

"Hi~ Hi~ Hi~ Hi! Avengers, we meet again. I hope you're all sitting on your couches in your rooms right now because I'm about to reveal some news that you absolutely wouldn't want to miss.

Curious, aren't you? Don't worry, before the crucial information comes out, let's enjoy a little pre-show entertainment and set the mood. I put quite a bit of effort into capturing these exciting scenes—"

As the Green Goblin's voice fell, the television screen suddenly changed.

The video being played on the TV was shot from a high angle, showing a completely enclosed room. It seemed to be a surveillance recording.

In the recording, a sturdy and fully armed warrior was standing alertly, watching the direction of the room's entrance, prepared to launch an attack at any moment.

Then the room's door opened, and a dark figure swiftly rushed into the room. An immediate clash ensued between the two.

However, the difference in strength was evident. After a few rounds of combat, the original warrior in the room was easily subdued by the newcomer, who then pinned him down on the ground.

"That's T'Challa, and his suit is made of vibranium, a special technology from Wakanda. The other warrior doesn't stand a chance against him."

Mark, who already knew T'Challa's identity as the Black Panther, explained to Captain upon seeing the footage of the Black Panther suit for the first time.

Although Mark said this with a great deal of certainty, and T'Challa did indeed effortlessly defeat his opponent in the video, Mark knew that since the Green Goblin had sent them this video to watch, things wouldn't end so simply.

Sure enough, shortly after T'Challa subdued his opponent, another figure entered the room.

"Bucky!" Captain recognized the figure appearing in the video at first glance. Seeing both of them unharmed in the video, he let out a sigh of relief, but then realizing that this was a video deliberately sent by the Green Goblin, he couldn't help but worry for the two.

After Bucky entered the room, his expression seemed a bit off. He was engaged in communication with T'Challa. However, the video had been specially edited by the Green Goblin, erasing all sound, so viewers couldn't discern the content of their conversation.

Suddenly, the entrance and exit of the room were sealed by thick steel plates. Something surprising appeared before Bucky and T'Challa, particularly affecting T'Challa, who appeared extremely angry. However, due to the angle of the surveillance, the issue behind the change in their emotions didn't appear in the video.

Just moments after their emotional shift, Bucky, who had previously looked relatively normal, suddenly became visibly distressed and fearful, clutching his ears tightly with his palms.

Seeing Bucky in distress, T'Challa promptly ended the life of the warrior he had subdued and approached Bucky to check on him. However, the next moment, he was met with a fierce attack from Bucky.

If it weren't for the excellent defensive capabilities of the vibranium suit, Bucky's sudden surprise attack would have been quite a blow for T'Challa.

However, just as Captain and Mark were about to continue understanding the two's next situation, the video on the television abruptly stopped, and the Green Goblin's face, masked with a demonic expression, reappeared on the screen.

"So, how was it? Wasn't that performance quite splendid? Hi~ Hi~ Hi! The mutual slaughter between comrades, this scene is so thrilling, it's almost getting me excited!

But forgive my selfishness, the next scenes are just too amazing that I've turned them into my private collection. I won't be sharing them with you. You should anticipate my grand finale performance, that's the real star I've prepared for today."

While the Green Goblin gloated on the screen, Mark directly contacted Baymax and sternly questioned, "Baymax, what's going on? Didn't you already cure Bucky's Hydra brainwashing? Why is he in this state?"

"Master, the conservative treatment plan I provided did indeed restore his memories and minimized psychological burdens and harm.

However, Hydra's brainwashing on him for years was a continuous training of conditioned reflex, much like how human animal trainers tame wild animals.

This conditioned reflex can only be diluted through the passage of time and is difficult to directly eliminate, unless we use high-frequency energy waves to directly damage the corresponding reflex area in the brain's neural center. However, this is likely to cause brain function damage."

"Can you track the Green Goblin's current location? Since he hacked into the hotel's servers through the network, he shouldn't be able to escape your tracking."

"Master, I've captured the Green Goblin's actual IP address, and I've sent you the corresponding geographical coordinates. But I don't consider this to be useful information.

