
Malzeno/Grand Order

[There's no Monster Hunter tag, unfortunately] Malzeno feared yet revered. Elegant but cunning. Destructive yet tranquil. An Elder Dragon with many tales and none good. The only time it was believed to be "good" was in the fairy tale with its battle with the Archdemon Of The Abyss, which was proven to be more than a fairy tale. In one world, Malzeno survived its encounter with the Hunter, allowing for a unique team. Still, shortly after, Malzeno disappeared from the world, letting the Kingdom it once protected into the hands of its Knights. Malzeno answered the voice from a foreign world entirely, but why him? He was not one of the Black Dragons. He was merely protecting his territory and the humans against the Archdemon. As he transferred over, he was given a Human body while retaining his abilities. Now he fights as a Servant, but thankfully, the one who summoned him was not insufferable. Maybe saving Humanity won't be so bad? [This is a small crossover between Monster Hunter and Fate/Grand Order. This is also a rewrite of my Fate/Demi-Servant Fanfic. I hope that this one is better this time around with the unique crossover. This is not a story to be taken seriously, as I'm writing for my own enjoyment and mental health. However, I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless.]

SaurianMp4 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

The End And The Beginning




A few days had passed, and the group steadily recovered from Marie's passing. Malzeno looked outward to the vast plains ahead. Tumbleweeds passed by as if taking a stroll along the winds.

Malzeno made a vow to keep moving forward while remaining vigilant. He would honor the words he briefly heard from Marie when they had a small talk. He was beginning to feel human; gradually, the human-like emotions set in. 

Anger, hate, and love as well. He wouldn't say he truly "loved" anyone, but his love for the group was apparent with his fatherly instincts, ensuring everyone was safe and secure.

He had the markings of a wise man, a sage, and a king. He would no longer let his nonchalant attitude get in the way. He would swiftly handle his opponents without remorse! 

"Are you well, Malzeno?" Jeanne has been asking that more since they united again, which was welcomed.

"Yes, just extremely angry."

"You do a good job hiding it," Siegfried joined in, his curiosity apparent in his eyes. "Sorry for being skeptical of you at first."

Malzeno blinked at the famous German Hero and shook his head. "None taken. I understand you have a bad history with this Dragon, Fafnir."

"That's right...thinking about it, I have no clue how I won."

Malzeno had a confident smile. "Well, don't worry about it. I'll be there to help."

"....?" Jeanne blinked in surprise. 

"I do believe luck plays a factor in such situations. But I'm helping you wipe out Fafnir because of another creature I must face."

"I see...and you would like my help for that too? I'm assuming it's a Dragon, yes?"

"Precisely. And since you seem to damage Dragon-related enemies more, that bastard has no chance."

Siegfried scratched his nose. "I believe you're putting too much trust in me to do such a task...but I shall see that it is done."

The two heroes exchanged a final nod before Malzeno turned his attention to Jeanne, her once brilliant blonde hair almost fully changed to a platinum blonde.

"Your hair..."

"Is something wrong with it?"

"...no, in fact, I like it very much." 

Jeanne quickly averted her gaze, feeling her face heat up. Malzeno chuckled. Thankfully, the table talk about "love" taught him a few things when women receive certain compliments. 

"T-Thanks...but it seems like the final battle draws near."

"Yes, the closer I get to Orleans, the more I can feel his presence."

"We'll prevail, we have to."

"You took the words right from my mouth. Yes, I don't intend on losing. I still have a promise-"


Siegfried shouted, pushing Malzeno out of the way of an ominous black arrow. 


Malzeno gave a thankful nod to Siegfried as they were approached by what seemed to be hostile servants.


"Two hostile servants! Malzeno, can you tell who they are?" Roman spoke through the transmission.

"The skimpy one is Atalanta, and the one clad in purple armor is Lancelot, both Berserkers."

Malzeno continued. "It seems Atalanta was originally summoned as an Archer, given that I caught a glimpse of her recent memories."

"Then let's defeat her and Lancelot!" Ritsuka clenched her fists; she wouldn't let Marie's sacrifice be wasted.

"Malzeno, Siegfried, can you defeat those two?"

"Of course, but Siegfried is needed. I'll handle them both."

"I will stay behind, too," Jeanne said, standing beside Malzeno. "Take the Pink Wyvern and get as close as possible to Orleans. We'll catch up shortly."

