
Start of the Life

A week later after there wedding ceremony Nick and Mika started there new life as couple. Mika however still studying even if she's already married to Nick, but Nick is still acting liak a single that he always play online games he doesn't cares to anyone when his playing game. Thus Mika is already approved with that kind of manners since they don't have a child yet. Nicks parent were so hastily want Nick to find job since his married but Nick is illiterate that he just know of playing games . The problem started Nick just rely on his parents money and everything, Nick didn't think of this first before entering into marriage. Without thinking Nick didn't realize it at all he just does things unconsciously without knowing the result or the outcome of what he done. Thus ha have strong fate to Mika that they will overcome any problems they will encounter in there life as a couple. Nick started thinking of where he can get income or salary he just think that his parents will give anything he wants, but his parents told him that your not single anymore Nick your married we cant grant you what you want if you don't know how to get it. Nick told hes parents that he want a job or anything that i can get salary from his parents in that case Nick work in his own parents.

Nick can live with that with that thing working in his own parents. his parents trying to help him to be more prepared and matured in future for his coming children that will en able you to him to be more responsible. While Mika is still studying while Nick is currently working to his parents for a better. The better life for the couple the better the future for them but doesn't mean they're done already and problems always escalate to our lives. Nick got bored of working and he feels tired because his habit is always playing online games that will able him ti have fun but that isn't his life now that hes already married even if they don't have children yet. Life always escalate where people meant to cross path. Nick regrets his decision but he cannot leave his commitment and his family because he cannot live alone without help of his parents. Naturally Mika didn't let Nick bother his studying as life continues every day towards tomorrow. Life continues as Nick struggle in his current state being illiterate and working in his own parents to earn salary for Nick is burden because of his habits playing games. Mika is not hesitating n making her own goal to finish studying even hes married by Nick. Nicks family is supporting Mika for there couple future. Thus Mika is so persestent for their future she didnt regret that shes married with Nick as long as Nick loves her.