Based on the natural light analysis of the early part of the video that the Green Goblin sent, this footage was likely shot some time ago. Moreover, the transmission wasn't a live broadcast; the Green Goblin's own footage was recorded and then edited together.

This means that he had ample time to send the video and escape the crime scene. The Green Goblin is likely no longer there."

"That's fine, as long as he has been there, he might have left some traces. I don't believe he can escape my tracking."

"But, Master, aren't you currently restricted by the United Nations from taking any action?"

"..." After being reminded by Baymax, Mark suddenly froze. He had dug a hole for himself with that remark!

Although they haven't formally signed the "Seoul Accords" yet, if he really takes actions that violate the Accords's provisions, the previously existing buffer zone between the two sides will completely disappear.

Friction and clashes will become even more intense. Therefore, Mark has no choice but to exercise restraint; he truly can't initiate any actions.

However, while Mark can endure, someone has reached their limit. Seeing his close friend and the heir to the Wakandan throne in danger, Captain clenched his fist tightly. His emotions had reached a boiling point.

"I'm sorry, Mark. I might have to break our agreement. I can't just stand by and watch our comrades in danger."

With that, Captain picked up the universal capsule from the coffee table and walked towards the door. Mark watched Captain's departure without stopping him, even though Captain's actions might render their efforts futile.

Because Mark understood that if he stopped Captain, it would also severely impact the Avengers' relationships and trust, and the internal pressure they would face would likely come sooner than the external pressure imposed by the United Nations.

Instead of sacrificing internal unity to maintain external stability, it was better to preserve their internal relationships and jointly resist external pressure.

However, Mark would soon realize that even maintaining this last line of internal unity was beyond his control.

The content of the video that the Green Goblin was about to play on television was no less powerful than the explosion he caused at the conference today. It would utterly shatter the entire Avengers Alliance into pieces...

"Baymax, quickly cut off Green Goblin's transmission!"

Mark urgently gave the command to Baymax because when he turned his attention back to the TV screen, the scene being played was the truth that he had struggled to convey to Tony.

The video was quite blurry, obviously dated, and shot under poor nighttime lighting conditions.

However, in the footage, each person's facial features could still be discerned clearly. The details of both Bucky, the perpetrator, and Howard, the victim, were particularly distinct under the illumination of the streetlights.

Disturbed by Captain's departure, Mark refocused on the TV just to witness Bucky completing the double homicide of the Howard couple. He knew that even if he tried to stop it now, it was already too late.

Unless Tony happened to be absent from the room and didn't see this revelation video, Tony would undoubtedly know the truth by now.

"Master, I have successfully severed the transmission and added a firewall to the hotel's network system."

"Damn it, where did Norman Osborn get this video? And it seems he's also found the trigger phrase to control the Winter Soldier, causing Bucky to lose the self-awareness he painstakingly regained.

These were supposed to be Zemo's tasks. Even if I altered some fates, this still happened in the end! And in this blindsiding manner…"

The current situation was indeed enough to make Mark exasperated. The catalyst for a civil war had emerged, Captain had left the hotel to rescue Bucky and T'Challa, and there was no immediate way to explain things to Tony.

Coupled with the fact that Captain's actions had already violated the provisions of the "Seoul Accords," the United Nations would surely attack them, making this the worst-case scenario for the entire Avengers Alliance.

Green Goblin's series of actions had further pushed the already unstable Avengers to the brink of collapse.


"Where's Captain? Why hasn't he shown up? And Sam and Wanda aren't also in the hotel either. Does anyone know what's going on?"

Green Goblin's reappearance and provocation had ignited collective anger among the Avengers, especially Tony. He not only had to deal with the trouble caused by Green Goblin but also faced a sudden revelation of an enemy who killed his parents.

To swiftly address the collective and personal problems at hand, Tony immediately called everyone together for research and discussion.

However, he realized that the three dissenting members who had opposed signing the accord were all absent. His gaze turned to the assembled group, seeking answers.

"Captain saw the video released by Green Goblin, showing his friend Bucky Barnes and T'Challa in danger, so he went to rescue them.

