

How did the world change so fast? At first humans were living peacefully with their normal lives, back then there was not much of what we call different races, subclasses and other things that separates mankind today. I think it has been about 500 years today since the highest mountain in the world Mt.Everest erupted but funny enough, instead of hot, red larva flowing out of the mountain, it was green larva and green gas burst out wich went up and formed what we call today The Moving Clouds. -- Mark is not a vampire like his father and not a white mage like his mother, what is he? He has a book given to him by his mother and that book contains one part of a system. The other part of the system is owned by the Grand Master of Magic City. When the system is separated into two wich means it has two hosts, then they both are destined to face each other so that only one host can contain the whole system and unlock it's full power. But mark is only a student in a school full of different subclasses and races with different abilities. How will he grow through his challenges as the chosen one in the prophecy? Am sorry for the poor cover. I will generate a better one in the future. This story is really great just try it. It will get better as more chapters are released and as I gain more experience. Is it comedy you are looking for? It is included. Is it a magical world? It is included. Is it romance? Yes it is found in there. It gets better when Arthur wants to go against the Grand Master.

Divi_Chris_2233 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs


Two people were seen facing each other while standing in a fighting stance .

Mark activated mana steal and decided to give out a punch and it was blocked by Dragon Flames but it never mattered because Mark had achieved what he wanted.

" That was not a punch now take this." Dragon Flames gave out a punch if his own.

Mark had already seen this attack thanks to his penetration skill, so he could easily avoid the attack but he allowed it to touch him, also he made sure the damage was minimal.

The fight continued and the longer it continued, Dragon Flames was feeling that something was wrong.

He could not pinpoint what was wrong since he was not using his ability at that moment.

The fight continued and tho this match was so boring, everyone wanted to see the winner and Dragon Flames had the lead because he had more HP than that of Mark.

The fight went on for sometime and Mark checked his system and he saw that he had already stolen 54 mana points and it kept increasing.

' Just how much does he have?' Was the question in Mark's mind.

" You are fighting quite well and your fighting looks familiar. it reminds me of the vampires. Are you one of them?" Dragon Flames asked because he didn't know the person behind the character Gon Heart.

" I don't know what I am." Mark replied.

This came as a supprise to Dragon Flames but he just ignored it and kept quiet, assuming that Mark never wanted to speak about himself.

After a while, Dragon Flames suddenly stopped fighting and he took a step back.

" Something feels wrong." Dragon Flames tried to activate his ability but the flames that appeared on his palms were dim and smaller as compared to before.

Immidiately Dragon Flames looked at Mark with an expression full of shock, confusion and anger.

" What have you done to me?" He asked.

Mark couldn't help but smile as looked in his system and saw 80 Flame Mana Points.

" You cheater. You said that all abilities should be kept aside and you did not. I can't believe I was tricked by you." Said Dragon Flames.

" Everything is fair in love and war. I am sorry it is only a temporal problem your ability will return back to normal soon." Mark replied.

Dragon Flames knew that those words were not true because to use all of your mana points and for your mana points to be stolen were two different things.

He could easily meditate for some time in a hot environment and his mana would return after a few hours, but this was a hort dry land and he could not feel his mana returning.

And this only meant one thing, that he had to take years of training and meditating for his ability to return back to what it once was.

Mark activated flames in his hands and burnt his opponent down till his HP was zero.

The whole VR world had been shaken that day and the news had quickly spread out about a certain character called Gon Heart who's ability had defied all the odds of a VR contest.

A VR fight was made in such a way that what ever happened in there did not affect you in real life.

But Dragon Flames had lost his ability in real life and that too his career as a VR fighter.

Everyone one watched the video over and over again. Including the company wich created the game.

No one ever understood what was going on

and everyone was eager to meet this Gon Heart in person for their personal reasons.

Some wanted to question, some wanted to learn, others wanted to praise and some others wanted critisize but two men felt as to kill.

As for one wich was Dragon Flames who happened to be the son of one of the Elders of Magic City, obviously wanted to take revenge.

But the other man was none other than the Grand Master himself. He paused the video and thought to himself.

' Gon Heart huh? So he finally activated the system and he had the gods to use his title in public.

That is a real give away to those who know about it.

But not to bother tho, what can they do about it?

I will love to meet him in person and reap the crystal right off his chest.

I Can't Wait for the time when I will unite the system and unlock it's full power.

Then My title will change from Dra Heart to

Dra Gon Heart.'

" Master your coffee is ready."

The Grand Master's thoughts were interrupted by a maid carrying a cup of coffee.

" Keep it on the table." said the Grand Master.

" It has been done. Now I will love to take my leave your Majesty."

" Wait.. Tell me how do I look in my new hairstyle?" The Grand Master asked the maid.

This question came as a supprise to her because she had never seen before, the Grand Master being this cheerful since his daughter left the palace.

" You look handsome and young your Majesty"

The maid replied.

" How young?"

" You look like you are just forty years old your majesty."

" Hahaha of course I may look young but I am hundreds of years old. can't even keep track of my age anymore.

Today I Celebrate my future victories." The Grand Master said as he took the cup of coffee and lifted it up like he was making a toss before he drank it and asked to maid to leave.

' He has finally lost it. Since his daughter left he had been behaving strangely.' The maid thought.

Mark remained in the VR machine and he tried not to scream as his bones were breaking and forming back again. He was currently leveling up.

When it was over, he left the VR center and he discovered that it was getting late and he hurried back to their dorm room and when he opponened the door, he found Baylas crying on her bed.

" Where were you Author, we have been searching for you everywhere. " james said.

" I was at the VR center. What is wrong why is Kayla crying.... I mean Baylas why is she... he crying?" Asked Mark.

" Stop stammering Mark, we already know the secret."

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I am deeply sorry for the slow updates. I am also working on my new novel called.

Slave Boy with Magic Powers.

It has a good update schedule so I am concentrating more on it but that doesn't mean I have forgotten about you all.