"Yes, Rathian should be able to get you close enough."

The pink Wyvern from before appeared bigger, with stockier legs and sturdy talons. Everyone agreed, and the lighter Servants and Ritsuka climbed onto Rathian's back and approached Orleans.

"Are you sure staying with me was wise?"

"After what happened last time, you'll need my assistance. Let's not forget Martha's words."

Malzeno opened his mouth to speak but remembered the words Martha told him before he dealt the final blow. He was needed. It was clear to everyone that his presence changed the flow of things.

"You ready?" 

Jeanne gave a firm nod. "Yes."

Malzeno grinned as he took out his bow. He quickly jumped--his Duke Impaler was used as an arrow.

"YOU!" Atalanta roared viciously as she brought out her bow and arrow. They were coated in an obsidian color, most likely from Atalanta's driven madness. 

The two of them shot their respective weapons, meeting midway in the air, with the aftermath resulting in a rippling explosion that obscured their vision. 

Lancelot jumped through the dust, aiming for Jeanne as he screamed incoherent words that sounded more like guttural screams. Jeanne used his flagpole with finesse, blocking Lancelot's wild but skillful attacks from what seemed to be a modern light pole. 

Malzeno landed to Lancelot's side, aiming to impale him with another set of his Duke Impaler, but Atalanta rushed into him like a wild hog.

Atalanta began to claw at Malzeno, who she straddled to keep on the ground. Malzeno moved his head from side to side, narrowly avoiding the ferocious attacks with a grim expression. 

Finding a moment, Malzeno summoned his tail to grab Atalanta and fling her away. Malzeno stood up. His tail was smaller due to the size of his human body, but he would need it to keep up with Atalanta's brutal attacks.

"Even with that madness, you're still formidable," Malzeno couldn't help but compliment. His words seemed to have an effect as Atalanta flashed a toothy smile.

"Thanks...thanks...you have to...win," Atalanta words shocked Malzeno. "She's...being manipulated."

"So it is true...the other Jeanne doesn't know of Giasmagorm."

"Then, let us keep fighting, Atalanta,"

"Right, yes, this is fine," 

Atalanta's madness appeared again as her eyes dazed into an insane swirl of rage. Being a Berserker and having more madness toppled upon her seemed to break her completely, switching her class in the process. 




Lancelot and Jeanne's fight continued, with Lancelot summoning a pair of automatic pistols and firing them at...


"I am not King Arthur!" 

"Jeanne, switch!" 

Lancelot drew his real sword, Arondight, hoping to skewer Jeanne, but Malzeno's tail intercepted it as he and Jeanne swapped places. 

Atalanta locked eyes with Jeanne, and something within them seemed to tick as if they knew each other from someplace. However, they quickly disclosed this feeling. 

Lancelot's attacks couldn't connect with Malzeno's body as his tail acted like a sword in its own right, with the three protruding prongs used as blades. 

Malzeno threw two Impalers at Lancelot, but the raging Berserker masterfully blocked them, swinging his sword in a perfect arc that sent the lances to his left and right. 

As Malzeno thrust his tail, Lancelot jumped, landing on top of it, sending a painful jolt coursing through Malzeno's tail, temporarily stopping Malzeno's movements.

Lancelot roared loudly, shaking the ground as he went to stab Arondight into Malzeno's chest, but.

Swish! Clank!

Lancelot's torso was pierced by the two Impalers Malzeno had thrown at him before. His body stopped as he fell to the side, landing on Malzeno's right with a thud. His spirit origin was shattered. 

Malzeno looked at the Knight who almost killed him, a look of respect evident in his glimmering crimson eyes.

"Get some rest, Lancelot Du Lac."

"....Thanks," Although hoarse, the sincerity in Lancelot's dying breath was enough to tell he truly meant it.

Lancelot's body dissolved into faint, golden particles, signaling his defeat. 




The sound of metal echoed across the air, with Jeanne using her flagpole to intercept Atalanta's swift attacks. Although she was a Berserker, her speed was still on par with her Archer version, or perhaps it increased. 

Atalanta took charge by temporarily turning into a black demon boar. Jeanne clenched her teeth--her flagpole dug into the ground before lavender-colored flames sprouted like a geyser. 