As for Wanda and Sam, they've been unhappy with the state of the Avengers for a while. We're not sure if they went to track down Green Goblin or went with Captain to help him rescue them."

Mark didn't conceal anything and directly informed Tony of the truth.

Tony: "Jarvis, help me confirm the locations of the three individuals through hotel and road surveillance."

"Understood, sir."

"Alright, now we need to make a difficult decision. Just a moment ago, I was communicating with officials from the United Nations, hoping they would allow us to participate in the operation to capture Green Goblin.

They agreed, but the condition is that we must publicly sign the agreement in front of the media before joining the operation.

Unexpectedly, right after I hung up the phone, the situation with Green Goblin emerged. Captain and his team directly violated the terms of the agreement we painstakingly negotiated with the UN representatives.

Given this situation, Captain Steve Rogers, Falcon Sam Wilson, and Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff will also become our targets for pursuit.

Because they have violated the Accords, we must stop them before they take further actions, or else they will become wanted criminals on the United Nations' list!"

"But Tony, Captain and Bucky Barnes..." Natasha hesitated to speak but was interrupted by Tony.

"I know, they are childhood friends who grew up on the same block and comrades on the WWII battlefield, but that is by no means a justification for violating the accords. It would put our entire team at a disadvantage.

Furthermore, the fact that Bucky Barnes, a hero who was once thought to have perished, not only survived but also became a killing machine under Hydra's control, responsible for the deaths of my parents…"

At this point, a thick flame of hatred and anger flickered in Tony's eyes. Mark knew that if he didn't try to temper Tony's anger at this moment, the rupture between the two leaders of the Avengers might become inevitable.

"Dad, I have something to say about Bucky."

"What is it? Hurry up, we need to act swiftly to prevent the situation from escalating further," Tony urged.

"Howard and Maria were killed by Bucky. I've known about this for a while.

When Hydra attempted to dominate the world through their Insight project, I discovered Bucky's whereabouts. He was dispatched to assassinate Nick Fury.

After finding him, I began investigating his records and uncovered his true identity, as well as the various missions he carried out as the Winter Soldier.

Later, I managed to take control of him and bring him back to my lab, where I realized he was under powerful Hydra brainwashing. He had almost lost his original sense of self.

It was after I had Baymax diagnose him and tailor a treatment plan that he regained his memory and personality.

The reason I didn't tell you about this right away is because I was worried that his presence would create conflicts between Captain and you, and that wouldn't be advantageous for the entire Avengers. So, I chose to keep it hidden.

I also hope that in the upcoming actions, Dad, you can control your emotions and not let hatred blind your eyes, allowing inner anger to dictate your actions. If you and Captain end up at odds, it could have a significant impact on our entire group."

"If today's incident hadn't happened and I unexpectedly learned the truth, how long were you planning to hide it from me?" Tony asked Mark with a complex expression after hearing his confession.

"Not for long. I told Captain about Bucky's situation not long ago, hoping we could find a solution together. After external conditions stabilize a bit, I plan to be honest with you."

"So, Rogers already knows about this? Before me? You disappoint me, Mark," Tony closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

When he opened his eyes again, his gaze became even more resolute: "Avengers, the operation has begun. When facing Captain and his team, don't take it lightly. Give it your all to subdue them. This is for their own good. Let's go!"

"Sam, Wanda, you don't have to accompany me on this mission," Captain said with some guilt as he looked at Scarlet Witch and Falcon, who were leaving the hotel with him. Originally, he hadn't intended to bring the two of them along.

However, little did he know that both Sam and Wanda had been holding back their frustrations, and upon seeing Green Goblin's provocation again, they couldn't contain their emotions any longer. They stormed out of the room, each intending to act independently.

So, these three individuals with the same idea coincidentally crossed paths at the right time and place, leading to the current situation where Captain had to allow Scarlet Witch and Falcon to join his operation.

"Don't say that, Cap. Even if you didn't ask for our help, we would still go after Green Goblin on our own. Instead of each of us fighting separately, it's better to unite and form a stronger force.

Besides, Cap, you're not exactly adept at using modern technology and computers for complex operations. Without us, finding the location where Green Goblin is holding T'Challa and Bucky would be quite a challenge!"

