
Manaka Sajyou's Journey Through Time

Ending everything and restarting everything, comprehending the four laws, arriving at the outflow, and sitting on the throne of origin, this is the story of Sajyou Manaka becoming a true god who controls and covers the multiverse.

Alvarez_Rbk · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 7 Prelude to Destruction

London, the center of the Magic Association, is generally regarded as the basement of a museum.

    In the building called the Clock Tower, in a secret meeting room inside it.

    A group of people are discussing something fiercely. Although these people are old and young, and their ages are also different, without exception, they are all high-level figures in the Clock Tower.

    Their family lineage can be traced back to at least 500 years ago, and the longest can even be traced back to the mythical era before the Clock Tower was built before BC.

    Overall foundation (1), individual foundation (2), spirit (3), ore (4), animal (5), inheritance (6), plant (7), celestial body (8), creation (9), curse (10), archaeology (), law ().

They are the twelve Lords of the Clock Tower who hold the right to speak on these subjects, and they are also the top nobles of the Clock Tower.

    "What do you think of what the saint who came before and claimed to be the ruler of the Holy Grail War said?" The Lord of the Creation Department, Inorai Valualeta Atroholm, looked at the people holding the data in his hand and gestured with his chin.

    "This is simply nonsense. It is just an inconspicuous séance ceremony in the remote Far East. How could it have such serious consequences as the distortion of the world!" One of the old men in the Curse Department who had finished reading the data spoke first.

    "I think so too." Then an old man from the Inheritance Department next to him also expressed his approval.

Just like that, the conference room was filled with a continuous echo of voices.

    Obviously, almost no one present looked down upon the Holy Grail War that took place in what they considered to be a remote place.

    "I don't think so!" At this time, Marisbury, the monarch of the astronomy department who had been silent, slowly put down the information in his hand and expressed his views to others, which surprised others.

    "Hmm... Does the head of Animusphia have any strange views?" Yumina, the monarch of the plant department, asked curiously.

"Because I heard the old man of gemstone mentioned this matter inadvertently before. Considering the second law that person has, I am afraid that this event that may cause the world to distort does exist." Marisbury Animusphia (aris-billeyanihere) looked at the careless people in front of him, frowned, and explained with an inexplicable heavy heart.

    [It seems that it is time to start building that organization. ]

    Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg is one of the only "magicians" in the world in ancient and modern times, and one of the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead apostles. Naturally, no one dared to take his words as a joke, not to mention that the magic he used was the thing called "Second Law" to travel through parallel worlds. With this magic, he can observe countless world lines and walk freely in multiple parallel worlds.



    "The Marshal of the Magic Sect?!"

    "It seems that what the Saint said this time is very likely to be true!"

    "This is really..."

    "Should we inform the Atlas Academy and the Wandering Sea of ​​this news?"

    "Don't be kidding, I also want to try to inform the Holy Church! Do you think they will believe your nonsense!"

    For a moment, after a brief silence, the entire conference room seemed to have turned into an extremely noisy vegetable market.

    "Be quiet." At this time, the old man who had been sitting in the first seat and had been silent all the time, looked around and finally began to speak slowly, "Look at you now, you still look like a magician, how can you continue like this."

After hearing the old man speak, the magicians stopped talking to each other. It was obvious that most of them were afraid of him.

    "Very good." Seeing that everyone was silent, the old man nodded slowly and said, "After I received the warning from the saint, I have arranged for someone to take 500 elite magicians to the city called Fuyuki in the far east. However, after hearing this news, I will send another 500 magicians to form a choir, so you don't have to worry too much."

    "Then, Lord Barthomeloi, should we inform the dean about this?" The head of the spirit summoning department looked at the old man who was about to leave. For some reasons, he could only bite the bullet and ask the other party tremblingly.

As the "dean" who is the highest person in charge of the Clock Tower, he has been the same person for 2,000 years since its establishment. No one thinks that he (she) cannot easily solve this incident.

    "Don't bother him." Barthomeloi glanced at Sofia Li coldly, "I have sent Lorelia, I believe she will not let you down."

    "Uh... that's good."

    Then, the head of the Spiritual Department looked at Barthomeloi awkwardly as he said this and turned around and pushed the door to leave.

The Magic Association has been established for an unknown number of years. Although there are many nobles, there are only three families like the Barthomeloi family with the longest history and the strongest power. They are all called "great nobles".

    The name of Lorelia Barthomeloi is absolutely familiar to everyone. She is the granddaughter of the old man Barthomeloi, and the next patriarch and the dean of the Clock Tower. Although she is only in her early twenties, she has defeated two ancestors by herself and is a terrifying existence.

    Seeing Barthomeloi leave the meeting room, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Minister Sophiria, why do you look unhappy?"

    "I heard that his proud disciple and son-in-law Kenneth and his daughter Sora both participated in the magic ceremony in the Far East."

    "Ha... That's really unlucky!"

    "By the way, what kind of world-distorting events can happen in that magic desert!"

    "Uh, To be honest, I was also quite curious. I heard that the saint seemed to be sent by Gaia..."

    "What do you mean? Is it true or false!!!"

    "You ask me, how can I know!"

    As the topic gradually deviated, the people next to him saw Sophielia's face turned extremely ugly and stood up, and left the conference room quickly without saying a word.


    [Number ssa——tianynyng——45270, world code type moon 361, world line offset value cannot be predicted...timeline is difficult to change before and after...time and space axis cannot be found and located...origin information concealment begins...causal line begins to be woven...world information begins to be collected...Temple of Truth team begins to be generated...team begins to prepare, and the door of time and space is about to be opened! ]

    [Please note that all the reincarnations of the Hall of Truth team, the door to the Nightmare Space mission will open in 30 seconds. This is a team battle world. You have the right to enter first. Please feel free to go to the designated bronze door location.]



(End of this chapter)