
Married To My Fiance's Uncle: Wreck Of Hearts

Angeline Sosa is a sweet and caring middle class girl who falls in love with a rich young master of a wealthy and powerful family. On the eve of their wedding, a fateful accident shatters all her dreams. Her fiance died. When she becomes the target of her would be mother- in- law's wrath and hatred, forced by circumstances beyond her control, she's forced to ask for help from her deceased fiance's uncle:Davian Calderon, a cold, mysterious and powerful man who wields the power of the family and has always strive for perfection. He conditioned her to marry him in exchange for his protection. Will he be able to accept a wife who doesn't love him? Will Angeline be able to move on from the memories of her first love and accept her new husband? What will happen when her fiance returns alive. Who will she choose; her first love who she still harbors feelings for or her husband who will do anything for her?

Monica_Aryee_7983 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

B City

A beautiful young woman strolled leisurely in an an antique shop, looking for what to buy.

Outside the shop, a handsome young man in designer casual wear stepped out of a white Lamborghini car, attracting the attention of passer-bys.

He has the flashy air of a rich boy from a wealthy family and coupled with his handsome face, he instantly made the hearts of the women around to flutter.

He walked into the shop and was warmly welcomed by the owner. Seeing his appearance, the owner knew he was a rich customer and didn't hesitate to fawn over him. Enthusiastically showing him his best and expensive products.

The young man looked around the store with a bored expression. He thought he could find something interesting here but nothing seemed to have piqued his interest until his eyes landed on her.

At the other end of the shop, stood a beautiful woman wearing a yellow dress embroidered with many colorful flowers. Her long curly hair spread over her shoulders. She wanted to get an item from the shelf but is a little too short for her to reach it and thus was struggling on her feet.

A fleeting smile appeared on his face seeming to have found something interesting. He slowly made his way towards her. Angeline tiptoed on her heels as she struggled to reach the dreamcatcher armlet on the top shelf. Just as her hand almost reached it, another hand took it from the shelf.

Angeline turned her gazed to find a tall, strapping young man standing in front of her. He had thick black eyebrows and shape dark eyes. His blond hair has been styled with hair gel. There's a black diamond stud in his pierced left ear, which adds a bit of sexy charm. A playful smile hang on his lips. Angeline looked at this good looking man and was a little dazed.

Seeing the girl look at him with a smitten expression, Adonis felt happy. At least this good looking face of his can be put into good use. "Oh, what an interesting object. I like it". Hearing his voice, Angeline snapped out of her daze and quickly tried to grab back the dreamcatcher from his hand

"It's mine. I saw it first", she declared.

Smiling, Adonis raised his hand higher, evading her hand.

"Oh but I got it first. Since it's in my hand then it belongs to me"

" Nonsense. I was obviously got here first." retorted Angeline.

She glared angrily at him and felt more upset seeing his happy face.

He seems to be enjoying toying with her plight. "You're being a bully here". She spoke angrily.

Adonis sized her up and the laughed," Blame yourself for being too short".

"You... you...you..."

Angeline wanted to retort but she has no words to counterattack. She wasn't that short. It just that he is too tall.

Seeing neither of them willing to back down, the shop keeper tried to intervene,"Miss, why don't you just give it up. I have a....."

"Stay out of it!". Both of them shouted at the shopkeeper at the same time shocking him. They looked at each other in surprise. "I think you should really give it up." said Adonis.

"You wish." Angeline spat.

She wouldn't have left home if she knew she'll come this bully here. Knowing she can't have it, Angeline resolutely stepped on the latter's foot and turned to leave. Adonis whimpered in pain.

He laughed and whispered" So fierce. Interesting".

He quickly paid for the dreamcatcher and chased after her. He called after her but Angeline ignored him even after he offered to give her back the item. Angeline just said she doesn't need it anymore. Ignoring him, she got on the bus to leave. Unwilling to give up, Adonis quickly got into his luxury car and started to follow the bus.

When they got stuck in traffic, he stood up in his car and started begging Angeline to listen to him.

" Hey beautiful, I'm sorry for what happened earlier. Please forgive me for my rude behavior earlier okay."

Angeline who sitting by the window looked at this arrogant yet persistent stranger and her anger dissipated into thin air. The people in the bus looked at the scene and assumed that they were having a lovers quarrel. They all started asking her to forgive her boyfriend.

Angeline tried to explain that she didn't know him but no one believes her words. A beautiful woman and a handsome man. A match made in heaven. Such words made Angeline's face to turn red.

Looking at earnest gaze of Adonis, a small smile crept up on her face. She bit her lip and finally spoke, "Alright. It's okay I've forgiven you. Can you please stop doing this. It's embarrassing". she whispered the last words.

Adonis smile,"Then please have this. If you accept it then I'll believe that you truly forgiven me."

Angeline felt like slapping the smile off his face but in the end she still stretched out her hand through the window to get the dreamcatcher from him.

Before he could say anything else, the traffic light turned green and the bus speed away. Adonis sat back in his car and laugh at his crazy antics just now.

Today was a great day for him. He came to this city for a business trip and has already found something interesting." You didn't even tell me your name" he mumbled before driving off.