Falcon's first half of the statement touched Captain, making him feel appreciated for finally finding a like-minded ally within the Avengers.

However, when Falcon bluntly delivered the second half of his statement, Captain's face turned red, and he suddenly felt a blow to his pride. While it was true that he wasn't proficient with modern technology, Falcon's straightforward words wounded his self-esteem.

Feeling quite wounded himself, Captain gave Falcon a disapproving look and ended their conversation.

Seeing the conversation between the two come to an end, Scarlet Witch quickly patted Falcon's shoulder and eagerly asked, "So, have you pinpointed the location of the two we need to rescue?"

"It's getting there. I've narrowed down the search area, but to get more precise results, it's beyond my semi-amateur level. We'd need someone like Natasha, a professional agent, or someone like Tony and Mark, the computer experts, to handle it," Falcon replied.

"No worries, we'll head to the general area first. When the time comes, I can use my telepathic abilities to quickly locate the correct spot," Scarlet Witch confidently stated.

Captain excitedly gave them both a thumbs-up. "Great! Let's get moving then. The longer we wait, the more dangerous it becomes for T'Challa and Bucky!"

With that, Captain stepped between the two, grabbing their arms, and activated the Flash's suit's speed mode, heading towards the location Falcon had locked onto.

Sam, who had never experienced such astonishing speed before, could only tightly hold onto Captain's arm, with his whole body curled up and trembling.

If it weren't for Scarlet Witch using her telekinetic powers to create a protective shield around them, isolating them from the impact of the high-speed airflow, Falcon might have already screamed.

Despite being a member of a special aerial combat unit and soaring through the sky at high speeds daily, in this involuntary moment, his fear was undeniable, far from the calm demeanor of Scarlet Witch, who was casually watching.

"It's a good thing Tony isn't here right now. Otherwise, I'm sure he'd tease you about this forever," Scarlet Witch remarked.

"Hmph..." Falcon responded with a shaky voice, expressing his dissatisfaction with Scarlet Witch's teasing. However, his current state clearly lacked any persuasiveness.

"Alright, Sam, we're here. You can let go of my arm now," Captain joked, unable to resist teasing Falcon when he saw him in such a state. Then he turned to Scarlet Witch, "Wanda—"

"Got it!" Scarlet Witch nodded and began to exert her superhuman abilities, sensing the locations of T'Challa and Bucky. "Found them, over there!"

It didn't take long for Scarlet Witch to use her formidable powers to locate T'Challa and Bucky. She led Captain and Falcon to a farm on the outskirts.

"There are obvious signs of a recent battle here, and the traces are very fresh. The fight must have happened not long ago. This farm should be the place we're looking for."

Captain quickly noticed the crucial clue, feeling relieved that they had successfully found their destination. However, he quickly suppressed this emotion and became cautious.

T'Challa from Wakanda appeared to be quite skilled and formidable. His friend Bucky, who had been through countless battles, not only underwent the physical enhancement of Hydra but also gained powerful mechanical arms.

This operational team formed by these two individuals had fallen into Green Goblin's trap, so they needed to be even more careful moving forward, avoiding any ambush set up by Green Goblin.

The three of them cautiously followed the footprints left on the ground and soon entered the farmhouse.

"I sense their positions are upstairs. Both of their life forces are still present, but I don't know their condition or whether they're injured. From the video that Green Goblin released earlier, it seems like the two of them had quite a showdown," Scarlet Witch reminded Captain.

Captain nodded in response but still didn't accelerate their pace. He couldn't disregard the danger that Scarlet Witch and Falcon had put themselves in by joining him on this risky mission to rescue T'Challa and Bucky.

Therefore, even though Captain's heart was deeply concerned about the condition of T'Challa and Bucky, after confirming that the two of them were not in immediate danger, they continued to move forward cautiously, fearing that Green Goblin might have set some traps.

"Wanda, do you have a way to open these sealed devices?"

After a tense search, the three of them finally arrived at the room indicated by Scarlet Witch.

