
A reunion at Jimmy's.

There is a time in the life of every one of us, in which things start going very bad, others in which they start going very well. And others...Well, others in which nothing is really happening. The young William, a entry-level officinist. Up to now, he has been observant enough to see that, in his life, the three happened at the same time quite often.

His cat died when he was eight oh but his new baby sister is born and everyone was excited! And still midst all the excitement his friend Jimmy annoyed him mildly for 4 long years talking about the squirrels. (Don't ask, he may hear us)

Age 13 his grades were going up, but parents's jobs got busy, early bye-bye to childhood, hello babysitting a toddler. The girl he was into ghosted him for 3 weeks and left town (I believe she was into him)

Age 15 Jimmy got ill, William starts visiting him once a month, Tiana (no-more-a-baby-sisterish-being) seems quite bright and healthy, father brokes his legs repairing the ruff. (More time in home, yay!)

At this age William started avoiding to think too bad about things...and too well too. Life tends to be quite itchy about not being taken "seriously" (Whatever "she" ments with that)

So, at soon he turned 17 William's friend James passed away. Did William felt support from his friend? Did he miss his talks with him? I'm not sure. If I could ask him I'd do so. But what I know is that from that point his life changed.

The funeral was crowded. James's family was well-known across the neighborhood since his father, the old Frank, was good friends with the town's Major before passing away. He was a noble, resourceful and courageous man, but his heart was ill from birth, passing away at age 53, ten years before his son's. James's mother was a healthy and optimistic woman, now still in her 30s, only similar to Jimmy the little nose and blonde hair. Her dramatic life and overcoming of suffering has the potential of taking over the book as the protagonist, so I'll limit to say that she received William with a big hug, and explained how much Jimmy awaited his visits, and how he missed him since they changed schools. Who wasn't very polite towards him was Jimmy's sister Magdalene, or simply "Mag".

This was in part from the suspicions regarding that William didn't really like Jimmy or her that much, and in part pure pitifulness due that, as the reader may guess. Things weren't easy for her. William got that, but it was difficult to him to ignore it.

After a long evening meeting some old faces. William greeted the family once more and disposed to leave the house. When he already left the front door, Mag appeared from the side of the house.

-Hi, I just wanted...I just wanted to say sorry about ignoring you and stuff...

William stared silent as Mag didn't seem to have finishing talking, but she spent a moment ordering her thoughts eyes on the floor and moving her hair. It was black and curvy like Jimmy's father.

-Hi always felt like I was Jimmy's only friend, then you appeared and, and I never felt you got him. It was only he talking all the time, you know?...-she awkwardly laughed-

I think I was jealous. Jimmy really seemed to like you. -William felt as if those last words had a special emotion behind them. As if it were the only words she really needed to say sort of speak. Not the least she added:

-Here.-She showed a notebook

-What is this?-William got the courage to utter. He was relieved and touched, but didn't know how to direct the feeling or where.

-A squirrel research notebook.

They couldn't help to laugh. William was visibly surprised. Mag realised this and said.

-She wanted you to have it. Thanks for visiting those months. Bye!.-She rushed, anticlimacticly, as if the frustration of admitting that his brother felt William a comrade and her not so much(or so she may have thought) went back to mind all of the sudden. William didn't notice that much. He was to tired for that. But after Mag left he couldn't help to stare the notebook's notes with a smile.

That day, 8 years or so from the present, a squirrel took down William 's father from the wheelchair. He didn't get any serious injuries.

Still just the first chapter. Please let me now your thoughts!

Maximo_Brukecreators' thoughts