
Prickly burning pain.

"Ohh, dear! I didn't mean it that way." Chen Rui said, not aware that a girl would be so strict with the relationship. How could she even guess that when she has seen her accepting her as a mother all readily. 

Li Xue shook her head with a smile before taking her seat on the chair. "I know. Sorry, I didn't mean to exaggerate but I believe relations should be built on one's emotions and feelings. Neither blood nor interest will make them stay by your side when you need them the most, but the emotional attachment will always help". 

Shin Tinming felt a twitching pain in his heart when heard the girl's rejection and her reasons behind it. But still, he could not bring himself to blame her, knowing well that she doesn't deserve his blame. A sad smile crept over his lips but it soon got erased in the way like it has never been there. Holding back on his composure, he put a welcoming smile over his lips and asked. 

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