

After his undeserving death on Earth, Mark found himself kneeling in front of three floating figures. They sat on a yellow lotus in a meditative position.

They had an outlook of a yogi, stared at him with sage eyes.

He read their expression and made a humble gesture, "Hello!"

The three smiled and tapped their legs at the same time. The lotus floated down and landed opposite Mark.

"Surprisingly a Calm one, aren't you?" asked the one in the center.

"Usually, the Spirits we met before always made a scene. So it feels refreshing to meet spirits like you!" said the one on the left.

"Umm… Spirits?" Mark asked.

"Yeah. Observing your reaction, I can assume that you already know that you have died and have accepted the fact. Don't you?" the Middle one spoke again.

Mark took a moment and asked, " Am I in hell or heaven?"

"Well, neither. You are in a special dimension." They replied.

Mark took a glance at the background and focused on them again.

One on the center had an aged outlook, of someone in his 60's as did the others, with a Short beard and silver hair covering most of their face. The only noticeable features were his green eyebrows and deep black pupils. The other two had the same features but looked different.

"So why am I here, If not for hell or heaven?" Mark spoke with respect added to his tone.

"Well, I already guessed that you aren't the type who enjoys a conversation, so I'll get to the point."

"But for your better understanding, I'll start from who we are and what we do!"

"We are from the race called Fate Whisper. And what we do, is guard and maintain Core Planet left behind by a High God who left the realm to ascend into the Void of the Unknown. As for the Earth, where you come from is one of the core planets left behind by a High God for whom which the three of us serve."

"As the Beings of Fate Whisper, normally we are responsible for the aboriginal species to maintain its predestined path in any planet left behind a High God. And that's our destiny!"

"Predestined Path?" Mark tried to pry more information.

The middle one ignored his question but continued his speech.

"We protect the realm from outside threats as well as from the inside. I can't go into detail, but the reason for your death is to create a butterfly effect and save a possible mishap from happening that could've changed or altered the species' predestined path. Do you understand?" the middle one asked.

Mark had an amused expression. He looked at the Whispers eye and spoke.

"Yes, I get it! So what happens to me now?" he replied without any hint of anger or nervousness in his voice.

"Since your fate was wiped out before reaching its end. You have repelled from the High God's Six paths Reincarnation cycle."

"In our Fate Whisper race, it is forbidden to wipe out someone's fate before reaching its end. unless we present the fate's owner with a Free Will Fate."

"And so, we pulled your Soul-Spirit from disintegrating and brought you here." Mark looked at them silently.

The three Fate Whispers looked at each other and continued.

"So now we leave two choices with you. What do you want to do? Do you want to live here? Here small communities exist with people like you living a full-filled life! They will take you in, and you can live your life happily forever without any mortal worries." The middle one said.

"So, This is basically heaven!" Mark replied.

"In a sense, you can call it heaven!" the middle one replied.

"And what's the other option?" Mark was intrigued.

"We will give you a ride to the Unbound Plane and leave your fate weave new threads, end of the story."

"I cannot reveal any details as it might alter your fate," as Mark thought of inquiring further, but the middle one shut him down.

"So, what will be your choice then, Mark?"

Mark felt nervous. Suddenly he was left with a choice concerning his fate. All the emotions contained inside screamed at him to pick his stay here. He could envision life after the Fate Whisper mentioned something about the Mortal Worries.

Mark had a high IQ on earth, so he could guess a lot more than any average person could about the life they could have here.

It's probably the wisest choice.

After all, he went through on earth. This could be a much better life only if the fate whispers didn't lie to him. Likewise, the other Fate Whisper was eying him to stay here.

The middle one opened two portals; one was small and pitch dark inside other was way smaller than the previous one but radiated a brilliant light.

Mark felt suffocated watching the light from the latter. He looked up to the three Fate Whisper announcing his decision with confidence.

"I want to stay here! which one should I choose?" Mark spoke eying the portals as the middle one didn't bother explaining which one leads to which.

"To your left, it will lead you to the Auroville tribe! A small but happy tribe. Nothing more, nothing less." Mark sighed and nodded. He walked towards the Portal; hoping for a better life.

The middle one looked pleased as he watched Mark choosing his stay. But something unexpected happened.

One of the Whispers, who didn't speak from the start, suddenly jumped in front of Mark and pushed him towards the direction of Brilliant light Portal.

Mark didn't feel the push but felt the time slowing down. The maniacal laugh of the Whisper who stood silent all this time prickled his ears. And the panicked expression of the other two Whispers created some doubts. He observed them all in slow motion. Trying to understand the situation, but his brain gave up thinking.

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