
Unveiling the Past, Challenging the Present

A young woman in her early twenties landed from a plane at 2 p.m. She was dressed in a gown that completely covered her shoulders and flowed down into an elegantly draped neckline. Her arms had been fully covered. She wears peep-toes and, to top it off, a simple but stylish hat and several jewel bracelets. She was also wearing glasses. Her makeup was lightly patted.


When she looked up, she noticed a young woman in her early twenties waving at her. Her dearest friend was there. They have known each other since grade school. She is 5'4 tall and wore a modest, plain white dress with a brown handbag in her left hand and kitten heels. It's been a long time since they've seen each other.

Her friend approached her and hugged her.

"I miss you so much," Ivy murmured as she hugged her.

Ivy takes the day off from work after learning that she will be returning today. She is aware no one will pick her up because she did not inform her family. If her father found out, he would have her returned by force.

"I miss you even more."

They pulled away from each other.

"Let's take a taxi."

Every eye was on the two of them. Moira draws the most attention wherever she goes. She despises unwanted attention and even insulted a guy who expressed his affection for her.


They held their hands and went to the taxi stand.

Moira was driven to Ivy's house in a cab. The house appears to be spectacular from the outside. It is made of wheat-colored bricks and features bluestone embellishments. Tall, broad windows let enough light into the residence and have been fitted symmetrically. The roof is trapezoidal and tall, although one side is longer than the other, and is covered in gray wood shingles. One little smokestack protrudes from the center of the roof. A few small, round windows provide adequate lighting for the rooms beneath the roof.

The house is surrounded by a little garden that is largely grass with a few flower patches and a small pond.

"Wow, this house has not changed."

Ivy grinned and took out her key to unlock the door.

Moira sat down on the chair as they arrived.

They entered inside, and Moira sat down on the chair.

"I am exhausted," she muttered as she rested her head on the chair.

"How was your time in the UK?" she asked as she sat on the chair facing Moira.

"It was all right,"

"Is that what you're going to say?"

"What exactly do you expect me to say?" she said. "I am hungry," she murmured as she rubbed her tummy.

Moira rose and entered the kitchen.

"Do you have anything that I can eat?" Moira stated as she opened the fridge, which was discovered to be empty. There were only alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available.

"Why the fuck is your fridge empty?"

"You know I can't cook," she remarked as she approached Moira and placed her hand on Moira's shoulder. "So you need to cook since you're hungry," she explained.

"So you haven't cooked in the years I've been in the UK?" she exclaimed, stunned.

"I never cook; I either order food or have one of my co-worker friends cook for me, but her food isn't particularly tasty," she explained. She approached Moira's face and whispered. "But I never tell her that in order not to offend her."

Moira shook her head and glanced at her.

Moira looked at her and shook her head.

"What can I do with you?"

"I love you," she said as she blew a kiss toward Moira.

"I don't love you, though."

"I know you do."

Moira went grocery shopping and returned to begin cooking. They began eating two hours later, once she finished preparing.

"As always, your food is delicious."

She eats cheerfully.

"You really should learn how to cook."

"You know why I'm not learning how to cook," she explained as she looked at her food.

"Even so, it is a life skill to learn," Moira said. "You can't just decide not to learn because of what happened."

Ivy sets her spoon down and looks at Moira.

"What happened was a life-changing event," she declared. "You can't just expect me to forget it."


"Are you able to forget what happened to your mother? Are you able to forget what your father did?" She remarked this as she paused for a moment to observe Moira's silence. "You can't; isn't that why you came back? To discover the truth,"

"You are correct; I will never forget it. I apologize." Moira said it in an apologetically tone.

"You don't need to apologize," she pointed out. "That's one reason I don't want to learn; another is that my hand is good for making clothes."

Moira laughs as Ivy picks up her spoon and begins to eat.

"Can you let me stay here tonight?" Moira stated.

"No, go home; I'm sure your family knows you've returned."

"And so what?" She asked while she ate.

"Go home and put your family in an awkward situation, as you know best."

Moira burst out laughing. She understands that she should return home so that her family will feel uncomfortable with her.

Moira informed Ivy that she would contact her when she got home after supper. When she returns home, her father summons her to see him.

"I think it's about time we met after you abandoned me in the UK," she thought.

Moira went to her father's office to see him. He was a tall man who stood facing the window.

"Dad, you called me."

"Why did you come home?" He said. "I thought I told you; if I need you here, I will call you." He continued, his gaze fixed on the window.

"It will be 1,000 years before you send for me," she thought.

"I came home because I miss my family," she explained, crossing her hands.

"Go back; I will book another plane ticket for you."

"I'm not leaving; it's my mother's house, and I have every right to be here."

Moira's father gazed at her. His brow was furrowed, and his cheeks were flushed with rage.

"If your mother is still alive, I am sure she will be furious at you for your attitude."

"I believe my mother will be proud of me because she must be regretting marrying you, who married her best friend two months after she was murdered." Moira explained, her face flushed.

She attempted to contain her compulsion and not give too much away.

"I have a rea-,"

She did not give him the opportunity to speak and simply left the office. She slammed the door as she walked away.

She passed Jake, her stepbrother, on her way to her room.

As she was going to her room, she saw Jake, who was her stepbrother. He was on her way.

"Why are you blocking me?"

"It's been ten years; have you missed me?"

Moira sighed.

"Do you know what I miss? I miss hitting you on your d*ck."


Jake closed his leg tight and was very pissed.

"So are you going to leave my way or should I hit you there?"

"You," he said as he let Moira pass.

Jake tried to r*pe Moira, but with Moira's strength, he ended up getting beaten by her. She forced him to strip naked, pose for a photo, and post it on Facebook. Moira was sent to the UK as a result of that incident; they used that incident to get rid of Moira.

Moira entered her room.

Her stepmother walks into her room a few minutes later.

"You're back, but you won't see me."

"Why should I bother seeing you?" she said, as she was removing her outer clothes. "Do I have a relationship with you?"

"You bitch, "she said, looking at Moira. "There will be a party tonight, so wear this dress to the party."

Moira examined the dress, which was quite short.

"I should wear this dress?" Moira asked, pointing to the dress.

"Yes, you should wear it."

"I will see how you will be so embarrassed," her stepmother murmured as she exist the room.

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