

Before you read this tale I wish to tell you why this was written.

In my Junior year of High school, we had to write a story about a physical trait of our body, like freckles, the color of our hair, moles, etc.

I had decided to write a fantasy story about the 3 small moles on my face. That traveled from my eye to my chin. To me, it resembles the constellation, Orion's Belt. So i had an idea to write about how the stars were once beings in our sky that were fascinated with our world, and how we lived. They even had put roots down and would start cities and kingdoms throughout history.

It takes place in the medieval era with the threat of war. The opposing kingdoms ruled by the Sun and Moon send messengers to the last neutral kingdom in hopes they will join a side. This is about those 2 messengers. A knight, loyal to his King and A lady of the court, a star wishing to help her queen.

What will happen on their journey?

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