However, blocking their path were thick and sturdy metal barriers that completely separated them from the inside. These barriers also firmly trapped T'Challa and Bucky within.

Scarlet Witch shook her head, "My abilities can't have any destructive effect on structures of this level."

Although he received a negative answer, Captain didn't feel overly disappointed. Solutions always outweighed difficulties, and he believed that with the combined strength of the three of them, they could find a way to overcome the current challenge.

At this moment, Falcon seemed to have a good idea and excitedly suggested, "Wanda, try using your mind control abilities to move the people inside away from the door. Then I can use a lava bomb to blast open this metal wall!"

The lava bomb was a special weapon created by Mark based on Falcon's request. This type of bomb didn't produce a violent shockwave upon detonation, nor did it release shrapnel causing harm.

Instead, it generated an intense burst of heat energy centered around the detonation point. In an instant, this highly concentrated heat energy would melt everything within a meter, just like flowing lava from a volcano. Hence, Mark named it the lava bomb.

"No problem. Although Green Goblin's seal is robust, it's not entirely airtight. As long as my powers can permeate the room, I can control them to move away from the door," Scarlet Witch confidently offered a positive answer this time.

"Alright, then let's go with Sam's plan!" Captain made a swift decision and gave the order to proceed.

"Captain, Wanda, you two should also move away from here. Although the core range of the lava bomb is only about a meter, its high-temperature effect can still be significantly felt on the skin even from five meters away. Being too close could cause severe burns in an instant," Falcon cautioned.

Following Falcon's advice, Captain and Scarlet Witch retreated to a safe distance. Scarlet Witch unleashed her powers and completed her task.

Once confirmed, Falcon quickly pulled out the safety pin of the lava bomb, attached it to the sealed device, and then hurriedly ran downstairs to get out of the blast radius.

With only a burst of intense light, and no explosive sound. The lava bomb had completely melted the thick metal barrier into a liquid state.

Scarlet Witch used her telekinesis to isolate the high temperature, allowing them to approach the now wide-open doorway.

However, only when they got closer did they realize that the room was not as they had imagined. The two combatants had inflicted serious injuries on each other, resulting in a situation of mutual defeat, or one of them being gravely wounded.

Inside the room, apart from a corpse of an enemy that T'Challa had already dealt with, which was now burning due to the high temperature from the lava bomb.

T'Challa, who was controlled by Scarlet Witch, had taken cover in a corner of the room, shielding the unconscious Bucky on the ground with his own body.

As it turned out, all of them had fallen for the trickery of Green Goblin. The reason he hadn't played the complete video in front of all the Avengers wasn't because he wanted to enjoy the content in private, but because the events hadn't unfolded according to his design, so he didn't show it to them.

If they saw the true situation, Green Goblin's goal of sowing division among them wouldn't be easily achieved.

After falling under Green Goblin's control, despite launching a fierce attack on T'Challa, Bucky couldn't inflict the slightest harm on him. T'Challa was wearing the priceless Vibranium battle suit, rendering Bucky's efforts futile.

To subdue Bucky, T'Challa first smashed the television left by Green Goblin in the room with a punch. Then, he completely ignored any attacks from Bucky and delivered a powerful palm strike to his neck, instantly rendering him unconscious.

However, due to the relatively short length of the claws on T'Challa's Black Panther suit, he couldn't destroy the metal barrier set up by Green Goblin. That's why they hadn't escaped yet and had encountered the arrival of Captain and his team, who had come to rescue them...

Successfully rescuing T'Challa and Bucky, Captain's trio had indeed completed the primary mission of this operation.

"Captain, what do we do next? The Green Goblin left no useful clues here, and we lack the technological means and devices like Tony and Mark to track his location.

Moreover, what we're likely to face next isn't just the Green Goblin; we may also have to deal with the United Nations' pursuit and manhunt. Our actions are going to be very challenging."

Although they had successfully accomplished the task, Falcon found himself more concerned about their impending situation.

Despite resolving to go against the agreed terms and uphold their inner sense of justice, the current difficulties weighed heavily on them.

"It's not just a possibility. Natasha just messaged me. The rest of the Avengers have received clearance from the United Nations for action, with the condition that they bring us all in.

