
Chapter 37: Exalted Eldest Madam, Little Sister Comes Back

Snap, Jiang Rong's precious bracelet snapped.

Bang, before Bai Titain could kill Jiang Rong, a black bladed sword appeared in front of him, its aura throwing him back.

Bai Titan looked at the black blade that radiated powerful killing intent, in question.

Jiang Rong felt her face being lightly touched by a soft hand familiar hand that carried the fragrance of peonies. Her eyes gave out in tears as she passes out in her sister's palm.

Jiang Xiuying laid her sister softly on the floor as she took out a pill crushed it and used a herbal tea before feeding it to Jiang Rong, whose injuries all healed within seconds.

Liao Zhuan blinked a few moments before he was finally able to put a face to his 'women' at last. Her familiar presence, her familiar scent. Suddenly, a memory that wasn't his appeared and vanished just like that as he stared at Jiang Xiuying with a gaze full of passion and longing.

"Listen wench, I Don't know who you are, but you better get out the way."

"I don't think I ever asked you to talk." Jiang Xiuying looked at him.

Bai Titian looked at his sleeve that had been cut suddenly, then his arm had been cut off.

"ahhhh" Bai Titian screamed in terror, he doesn't know what happened as he paled in fear.

Jiang Xiuying picked up Durandal and walked toward slowly. The calm face that usually showed no expression was now fuming in absolute furry.


Bai Titian wasn't sure but whoever this madam is she is truly frightening and with one swing of her sword Bai Titian was utterly obliterated along with the other half of the building the Pill Competition was held in.

After letting Durandal go it disappeared into the nothingness and turned around towards her Sister. She paused as she looked at the old man by the side his corpse barely cold, she gave a sad glance and then picked Jiang Rong up with ease.

She glared at the bystander for a quick second before disappearing with Ru and Juju.

Liao Zhuan felt his heart jump for a split second when their eyes meet. His women saw him.

Jiang Xiuying was annoyed she didn't want to deal with another incarnation of Claudius at any time. Although she knew he would eventually find her again, she had been so careful all this time.

"tsk," Jiang Xiuying mouthed as she sat next to her sister that was sleeping in her bed.

Transmigration looks seemingly harmless right, but it is also filled with possibilities. The original soul has a chance to come back. But if one does the two souls will clash in a battle of wills for the body or they can merge entirely becoming a whole new being.

Jiang Xiuying narrowed her eyes, the god of this world loves this Jiang Rong Afterall he brought her from another world. So, he wouldn't allow her to lose easily if they decided to fight. But the original Jiang Rong is beloved by Jiang Xiuying who is the stronger god.

But, in this case, Jiang Xiuying decided not to Interfere.

Jiang Xiuying stood up, she pats Ru on the head before leaving, she walked out into the courtyard. She saw Jiang Ya smiling while feeding the Koi with her mother.

Aster is an amazing Chief; he is able to cook all types of foods. One, in particular, is a soul repairing soup which she feeds to Jiang Ya. It helped Jiang Ya recover by heaps and bounds, the girl is less than a week was smiling softly and kinder she had become a seemingly simple person wanting nothing more than to live her life peacefully.

Mother has been spending less time stalking their father and spending time with her favorite daughter.

Jiang Xiuying had no expression on her face, but the servants could tell after working for this madam for so long, that she was satisfied.

Jiang Rong looked around in the pitch black, confused, she didn't know where she was nor how she got there. She is wondering if this was one of her elder sister's tricks.

She paused halted by the person kneeling of the ground, when giving a closer look she realized who it was.... Jiang Rong

"Jiang Rong" she whispered, making the girl look up. Her eyes filled with hate and other emotions.

"Why?" She said tears falling from her eyes "I have been trashing all my life, talentless, yet why does it take my death and someone replacing me for things to get better" she began to rant her voice crackling at the same time. "Why did you have to take my body? why did you turn out so much better than me? It is not fair, all my suffering amounted to this?"

Jiang Rong frowned was this girl blaming her. "No asked you to be this naïve!" she decided to yell back

"Why it took death? It was because of your own failures, the on gave up on herself was you"

"How dare you!" she shrieked

"I dare because you were weak. You used the excuse

as trash to get what you wanted from Elder Sister, didn't you? Poor Pathetic Jiang Rong her mother died giving birth to her, her father blames, and the rest of the family ignores her. But that is all right here at least had Elder Sister who always protected her, who always doted on her and was the mother she never had. The only one who let her have everything she needed."

"Shut Up!"

"NO!" Jiang Rong screamed back "You secretly hated

Elder Sister's Husband didn't you, he was taking her away and you hated him more, you even celebrated his death too."

"No, I didn't!" the girls face contorted, revealing that everything Jiang Rong said was true.

Jiang Rong pulled a smug face, but in her heart, she was somewhat jealously. The Amount Jiang Rong had from Jiang Xiuying was something to be jealous about.

Even in her world where her own family didn't love her nor care as much as they should have. She had developed a cold demeanor from a young age which got even colder when she became an agent and then was betrayed.

After coming here, her life was way easier than her days in her own world, and she was looked after very well she got what she needed. Jiang Xiuying never refused her request, despite the women herself having an expressionless face, Jiang Rong could feel the love from her.

There was nothing good about this selfish princess. In Jiang Rong's opinion, Jiang Ya was better, at least she worked hard to get where she was. But, Jiang Rong didn't she used her sister's doting to do whatever she wanted.


Jiang Rong was suddenly slapped by the girl, making her stunned silly.

'Huh, it didn't even hurt?' Jiang Rong was shocked, how can someone's slap not even give a hint of damage. Is she that weak?

"That didn't even hurt are you that weak?" Jiang Rong yelled irritated.

The girl's face went red with fury as she went to slap Jiang Rong again.

Jiang Rong still didn't feel a thing making her more made as she raised her hand to slap the girls face this time.

The girl held her face with tears in her eyes as it hurt; she had a look of not giving up.

The next few moments turned into a fest of the two slapping each other.

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