
Chapter Two

"T-hank me for me help." Her eyes widened. "I mean, thank you for your help!" He laughed and stood.

"It's getting late Honey Bee you better go home and rest up. It's not gonna feel too good in the morning." She blushed and nodded.

"Yes! Home off! I-i mean off to home!" She bolted home but she could still hear him chuckle.

"She's adorable." She was still blushing when her feet touched her balcony.

"Pollen buzz off." The little kwami floated upwards to give her a knowing smile.

"You like Chat Noir quite a bit my Queen." Marinette giggled girlishly and went down her stairs to sit at her computer. Immediately she was bombarded with messages. She read through them. All of them were from Alya and all of them were about the new hero who had "weaved through battle like a dancer" as she put it. She saw pictures and theories and apparently they already started on fanfics. She smiled at the praise. Alya had started another blog. The Mariblog. It was set up like a royal chamber in the colors of yellow and black.

She woke up after falling asleep while reading more about Chat Noir. She had already dedicated herself to knowing everything she could about the heros just in case she could be of some use to them. She had no idea how big a use she actually was back then. She hurried through her morning routine and grabbed an extra cup of coffee and some extra croissants. She knew it would make a certain blond boys day.

"Adrikins! Did you see how Scarlet saved the day again! Don't you just love her?" Chloe started the day off on a simple note. Adrien however was tired. With all caps.

"No chloe for the last time. I DON'T LIKE SCARLET LADY!" Marinette came over with Adrien's coffee and croissants.

"Don't mind him Chloe. This wittle boy hasn't had his caffeine today. Isn't that right little prince?" Marinette teased as she handed him the cup and the bag of pastries.

"You are the light of sunshine in the complete apocalypse that is my life." Adrien said half awake. Nino gently steered the boy away before he said anything else that would reveal his planet earth sized crush on the blue haired girl. Marinette laughed and smiled at him before taking her seat behind him. Nino whispered in Adrien's ear.

"You made her laugh and smile. Do you even remember what you said?" Adrien basically growled back.

"No but I know I made a fool of myself don't rub it in."

"At least she calls you her prince. Who knows man maybe she digs you?"

Adrien suffered through school this way every day. A crappy morning until she shows up bearing coffee and food like his personal angel. His life would brighten when he saw her and he took every chance he got to work with her. Given that Marinette could be a little bit of a klutz he also had plenty of opportunities to catch her and feel her in his arms. He blushed at the thought. Yeah he was head over heels for her and everyone BUT her knew it too. Meanwhile all Marinette could think of was the amazing Chat Noir. She blushed at the thought of him and stuttered when Alya asked about what she was thinking about. She just shook her head and smiled. The school day went by uneventfully and Marinette walked outside to begin her walk home. It was pouring and she sighed knowing she'd be soaked through by the time she got home.

"Hey Marinette!" Adrien called out glad to see the adorable girl. He knew she would have to walk home in this rain so he offered his umbrella. "Here Mari.. so you don't get soaked on your way home." She smiled and nodded.

"Thanks Adrien." As she walked home she saw Scarlet Lady swinging past with Chat Noir at her heels. "There must be trouble! Pollen we need to transform!" Marinette rushed to hide in an alleyway. "Pollen buzz on!" She followed the two heros and quickly caught up. "Chat Noir what's going on?"

"Oh Marigold! No nothing is wrong it's just our routine patrol. Sorry if you were worried but I was just finishing up when Scarlet showed up." Chat grinned and showed her his beeping ring. She looked towards where Scarlet stood impatiently.

"Scarlet Lady never joins the patrols. I just assumed that there must be trouble if she decided to show her face." Scarlet scoffed and turned away.

"Whatever I don't have time to deal with you. I have better things to do and better people to do them with." She spun her yoyo until it was just a pink blur as she prepared to leave. Marigold wrapped her spinning top around Scarlet.

"Well you'll have to make time because you aren't going anywhere." Unfortunately the civilians that occupied the streets below didn't fully understand the situation. They pulled out their phones and began to record the first fight between the heroes of Paris. Alya Cesaire herself started a live feed for the Mariblog after rushing to the scene.

"People of Paris what you are seeing now is a fight between Marigold and Scarlet Lady! Chat Noir doesn't appear to be getting involved though he seems surprised at the sudden battle." Alya commented as the battle started to get more intense. "Scarlet Lady has used her Lucky Charm to get out of Marigold's hold! But Scarlet Lady seems confused on what to do with her Lucky Charm. Now Marigold has attacked again throwing Scarlet's little hand mirror off the rooftop! Chat Noir has disappeared! Just what is going on?"

"Give it up Scarlet! You stole your Miraculous and it's time to give it back. If you return the Ladybug earrings you might be able to get a new Miraculous. We will still forgive you if you stop this!" Marigold yelled out as they continued to fight.

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