

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