Atalanta instinctively halted her charge and returned to normal, but a sharp pain pierced her core just as she reached the flames. Her body completely froze, and her head looked down to see a spear drenched in her blood. 

She looked back to see Malzeno. Her eyes widened, her madness fading away as she fell on one knee. Her breath was ragged, but she didn't care about the pain. She was finally free of this torment. 

"Although cowardly, I had to wrap this battle," Malzeno regretted. 

"This is fine," Atalanta sighed. "What an unrewarding job. The Dragon Witch has no clue about that thing. I believe you do."

Atalanta continued. "Next time, let's have a proper fight."

Malzeno said nothing, answering with a nod, which was enough for Atalanta as she faded away. 

All that was left was the forces at Orleans.




The way to Orleans was littered with blood and various frayed bodies and bones. It was a grotesque sight, with Wyvern wings torn apart and their teeth embedded in the skulls of men. 

However, this was a common occurrence in War. War brings death, as it doesn't discriminate between good and evil. If you lose, you're dead; if you win, you live. That's the two sides of a war. Peace Treaties were just a blockade to prolong War. 

"So you all finally arrived!" 

Rathian lowered in a clear spot, a few meters away from Jalter, who led thousands of Wyverns. Her stance gave away her confidence in her victory, as standing behind her like an echo fighter was the Evil Dragon, Fafnir. 

"Yes, that's Fafnir," Siegfried looked at his archenemy with a piercing gaze.

Feeling Siegfried's presence, Fafnir visibly shook, whether out of fear or anger, it wasn't clear. 

"Stop cowering, Fafnir," Jalter found it repulsive that Fafnir was scared of someone smaller than himself, but he was killed by said small man.

"So, where's Ruler and my other half? Please don't tell me they think you guys can win."

"I promised Malzeno that I would help him handle the other dragon," Siegfried sighed, summoning Balmung. 

"I intend on keeping that promise," Siegfried ignored the puzzled expression on Jalter's face as he looked at Fafnir.

"Where's my future version?"

"Hmph. Gilles needed the others for some reason. It doesn't matter. You're all going to die here! Attack!" 


"Right! Engaging combat!"

"We'll cover you, Master, so sit tight," Kiyohime, Elizabeth, and Amadeus began to take down Wyverns targeting Ritsuka.




Siegfried grimaced as he and Fafnir traded blows. Metal resounded like gongs throughout the bloody terrain. Soldiers and Wyverns clashed, staking their lives at this moment. 

"Blutig Drachen," Siegfried cursed as Fafnir began to fly. 

"Siegfried! Take Rathian to the skies and keep fighting!" Ritsuka called out, her voice mixing with the bellowing screams. 

Siegfried watched as the pink Wyvern came to his side. He couldn't help but nod. As he jumped on the back of the Wyvern, he was immediately in the air. 

Fafnir roared as it began to charge up a massive amount of magical energy. Siegfried saw the beast preparing a large attack, getting him to respond in kind. 


Siegfried began to prepare his Noble Phantasm, knowing everyone would die if he didn't stop it here. As the long sword accumulated a large amount of energy, a blue veil covered it before a tempestuous shroud of raw ether exploded from above the hilt. 


With a mighty shout, both attacks clashed, causing a miniature storm to appear in the sky and rain to fall. Siegfried felt his attack being pushed back, causing him to pump more energy into the attack...



The shout of Siegfried's master echoed into his ears; his power began to amplify thanks to the command spell, allowing him to overcome Fafnir's fire blast and swallow him in the blast radius, destroying everything behind the large beast. 

"Ha...." Siegfried was placed on the ground, thanks to Rathian. "Too close." 

"What?" Jalter couldn't believe her eyes. Did that one attack settle the score? No, it did, but her denial was too high to tell the difference. 

"Thanks for the assistance, Master. I was sure I would've-"

However, before Siegfried could finish, a large limb came from the dust, and his back was left open due to the source of his death being a small spot in his back in the shape of a leaf. 

But the attack never came as a large shadow loomed over Siegfried. The sound of metal scrapping against itself was heard. 


A pair of wings safeguarded Siegfried from imminent death, and a set of crimson eyes showed themselves, revealing it to be Malzeno. 

"Seems I'm not the only one capable of such tactics."

