
I-How they meet

In the 11th day Of may a girl celebrated her birthday....it was her 12th birthday..She lived at the Bacorionion Caiveffe Town...it was a lovely afternoon not until the bday girl bump into someone

"AHH!-" She nearly fall on ground but the man immediatly catched her

"i-im sorry...*giggles nervously*" he looked at the girl nervoulsy

"No its okay mister"The girl Laugh akwardly

"Omg that is so embarassing"the girl said to herself

[At the Garden]

"i hope those bitches wont appear infront of me and disturb my Happy birthday" The girl sat on the bench and starts to draw,suddenly her crush appeared infront of her and give a box.The girl flustered and asked

"Wha-what is this?"she asked

"That is my present for you~"The boy answered.

The Girl immediatly opened the box but it turns out a Prank box ...a fake cockroach jumps in her and the reason why she fell on the mud then a bunch of girls appeare,holding a phone and laughing.

The girl immediatly stand up and run away because of embarassment


when she reach her house she immediatly run towards the Restroom,crying

"ISA!"her mother shouted worriedly

the girl comes to the mirror and starts to slap her face

"This is all your fault why is this happening to me!"

after talking to herself she take her mudded dress off and change her clothes

"Mom...im going out" she said

"Where are you going?"Her mother responded

"At the park i just want some fresh air"she answered

"Ok?but be careful!dont take to long outside"her mother said

"Ok" then she exit the door

"I hope she'll be fine"Then her mother sighs


the park is so empty...even a one kid cant be seen playing on the park

"This is the chance...FVCK YOU GUYS!IM SUFFERING BECAUSE OF YOU!YOU MOTHER FVCKERS!!" The girl sighed and laugh after saying it

"what did they do to you?"

"They fvcking--"She suddenly stop then turn her head at the back

she see a man standing and looking at her

"You are--" her eyes widend

the man that is behind her,is the man who she bumped earlier

"I-im sorry i thought no ones here hehe..."She smile with full of embarassment

"Thats fine...Well what happened?"The man asked

"Are you a marites?"she look at the man confused

"n-no im not!...Im just asking"He looked away at her

"Well they're bullying me for no reason!!even in my birthday!!"The girl kicked the bottle

"It is your birthday today?"The man walked closer to the girl

"Yes..."she sighed

"Well...happy birthday i wish that they will stop bullying you btw..im Sandro"He take his hand out of his pocket

"Do you want me to..shake hands with you?"The girl looked confused and point her index finger at herself

"Ahuhmm" he nodded

"Omg!wieee and Eherm!Hi i am...Um...Isabel!you can call me Isa or Sabel....ehh nice meeting you!"Isabel hold his hand and shake it

"How old are you?"Sandro asked

"im 12 years old and i think you're 18!" she said sarcasticly

"Nope...im 28"Sandro smiled

"Ohh so you're-- Wait what!?" Isabels eyes widend

"I can believe you look--"she covered her mouth in shock

Sandro just giggled and say a word after he walked away

[7:00 PM]

"Tommorow no onw will ever do that to you again"

that is the only word that gets stuck inside isabel's mind

"He's so kind....I wish my crush had that personality too.."Isabel said after Sleeping

~•To be Con•~