We won't be facing elite soldiers sent by the UN; it will be the most powerful superhero force on Earth..."

The news Captain revealed undoubtedly added to the pressure already felt by Scarlet Witch and Falcon. Confronting former teammates, and in Scarlet Witch's case, her own brother, the hostility between them was undoubtedly agonizing.

"If you want to trace the Green Goblin's whereabouts, evade your comrades' pursuit, I can offer assistance.

Wakanda's technological advancements are not inferior to any other country on Earth. I can have my associates provide information on tracking and evading.

Plus, we share a common goal – the Green Goblin.

Experience has taught me that this is not an enemy to be dealt with by one person alone through brute force.

I believe we should cooperate against this enemy. I'll pursue my revenge, and you can stop the Green Goblin's malevolence."

T'Challa looked sincerely at Captain's trio, extending his right hand to symbolize his willingness to cooperate.

Captain turned to Falcon on his left, then to Scarlet Witch on his right. The three exchange glances to convey their thoughts to each other.

"Pleasure to cooperate!" After exchanging glances, Captain was the first to shake hands with T'Challa. Then, Falcon and Scarlet Witch also joined in, sealing the alliance between the four.

"But before we act, we need to wake Bucky up. He's an important ally."

After solidifying the alliance, Captain pointed at Bucky who was still unconscious on the ground. From the looks of it, T'Challa had not held back during their scuffle.

Nearly an hour had passed, and Bucky still showed no signs of waking naturally, so they'd have to provide some external assistance.

As soon as Captain finished speaking, Scarlet Witch already had a water sphere under her telekinetic control, hovering above Bucky's head.

Without any countdown, she released her power, allowing the water sphere to fall freely under gravity, making contact with Bucky's face.

Under the chilly stimulation of the flowing water, Bucky, who had been lying on the ground like a corpse, suddenly sprung up as if propelled by a tightly wound spring. His upper body shot up, his gaze filled with confusion as he looked around his surroundings.

"What's happening to me? Steve?"

"Which Bucky are you now?" Captain asked sternly as he looked at the awakened Bucky. Scarlet Witch stood ready by his side. If Bucky was still under the control of the Green Goblin, she was prepared to use her telekinesis to subdue him.

"Your mother's name is Sarah, and you used to put newspapers in your shoes," Bucky recounted his past memories, trying to dispel Captain's suspicions.

"These are things only the real Bucky would know." Upon hearing Bucky's response, the expression on Captain's face relaxed, and his eyes carried a hint of nostalgia and reminiscence.

"So, can we trust him now?" Scarlet Witch asked, retracting her powers.

"What did I do?" Bucky nervously looked at Captain.

"You didn't cause any harm. You and T'Challa were locked in a secure room, and you weren't a match for him. He knocked you out right away, so you don't need to worry about having done anything wrong again." Captain reassured Bucky, looking into his eyes.

"That's good news, but it's clear that the things Hydra instilled in my mind haven't been entirely erased by the treatment from Mark. As long as someone recites those damn words, I'll transform back into the Winter Soldier and obey their commands.

The Green Goblin somehow obtained information about the Winter Soldier within Hydra, and his underlings who confronted us at the farmhouse were released from the Siberian Hydra base."

"In that case, the Green Goblin is even more dangerous than we originally thought.

If he gains control over Hydra's legacy, even the secrets we don't know about, he could become a second Red Skull, causing chaos and turmoil on a global scale," Captain voiced his concerns.

"T'Challa, I think you should contact your Wakandan companions right away to help us locate the Green Goblin. I have a feeling that if we let him move unchecked for even a second in a hidden place, the potential danger he poses will increase."

Falcon, a retired soldier, felt an inexplicable sense of crisis. He had experienced this kind of feeling on the battlefield more than once. It was this sharp intuition, or sixth sense, that had allowed him to survive numerous perilous missions.

The recurrence of this feeling now meant that the presence of the Green Goblin had threatened not only his safety but the safety of the entire society. They had to quickly eliminate this kind of danger for its source.