"Malzeno! If you're here, that means Atalanta and Lancelot were taken care of?" Ritsuka's tone seemed arid before, but seeing her second official Servant return lowered her anxiety. 

"Of course," Malzeno kept looking at the evaporating dust, showing the now deceased Fafnir. It seemed the beast wanted to take Siegfried with it this time but failed again. 

Jalter held an expression of panic. Her pale yellow eyes landed on the arrival of Malzeno and her other half. 


"Just give up the Grail!" Ritsuka didn't wish to fight anymore. If possible, she'd like to handle this diplomatically. 

"Tch, now you think you can bark orders?"




"Oh dear, this isn't good," The corrosive tone came from behind Jalter, getting the Dragon Witch to turn around; her eyes suddenly seemed to relax, seeing the only person she could trust appear. 

"Gilles..." Jeanne looked at the outcome of Gilles, his face a grotesque piece of art, with pale gray skin and bulging eyes only seen in horror. 

"The faker is here too, marvelous!" 

"Gilles, why did you leave Orleans?" Jalter asked with a furrowed brow; however, a gust of wind pushed her back. 

It was Malzeno, his left arm completely severed as he held Jalter with his right arm. With his incredible speed, he returned to the group. 

"Malzeno, your arm!" Jeanne immediately rushed over, ignoring that her other half also seemed worried. 

"Don't worry about the small stuff," Assured Malzeno with a sigh. 

"Why'd you...what's your game?" Jalter was finally free of Malzeno's grip, her eyes showing weariness. 

"You were going to die, so I saved you." 

"Tch! You seem to know of my plans, foreigner!" 

"Plans? Gilles, what the fuck is going on."

"You seem out of the loop, but you were going to be sacrificed," Malzeno answered for Gilles, getting Jalter to widen her eyes.

"You're lying..."

"Unfortunately, he is not, Dear Jeanne!" Gilles confirmed, much to the dismay of Jalter. 

"I already promised to protect Jeanne D'Arc," Malzeno spoke. "And that includes you as well, Dragon Witch."




"This...thing is not a man or a god. He's just a demon, perfectly fitting for someone who can summon Giasmagorm," 

Malzeno was not one to sugarcoat it. It was unbelievable to think the commanding knight he saw before turned into this creature. 

Gilles chuckled with a sick fervor. "If becoming a demon is enough for God to grant my wish, then so be it! I will sacrifice myself to ensure that God sees my will!"

"What a lunatic," Malzeno scowled. "Then bring him out. I will kill him this time." 

The ground beneath Gilles crumbled before a split fractured the ground; Gilles's malicious laughter echoed in the ravine before it suddenly stopped, replaced by the deafening roar.

The roar shook the very foundation of France; its bellowing caused the earth to crack and the rain to momentarily halt; a scarlet hue replaced the clouds as various Qurio returned to the depths of the large ravine. 

"That roar shook the entirety of France!" Romani shouted through the transmission. "I'm seeing large numbers of fissures and other things! This is worse than Fafnir!"

"I hope you're all ready to face a true threat," Malzeno said, looking at Jalter, who seemed defeated.

"Dragon Witch...no, Jalter, you figured it out, haven't you?"

"I'm a fake...I'm the grail, created by Gilles," Jalter's words were distant. She was emotionally distraught, and for good reason. 

"Look, Jalter. I don't care if you're a counterfeit or anything like that. You're your own person. Whether you're Jeanne D'Arc or not doesn't matter here."

However, before Jalter could speak her peace, a large shadow loomed, revealing a large forelimb and another set until it fully revealed itself. 

Giasmagorm's massive appearance completely shut down Siegfried's thoughts about Fafnir, sensing that this creature was much more dangerous. Its mouth split, revealing a cobalt blue tongue as it released another metallic roar. 

The winds howled intensely as the red sky began to deepen; it was as if a massive amount of entropy was painting the sky, creating a dreadful atmosphere. 

"Malzeno, that thing is affecting the world itself! It must be killed. I can sense that it also possesses the Holy Grail somehow."

"Are you all ready? This is the final battle."

Giasmagorm began to stand before it lifted its head as it sucked in all the Qurio that flocked to it, its blue pigments turning a bloody red and its becoming a vermillion orange. 

"Master, how should we proceed?" Malzeno looked at the frozen Ritsuka. "A piece of advice, it's head is the weakest."

