
Chapter 330 HAZEL'S BIRTHDAY 2

        During the time of the evening, I and Alex welcomed the guests as they all stepped into the mansion. That includes just our family members, my family, and his present family. Though I still wondered how he came up with this little party even if he hated parties and doesn't attend any. His facial expression gave out everything, he was disgusted by their faces.

        "Stop frowning Alex, you'd scare them away don't forget you invited them anyway." My words came as whispers just for the two of us to hear. Alex mustered a smile immediately holding my hands in his as we welcomed them in. I was more than pleased seeing him this way, this proves my years of talks were working.

         It's not easy taming a billionaire, especially a stubborn one who kills at any given time. Alex is different from the regular ones I've seen, he's a special type. "Ah, Mr. And Mrs. Wilson, it's so nice to see you again." We both frowned at the people standing before us. For some reason I didn't want to see them again, Uncle Gabriel still held the lustful gaze he always held towards me and that made me uncomfortable.

        "Please let them in, Alex, I invited them over cause they wanted to see you both." Mother said from behind gesturing her hands and they both step in with their son to greet her. He was a handsome little boy and I doubt he was uncle Gabriel's son cause he looked nothing like the man but had little features of his mother.

         "I still don't know why mother invited uncle Gabriel over, I'm not comfortable with him around." I said to the man beside me, "Why not, he can't harm you at least not anymore." He said. "I know but..." I paused and decided not to say anything further, besides it was time to make the welcoming speech since all of our guests were not complete. "Thanks for attending my party today, it's a pleasure having you all here," I said for everyone to cheer for me.

        I went ahead to talk with mum and dad, it's been a long I saw them both. I hugged them after having greeted them, "I miss you both so much." I said, "We miss you too my baby, how have you been, you don't look so well." Mum said passing her thumb across my eyes. "That's cause I'm pregnant." Mum stared at me with wide eyes, dad looked unfazed by my words even if I know deep down he was surprised too.

        I had to inform them about my condition, they were going to find out anyway. "I hope my son knows about this?" Dad asked and I nodded to his words, he loved Alex like a son, even though I didn't see their relationship coming. "Congratulations my dear." He said hugging me. "Do you know what gender it is love?" Mum asked curiously.

         "It's obviously a girl, they tend to consume all of their mother's beauty growing to be even more beautiful than she was," Dad responded stating the obvious. But I hoped this stubborn baby wouldn't steal all of my beauty even if Alex would still love me the way I am.

          "Please don't say this to anyone, Alex and I have decided to keep it secrete till we settle the issues with his family." They both nodded at my words. "My dear Nessa, you look so good now." Uncle Gabriel approached us, "I'm sorry who are you?" I and father stared at each other before starting back at her. We both had a questionable look on our faces, mine was how she was unable to recognize this man, and maybe Dad's gaze might be about who he was.

         "Oh, Vanessa, don't tell me you do not recognize me anymore?" He asked as if worried about her. His innocent words irritated me more than ever, "if she doesn't know who you are uncle Gabriel then she doesn't, leave her alone." I raised my voice a bit attracting the gazes of everyone. Seeing him talk to mum once more reminded me of our past together, the past my brain tried to hide cause the pain was unbearable.

        "Alright no hard feelings dear, I'll leave you alone." He raised his hands as if surrendering before leaving. "Who's he?" Dad asked. "He's my stepfather's brother dad, he frowned slightly but tried to cover it up. Mum not recognizing who uncle Gabriel was, was disturbing, I was scared her sickness was back. " has she been alright lately dad, it's unusual for her not to recognize him?" I asked a bit scared.

           She's fine my love, when she recovered, some memories were lost, luckily, you and I were not a part of such memory, that's why we didn't notice she lost some memories." He said patting my shoulders and I nodded at his words, feeling a bit relieved.

          I only left their side when Carie took me away. Avery didn't attend the party, it was obvious she was still upset with us, or I spoke too soon cause she walked in through the door in an elegant price dress that had glitters attached to them.

        She smiled beautifully as she approached me, "Happy birthday Hazel." She handed her gift over to me, and the shock on my face as well as everyone present at the event the previous night was evident. She was the last person we all expected to see, "Don't be like this, I'm upset with my brother not his wife and children. You all did nothing to me." She smiled and I returned it even if it was forced. "Thank you, Avery." We hugged each other.

         Was it possible for her to suddenly act this way, even if just the previous night, according to Alex she jad sworn to take revenge? I was yet to believe her, or may I say her fake apologies.

         We all had dinner together, laughed, merry, everyone brought out their really expensive gifts including my triplets. A birthday song was sung for me, I felt so happy and elated. Everyone made me feel so special and I was grateful for that.

        After dinner, I escorted Mum and Dad out of the mansion glad they both had fun. It was understandable why grandma couldn't attend my birthday, but she made a gift for me and that was most appreciated. Great Grandma sent her gift too though mother and I loved it too. It's funny how the most hated and criticized daughter-in-law becomes the most loved of them all. Maybe cause I didn't have a rival or anyone to compete with, Alex was the only heir, but I hope not to treat my daughter inlaws the same way I was treated.

        Everyone might not be as strong as Hazel to endure all of those tortures mentally. I stepped back into the mansion and back to my party which was still very much ongoing, I sat next to Alex at the table. It was obvious he didn't enjoy the party but only stayed cause it was my birthday.

        "I heard from Carie that Camela is one of the women chosen to get married to you," I said to him noticing her gaze on him every now and then. "Was she? I can't recall anyone of them since I met you." He said and my cheeks flushed. He's proven to me countless times how much he loves me and I didn't doubt his words even if the seed of jealousy is in every man. "Don't mind Alex and his wife, most times they start one of their love acts and forget they're not in their room." Mother said it out loud, loud enough for everyone to hear and I blushed even more.

       She spoke to Camela whose eyes now shifted to mine, she smiled but I didn't return it. I didn't like her previously cause she was married to uncle Gabriel, but now I had a better reason. She's Alex's ex, exes almost took my life before and I'm not taking such chances anymore.

          "Anyways Mr. Wilson, it was nice seeing you today, I guess we could have a little talk the next time we meet." Uncle Gabriel stood up with his final greetings and left with his wife and kid. We were now left with our present family, Avery hasn't looked in Alex's way prior her arrival.

         I had to excuse myself to pee, whatever differences we had would be talked about once I'm back. The awkward silence at the table was quite alarming.

         I headed to our room to pee and got out once I was done with that. While walking through the hallways I felt like someone followed me, but when I turned around, there was no one in sight. Immediately a cold wind passed me and I shivered, with quick steps I found my way out of the hallways to the stairs. It's the first time I've had this eerie feeling In the mansion like danger lurked around.

         Two steps down the stairs, I felt a hand push me and my feet lost it's balance...