Captain: "Bucky, think carefully. During the time you were under Hydra's control, did you come into contact with anything that could put the entire world in danger? If so, where is that thing hidden?

I believe that if the Green Goblin wants to seek revenge against us Avengers, aside from defeating us, considering his mad personality, since he lost his most precious son, he will surely aim to destroy what is most precious to us and what we are determined to protect—the peace of the Earth!"

"No, I can't recall memories from that period now. It would reactivate the Winter Soldier consciousness in my mind," Bucky said with anguish, shaking his head.

"I can use my telepathic abilities to extract the information we need directly from his brain, if he's willing to let me read his memories."

Scarlet Witch stepped forward at this point.

"I disagree! This is too dangerous, Wanda. Bucky's mind contains not only memories from his time as a soldier during World War II but also memories of being brainwashed by Hydra and carrying out Winter Soldier missions.

These memories are too heavy and painful for you. They would seriously impact your mental well-being and cognition. I can't agree with you trading your health for the mission's completion!"

Before Bucky could express his thoughts and opinions, Captain immediately rejected Scarlet Witch's suggestion.

"Captain, you underestimate me. Back in Seoul, I used the Vibranium body Dr. Helen created for Max to access his thoughts and consciousness. But that hasn't caused any psychological trauma for me.

Even if there is some risk involved in this approach, as Avengers and Earth's last line of defense, taking such risks is part of our duty. To fulfill our mission, I'm willing to take this chance!"

"Wanda..." Hearing Wanda's unwavering determination, Captain found it difficult to reject her again and shatter her conviction.

"To achieve our goal, it's not just about willpower and determination. The most important thing is a scientific method and approach.

That's why I always encourage you all to read more, to study science. You all took it lightly, and now you're facing difficulties!"

Just as Captain was grappling with the situation, a familiar voice suddenly emanated from his helmet. The owner of the voice was none other than Mark.

"Mark!" Captain exclaimed with surprise.

"I was originally going to give you an update that we're about to reach your location, but I didn't expect to hear such a touching speech from Wanda. I'm not sure whether to applaud her courage or criticize her lack of foresight..."

"It's truly exasperating when things that could be safely accomplished through scientific means are turned into grand acts of self-sacrifice to highlight one's heroic image. I'm speechless."

"Mark, do you have a solution? Just tell us straight, no need to keep us in suspense!" Upon hearing Mark's words, Captain knew he must have a way to resolve their current predicament.

"Easy there, I already said we're close to reaching your location. You guys better move yourselves to safety first. Are you really going to wait for the Avengers to turn against each other?

Quickly get yourselves out of there, and I'll contact you later to provide you with the correct method. Hang tight."

"Alright!" Captain agreed. With Mark's assistance, he felt a surge of confidence in thwarting the Green Goblin, even though the current issues within the Avengers were still giving him a headache.

"Wanda, we'll discuss this matter later. Mark and the others are about to arrive. Let's move to a safe location for now and make a decision once we're settled."

"If we're looking for a safe place, I do have a suggestion..." Bucky interjected.

The place Bucky mentioned was a secret Hydra base established during World War II.

However, as the Axis powers were defeated and surrendered, the previously occupied lands were liberated one after another. The Vienna base was strategically abandoned by Hydra as well.

Had Bucky not hidden there during one of his Winter Soldier missions to evade pursuit by S.H.I.E.L.D., he wouldn't have known about this hidden spot in Vienna.

This abandoned Hydra base had been unoccupied for a long time. Coupled with its well-hidden location and relatively complete facilities, it could temporarily provide a safe hiding place for them.

Led by Bucky, the group successfully relocated themselves before Tony and the others arrived.

After the group had settled down, Captain immediately contacted Mark.

"Mark, we've completed our relocation and are now in a safe place. What's the method you mentioned earlier to help Bucky safely recall his past memories?"

"The method is quite simple. The main thing is to use a device.

To guard against future enemies with mind-controlling abilities like Wanda, I once suggested that all Avengers carry the Hoi-Poi Capsules of Emotion Controller as standard equipment."

"Only if at least one of you followed my suggestion and carried the Emotion Controller Capsule, then my method can work."

