
End of one journey is start of another. (2)

The twin was now sitting in a Japanese posture opposite to an old man whose age is no longer discernible from his face.

-So, we died? (Marcus)

-Yes, that would be the correct assumption. (The old man)

-And you are god? (Winston)

-No, I am just a powerful being who lives among all reality and can intervene with omniverse to a certain extent. (The old man)

-But doesn't that make you a god? (Marcus)

-There is no comparison can be made the true almighty one with us. He just needs to say and the whole omniverse can come into being or be erased. But enough with that, aren't you curious why you young-lings are here instead of heaven or hell or intermediary resting place? (some random angel)

-Ohh yeah that... what happened to us and why are we here anyway? (Winston)

-You see, both you and your brother are blessed, because the one above all is pleased with your action. So, I have been tasked to reincarnate you for the time being in your favourite world. (ST angel)



-I get it, but why both of us? (Winston)

-What you don't want to be with your dear elder brother anymore? (ST angel)

-No no, I do, I do. It's all fine. (Winston looking at Marcus)

-But why us? (Marcus)

-You did a selfless act but saving that little girl who later became noble prize-winning doctor by inventing cure to Alzheimer and that counter lady your little brother saved, she dedicated her life in anti-terrorism movement thus contributing to world peace and also another noble prize winner. A lot of their karma transferred to you guys. (Some random angel)

-But with our training, won't we be OP if we get choose our starting point? (Winston)

- True, you will have a better starting point, but that's it lad. The universe is vast there is a lot of things you haven't seen. Don't take things for granted. So, which world shall it be....?(Some random angel)

-*DCU* *MCU*




*A few arguing minutes later*

-We are going to DCU, whatever you say bro.(Marcus)

-NO, we are going to MCU. DC cinematic universe is boring, we are not going there. (Winston)

-Ahem, ahem, look young ones, I live in all reality for nothing. I can arrange a reality which shall be a small convergence of both. So, can you two please stop arguing. (Some random angel)

-Sorry, we got carried away. (Marcus)

-Yes, we got a little excited. (Winston)

-So, now, you can only wish for your starting point. Then fitting with that staring point I shall bless you with gift according to wish of the one above all. (ST angel)

-Does that mean the better starting point we choose, the less gift we receive? (Marcus)

-Precisely. Because depending on your starting point you might even become a being like me in this reality. So, in that case, blessing you with further would break that particular reality and it would reach its heat death sooner depending on the chaos you cause. (ST god)

-Oh well, better get things according to my wish as I can. It would not be good to include unpredictability. I want to be born as the Superman a.k.a Kal El a.k.a Clerk Kent, on second thought change my earth name to Marcus Kent if possible. (Marcus)

-That much is doable, but you do realize that you would hardly receive any blessing from me if you chose to receive Kryptonian base, right?

-Yes, please. I am sure. (Marcus)

-And what about you little lad? (ST god)

-Why bro, do you like farmhouse that much? It would have way more fun if we were born in Stark family. Oh well, just make me his twin brother. As for name, give my earth name as Winston Kent and Krypton name as Rao El. (Winston)

-Well, now that's out of the way, let's see about your blessing. The race you chose is already blessed by heavens. So, no further gifts is necessary. But what I will give you is the access to a special trial and training dimension which would open at age of 6. You shall find about the detail when you get there. You shall be able to earn treasures their according to performance. I hope it would help you throughout your journey. Oh another thing, your memories and adult selves will be locked until you breastfeed. No worries in there, you are welcome. Now, Off you go then....

-Wait, what? that's it? (Winston)

-Wait? Now? (Marcus)

Winston and Marcus felt a huge pull and left the white space, entered a world and floated around in soul form, observing the beauty of galaxies. After an unknown amount of they felt a pull again.




As the first naturally conceived babies in centuries, Lara felt a lot of apprehension about it. Their political situation is not good, there is tension in military too and last but not the least, the imploding core of Krypton. When they found out they are having a twin, they both rejoiced and lamented. Protecting one was tough enough, protecting two shall be a lot more harder. When finally they came to this world, seeing their blue eyes, Lara felt her life is fulfilled and all her suffering was worth it. Jor-El named the Elder one Kal El in hope that he would be the torchbearer for the people of earth and Lara named the younger one Rao El in hope that he would be a great man as The Rao of Krypton.

Like everyone knows, Zor El died protecting Kal And Rao from Zod. And lately after they left Rao star system, the fateful event arrived as Krypton's core imploded.





At the year of 1992 a very small spaceship landed in the farmhouse of Jonathan and Martha Kent in Smallville. Neither SHIELD nor HYDRA got the wind of it. Somehow, due to divine intervention maybe, the childless couple got to keep the babies from space.

Year 1996

The newborn child that came to doorstep of Jonathan and Martha grew up to fine and healthy kids. The first year was rough, but they pulled it through. At age of 2.5 when the stopped breastfeeding, they started acting mature, so much so that it crept the parents out. Within just six months they could walk and talk like an adult, which was much weird. They were inherently strong, but for some reason, they kept their cool and strength both under control, and never questioned about it which was much weirder. But as expected both of them were genius in studies they started at 4 but at the age of six, they were at eighth grade, much to teachers' horror. They didn't know to laugh or cry at the emergence of such two genius at a backwater place like Smallville.

Today would be their sixth birthday. Both of the children is excited but not of what their parents thought. They were excited because their only gift from, albeit small, shall awaken today.

Next chapter