
The beginning

"I got isekai'd"

'I don't know if I should be happy about it or not. I should think about a plan what to do now.'

So I continue walking on the sidewalk and came across a park. It's a beautiful park with trees and ponds. There's also few people around.

I walk to the park and found a bench. No one was sitting so I sit on it.

'So what I need to do now is to check my system status to see what kind of skills that I got, probably the system already pick the skills for me. If I did pick my own skills like in MVS, it's the time when I was in a character customization.'

'I'm wearing a black T-shirt and blue jeans with black sneakers. I don't know what my face looks like. I need to find a mirror. Maybe I should go to a public toilets after this.'

So I took out my ID card and said 'system status' in my mind. It show a blue screen in front of my face.


Name: Ryan

Age: 20

Occupation: None

Bank account: 5000 unit

Skills: [ Passive Heal ] [ Time Perception ] [ Shadow Night ] [ Bank Reaper ] [ Danger Sense ]

'Just Ryan huh, system didn't put in my last name. People in this world that have the last name is from the rich or high society. I guess this is okay for now. I guess I'm not the MC from MVS huh. That's good. I'll probably meet him or her here if he or she ever exists in the first place.'

'Now about my age, I'm young again. Being a 30 years old streamer is a common thing back in my world, but most people at my age have partner or spouse. I can't be single again. Max and Orlando wanted me to move on from the past. At least I should give it a try this time.'

'This is a fresh start. Nobody knows who I am here, this is good for me. When I think about it again, I should've move on a lot sooner. I guess being a streamer kept me busy that I never focus on my love life. I should meet someone here, became friends and move forward from there. No need to rush.'

'For occupation, I just got here. Of course I don't have a job. I'm pretty sure I need to visit the Hunter Guild soon. As for my money, it's the standard amount that I get in the beginning of single player story mode.'

'Now for the skills. If it follows the same system as in MVS, I have total of 5 skills. In MVS, I get to pick 5 skills for myself. But in this world, system pick all the skills for me. I should read the descriptions first.'

[ Passive Heal ]

{ Can heal any injury but depending on the damage of the user received. Smaller the injury, faster the healing. Heavy the injury, slower the healing. Cannot regenerate any limbs that been cut off. Passive skill. }

'This actually a good skill, I never used this skill before. Actually, I'm not sure if this skill exists in MVS VRgame. I know a few healing skills but most of them are active skills. But healing skills is for a supportive role. I'm more of a solo kind of play style.' I continue reading the next skills descriptions.

[ Time Perception ]

{ Slow movement time. Everything user see is in slow motion but user movement speed is normal. 5 seconds duration time. Cool down for one minute. Active skill. }

I gasped. And trying to think again.

'This is OP, wakanda shit is this! Am I a OP protagonist or something. This is an insane skill. I'm not gonna bother thinking about it too much. I be great full and take it. No complaints.' I'm continuing reading the next skills.

[ Shadow Night ]

{ While user doing sneaking or any type of stealth movement, user foot steps won't make any sound. It even harder to detect the user when in the dark. Passive skill. }

I sigh deeply. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I start thinking again.

'This is not what I sign up for. Give me an OP skills means that I'll fight someone stronger in the future. I got isekai'd, of course shit like this gonna happen. I can't be thinking that this world is exactly the same as MVS.' I continue reading the next skills descriptions.

[ Bank Reaper ]

{ When user kill someone, user take all of that dead person money from their bank account. The money that have been taken won't be trace back to the user. It's like the money never exists. Cannot take the bank account money that have a debt. Doesn't have a cool down. Can switch on and off. Active skill. }

I just close my eyes and lean back on the bench. I keep thinking back all the insane skills in my possession.

'For starters, I can earn a lot of money in this world by joining the Hunter Guild. Assuming that if it's exists in this world, killing monsters and finding treasures. I can also do quests from other people, depending on what job that person give. High risk, high rewards. Low risk, low rewards.'

'Everyone uses ID card to pay for everything. No papers money and coins. If I steal someone's ID card, I can't hack it or take their money. Because it's not mine, only the owner can access his or her ID card. So people do threats and blackmailing to get someone money. If that person dies, their account money will be given to their family or friends. Assuming that they make a will.'

'If that person that died don't have a family or friends, their money just stay in the ID card. Unless they make a will that their money would be given to a person or some kind of organization. If not, It became useless. Nobody can't access it. Even the government can't access it.'

'I remember reading this info in MVS novel. But now, things will change. I'll probably be the most richest person in this world. But I can't just kill rich people whenever I want. People gonna ask questions about where their loved ones money disappear too. I'm the only suspect if they trying to find me. If someone know about this skill, I won't live long. This skill is a blessing and a curse.'

I rub my forehead and thinking about my future plan. I made a frustration face, I even facepalm. I continue reading my last skill descriptions.

[ Danger Sense ]

{ Danger sense presents a psychological awareness of user surroundings. It allow the user to detect danger before it happens and warn the user of it in no time. The greater the danger or how close the danger is increases the tingling sensation. Passive skill. }

I was shock after reading the descriptions of the skill. I lean back on the bench again. My face look up towards the sky looking hopeless. I just sigh.

'I remember having a tingling sensation when I was in the army. I don't know what it was. I remember saying it to the doctor about me having this tingle constantly when I was in the battlefield. I feel like I can sense a danger coming. So the doctor do a full check up and found nothing on my body. So he give a simple conclusion that I feel exited when I was in a battlefield. That's why I have this tingle.'

'When I left the army, I don't feel any tingling sensation anymore. After that I start steaming and plays a lot of games. Enjoying my life. I don't know what it was back then but it safe my life many times. But I don't get any tingle when I play MVS even though I felt real pain. Maybe it knows that my life is not in danger. I feel like this is my own skill that I have back in my world.'

'Why do I feel tired even though I'm just sitting on a bench. All this skill is insane. At least MVS doesn't have any type of stats points or levels. All of it depending on your own real life experience to play and skills that you choose. If you're an experts at shooting guns, you probably be good at MVS. If you're bad at shooting, you're screwed. That's why a lot of people watch me play.'

After that I look around while still sitting. Then I just lay on the bench. I was alone on the bench. I feel the cool breeze of wind. My eyes are closed. Then a hear a foot step. It slowly come closer to me. But I don't sense any danger towards it, so I still keep my eyes close. Then a soft voice spoke to me.



Author's Note

This also took to long. My god. I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter. Took me a while to get this done. I don't know if you enjoy the info dumps. I'm trying to make it at least enjoyable. I don't want to make it bored. So if you guys want to ask me anything just leave it in the comments. I'll probably read it. Again, thank you for reading. That's about it. See ya.

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