Upon hearing this condition from Mark, Captain was momentarily stunned, then instinctively reached for the Emotion Controller Capsule attached to his waist. His face lit up in delight.

"Fortunately, I remembered to bring this thing with me when I left the hotel. What's next? What should we do?"

Since he had it on him, Captain didn't bother asking Falcon if he had one. As for Scarlet Witch, with her inherent mind-control abilities, it was certain that she wouldn't be carrying the Emotion Controller Capsule. The device held no purpose for her.

"Next, you need to place the Emotion Controller on Bucky's head. Then, find any device that can connect to the internet and emit a wireless signal.

This way, I can have Baymax modify the parameters of the Emotion Controller, allowing Bucky to detach his self-awareness and view his past memories in a third-person perspective, like watching a movie on a streaming site.

What's more important, to prevent Bucky from being controlled again the next time he hears the Green Goblin recite those words, I'll have Baymax implant a small program into the Emotion Controller.

This program will recognize and block any potentially destabilizing words, shielding his brainwaves, and completely sealing off his self-awareness during critical moments to prevent loss of control."

Following Mark's instructions, Captain took out the Emotion Controller and retrieved his cellphone. In order to avoid being tracked by law enforcement from the United Nations, he had shut down his phone and placed it inside the capsule.

Upon learning that Tony was personally leading a team to pursue him, he quickly sealed his phone inside the capsule to cut off all signals.

Turning on his phone, connecting to the mobile internet, and then activating the phone's hotspot to emit a wireless signal. Although being frozen for seventy years has caused Captain to miss out on many things and he seemed a bit old-fashioned in the present era.

However, even if he was a bit behind, with his enthusiastic attitude to integrate into this new era, Captain had learned quite a bit of new knowledge. At least he had become proficient in using smartphones.

"Mark, I've done what you said. You can have Baymax start the process now."

"Good!" a response came from Mark through the communication.

Then Captain noticed that the original screensaver wallpaper on his phone had disappeared, replaced by a blank white background, along with the classic expression (●—●) that Baymax had when he served as a medical health assistant.

"This feels quite peculiar!" Bucky, the person in question, couldn't help but exclaim. His current state was unprecedentedly peaceful and serene, as if he had entered a moment of wisdom after accomplishing something.

Even more amazing was that he, who had been manipulated by Hydra as the Winter Soldier, could now watch his memories like videos, freely dragging the progress bar back and forth and changing playback speed.

Even events and details that were previously very vague or entirely forgotten were now vividly restored during the viewing process. It was an incredibly strange experience.

Watching his memories as the Winter Soldier over the past few decades, this seemingly long process actually took only a few seconds in the real world.

By adjusting the Brainwave frequency in the Emotion Controller, Baymax allowed Bucky not only to detach his self-awareness during this process but also achieved a brain overclocking effect.

After repeatedly reviewing his past memories, Bucky finally found what he thought was Green Goblin's most likely target—an enormous-scale bioweapon dispenser developed by Hydra's scientific team.

This bioweapon dispenser, once loaded with a bioweapon virus, could release the virus or toxic gas by utilizing high-frequency waves within the machine, covering the entire Europe.

If this device fell into Green Goblin's hands, he could potentially carry out an unprecedented and horrifying act of terrorism, plunging human society into panic and paralysis.

At that point, even the combined efforts of the Avengers and the United Nations might struggle to reverse the situation.

Bucky shared his assessment with Captain and the other three individuals, instantly filling the room with a heavy atmosphere. If Bucky's speculation were true, their mission undoubtedly carried immense pressure.

This time, they were only allowed to succeed, as failure would result in the loss of countless innocent lives and global economic turmoil.

However, shortly after, T'Challa brought them a piece of good news that could be considered bad news. His Wakandan allies had located Green Goblin's whereabouts.

He was spotted on the outskirts of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, and what made this message both good and bad was that, according to Bucky's memories, the large-scale bioweapon dispenser that Hydra had sealed away was also there.

In other words, their worst fears had come true. Green Goblin was likely planning a crazed bioweapon massacre to wreak havoc across Europe!