1 - The Beginning -

The town of Pigville was a barren farmers town. If you look in any direction there was a least a 10 mile view of crop ranging from corn to cotton. Many family have been there for generations and not many new faces to be seen, everyone knew everyone, everyone knew everything. Not many thing went unnoticed, like the time old Mr. Duke stole Mr.Colts farming method which reply with,

" I would never! My family has been here longer than any of you!! I HAVE HONOR!"

He was found dead the next morning, they identified the weapon as an axe but of course no one talked about it. You see Mr. Duke got to loud and there for had to be punished. that's how thing are in this town.

Mrs. Michaels and Miss Fisher are the hounds of gossip and story telling. Every sentence either started with "I heard" or "You didn't hear it from me but..". Mrs.Micheals was the wife to the mayor and was top dog along with her daughter Gracie Michaels, the whole family was blonde with these dark brown eyes that are almost black

Miss Fisher is recently widowed, she changed her last name from duke to her madame name faster then hogs to slob. Miss Fisher had two boys Harry Fisher and Gold Fisher, dont ask me why someone who name thier kid Gold, Harry and Miss Fisher both had amber brown hair with brown eyes but Gold had cotton top blonde hair and these sparkling blue eyes. Some say that Miss fisher was having an affair with Mr Charles next door, but what should I know I'm just the only new kid next door, Markcus Lovette.
