
Maniac Mops the Multiverse

Lucas is killed by the world's most dangerous serial killer. He enters the afterlife and meets a goddess. She provides him with a way and a system.  The way is to travel the multiverse and the system is a tool used for convenience by him.  Roaming the multiverse, giving green hats to all the stupid protagonists, and creating a harem, these are the one of the many things he does. Journey along Lucas, the Maniac, and watch as he traverses the multiverse to become the universe's strongest and creates a world for himself later to live in peacefully with his harem, friends, and family. ___________ Read my Original novel: Vampire's Slice Of Life on app or the web through the following link: https://webnovel.com/book/vampire's-slice-of-life_22401553205013705 ___________ [Warning: This fanfic contains incest. Reader discretion is advised.] Expect a lot of smut, lots and lots of it. But don't worry, there will just be as much plot in it apart from the usual 'Plot' to keep you hooked. Read this and join the dark side. We've got cookies, milfs and their milk ;) This novel will contain many genres of hanime except for R*pe, Netorare, Netorase, and other extremely dark genres like scat, and other stuff. No Yaoi.  No Yuri. Netori may be there. A novel made for the men of culture, for culture, with culture. ___________ Read 20 chapters ahead on Patreon: Patreon.com/SocialHippo PayPal: PayPal.me/authorhippo (@authorhippo)  Join the Discord to talk to me and for character pictures, memes, and other stuff. https://discord.gg/RBhAbVAvnN  [Temporary link: discord.gg/socialhippo] [The cover art is not mine. Feel free to ask me to take it down, if it belongs to you.]

SocialHippo · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Elven Empress

"What do you want!? Answer me! And why are you acting like this!?"

Lucas, who was now sealed, looked at Elmesia standing in front of him and said with the same indifferent tone as before, "I want to get to Blumund and it's not me who is acting, it's you who is throwing a tantrum."

Elmesia was so surprised hearing this response, she had no words to refute Lucas.

It didn't take her long to realize that it was indeed her who was causing problems. Lucas just wanted her robes and pendant and after taking them, he left her alone.

A slight blush appeared on her face when she realized she had just messed up. She became slightly embarrassed but soon recovered from it and looked at Lucas with a sharp and dangerous gaze.

Lucas looked back in her eyes with the same indifference, not giving even a slight care to her threat she was making.

Elmesia walked close to Lucas and while doing so, made him get down on his knees.

Reaching close to him, she bent down and raised his chin to look her in the eyes.

She then said softly with a murderous glint in her eyes, "you know… If I want to, I can kill you without even lifting a finger."

Lucas who was looking her in the eyes said flatly, "then do it."

Elmesia smiled and held Lucas's face with her hand and said, "oh, I will."

Lucas didn't say anything anymore and just waited quietly. But even after a few seconds, he wasn't dead and Elmesia was just looking at him with a wide smile on her face.

Lucas said to her, "if you don't want to kill me then release me. I've got things to do and am not free and jobless like you."

Elmesia's smile was gone and she knitted her brows. Who was he calling free and jobless? She also had many things to do, okay!?

Elmesia said in an annoyed tone, "I am not going to release you. You'll stay here with me, for… who knows, maybe days? Weeks? Months? Years?"

Lucas nodded and said, "okay. But I won't be alive for more than a few days."

Elmesia raised her eyebrows as she heard this. "What do you mean?"

"I am a human. I need food, water, sleep, and exercise to survive. I'll die without them." Lucas said, as a matter of fact.

Elmesia smiled and said, "don't worry about that. I'll provide you with everything and keep you alive."

Lucas then added, "I also need to bathe and go to the toilet. If I don't, I'll either end up pissing myself here or in the worst case, I may even die because of constipation or diseases caused due to being unhygienic."

Elmesia frowned as she heard this. She could provide him with food and water and also let him exercise and sleep, but everything else… wasn't it too much? Wasn't she basically just babysitting?

But soon… realization dawned upon Elmesia. She realized that she only had two options on her hands. It was either to kill him or to let him go. She couldn't do anything else apart from this.

Elmesia pondered over it and understood one thing. Killing Lucas would be a huge pity. It wasn't worth it either. He definitely seemed like someone who would make it big in this world. How big and influential would he be? Elmesia didn't know.

But also, other than that, it was Elmesia's first time coming across such an interesting person. Even though Lucas was indifferent to her this whole time, he had never once done something that was immoral or crossed any boundaries.

He only did what was a viable option for him to get to Blumund. He kidnapped her just because she had a hooded robe and after taking her, he left her.

All her life, Elmesia was surrounded by people who were either subservient to her or people who wouldn't even look her in the eye and speak. This was excluding the demon lords and a few people.

She had only ever freely talked to her family members. Which included her mother, her uncle, and her cousin, Elyun Grimwald.

It had been a while since she last talked to Elyun and she was going to Blumund to meet her and talk to her. She got to know from her uncle that Elyun was out adventuring and Elmesia wanted to see how Elyun was faring off.

Elmesia had nothing better to do in her home and as she was bored, she decided to sneak out and meet with Elyun. But one thing led to another and she ended up meeting Lucas and here they were.

Elmesia had finally found someone who spoke to her as if they were equals and treated her no different than an ordinary person. Despite knowing who she was and despite knowing how powerful she was, Lucas didn't flinch even in the slightest.

She knew that Lucas knew that she could kill him easily but despite that, there was not even a trace of fear in him.

For the first time in a while, Elmesia felt interested. Her interest was in Lucas and she wanted to see where he would go and what he would do.

Elmesia thus decided to not kill Lucas and let him go. She walked close to him and took her robes and pendant and said to him,

"I need to get to Blumund as well. I'll take you with me. From there, we'll part ways."

Elmesia didn't take off Lucas's binding and simply walked towards the caravan while making him walk behind her.

She knew that if she freed him, he would simply attack her again for the robes and pendant, so it was better to forcefully take him with her.

Lucas smiled as he noticed her response. His plan worked and now he may potentially have made an ally.

'I thought I'd brainwash Veldora first, but who knew that I would end up meeting the Elven Empress instead. I may probably have made her my ally. It's good. It'll help a lot in future. Now I just need to meet that dragon and…'





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Vampire's Slice Of Life


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