
Feeling Under The Weather

Glancing upwards towards the tumultuous sky, Kamen Prosper walked along the street aimlessly. He'd been fired from his part-time job, and, to make matters worse, it looked like it was going to storm heavily. The previously white and wispy clouds had been replaced by a conglomeration of gray ones, casting a dark spell over his town.

"Mom's gonna be mad..." Instead of heading home to face criticism, he pitifully drifted towards the park under the cover of the seething sea of clouds. Kamen gazed aimlessly at the gradually darkening scenery, lamenting his mediocre past, and his prior lack of effort.

He was 19 this year, already old enough to be considered a man, but he had no amazing achievements to speak of. He hadn't done anything out of the ordinary, or even tried. His personality? Common. His temperament? Common. There was nothing even slightly remarkable about him, yet he yearned for greatness. Nevertheless, once classes began getting difficult in high school, he immediately left school, instead opting for part-time jobs in order to live on. And yet, he even failed to hold a part-time job properly. Small town that it was, news about his lacking work ethic would start to spread. Eventually, people would stop hiring him. He was unsure about what to do next.


The sky roared, rousing him from his stupor. Looking up, he saw a terrifying scene occurring above, immobilizing him. The now-black clouds converged to form a vortex, massive and malignant, as it descended upon his home.

The giant black hole above him looked like something out of a comic book, the evil villain's plan coming to fruition. People around him screamed and shouted, running chaotically. Some sought shelter, while others tried to escape the range of the seemingly endless storm, but none were safe from its ever-expansive reach.

Kamen merely stared upwards, frozen in shock, as the gaping maw enveloped him.

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