"R-right," Ritsuka slapped her face, snapping her out of her funk. "Malzeno and Siegfried, you two are best at this. Lead the attack."

"Spot on! Another thing, the large clusters on its large back arms are weak spots, target those, and you'll cripple it temporarily!"

"YEAH!" Everyone shouted as their game plan was set. 

Malzeno wasted no time and transformed, carrying Siegfried on his back. The moment Malzeno appeared in his true form, Giasmagorm locked eyes with him, showing off a maddening sense of hatred. 

"Get me to one of the clusters!" Siegfried yelled through the air, getting a nod from Malzeno. 

On the ground, the Wyverns continued their onslaught, seeing as they saw Giasmagorm as their new leader. Like the other Servants, Jeanne and Jalter worked in sync to ensure Ritsuka was safe. 

"Listen..." Jeanne slashed through a Wyvern. "I wanted to say that you're indeed Jeanne D'Arc."

"Ha!" Jalter sent her stakes through the belly of a Wyvern, blood painted her hair as she looked over to Jeanne. "I don't need pity, especially from you."

"It's not pity but acceptance. I've noticed that I refused to accept that I could never turn on like how you did. Even if you were a creation from Gilles's wish, you deserve to be your own person."

Jalter didn't respond to Jeanne's words, silently accepting her other half's words. She needed to repay her debt to Malzeno; after all, he sacrificed his arm to ensure she was safe. 




Siegfried and Malzeno began to divert Giasmagorm's attention from the main group, making it easier to focus on them. 

"Drop me on its head!" 

Malzeno spread his wings and dashed forward for Giasmagorm's head. Siegfried made a leap of faith, but as he descended, Giasmagorm used one of its massive arms to slap the Dragon Slayer away, but it was pulled back as purple ripples impacted against it. 

Malzeno looked over to see Jalter throwing large stakes at Giasmagorm; it proved successful as it roared in annoyance, and one of the stakes managed to strike a cluster head-on, destroying it.

Siegfried managed to land on the Elder Dragon's head, which was bigger than he had expected. Still, he didn't waste any time and raised his sword before thrusting it into Giasmagorm's skull, but its head was tougher than expected as Balmung seemed to scrape instead of cut. 

Malzeno roared, collecting a ton of energy before shooting down a blast of red and black energy. Giasmagorm dodged by slamming its large limbs into the ground, causing him to propel to the right. This caused Siegfried to fall off, but Malzeno rushed to get the Dragon Slayer. 

"His head is quite sturdy," Siegfried said to Malzeno as they landed by Jalter. 

"I can try a Noble Phantasm, but the Master is quite drained from last time," Siegfried continued. 

"Leave it to me," Jalter chimed in. "I'll create a pathway; both of you unleash your Noble Phantasms and kill the bastard."

Malzeno had returned to normal, feeling his energy draining more in the form than normal. It seems he can only last a few minutes in his true form. He was confident in this new plan and didn't need to be in his true form.

"I'm assuming you'll do your Noble Phantasm, too?" Malzeno asked, to which Jalter nodded. 

"It'll only hinder it, I'm sure. It's way beyond my control, like you, so I can't tell it to kill itself."

"Let's do it then." Although hesitant, Siegfried knew this was the only way to handle the current situation. 

Summoning a Longsword, Malzeno looked at the shocked expression on Siegfried's face. 

"Can you...."

"Use your Noble Phantasm? I'm going to try right now." 

"Enough chit-chat!" Jalter summoned two black stakes in her hands. "Let's go, Dragon Hunting!"




"All evil shall gather here..." 

Giasmagorm was surrounded by large black stakes, hindering its movements. Although such a thing would be easy to avoid, two stakes pierced through its large hands. 

"This is the howl of a soul filled with hatred!"

"La Grondement Du Haine!!"

With Jalter's declaration, a sea of flames enveloped Giasmagorm, allowing enough time for Siegfried and Malzeno to charge up their attacks. 

However, time wasn't enough as Giasmagorm appeared in the air, propelling itself using the Qurio, which acted as rocket boots. 

"Tough bastard!" Jalter felt sweat drop from her pores as the situation grew dire. 

"O Lord, I beg of you..." A flash of gold particles shined before a blinding flag rose. 

"Grant me the strength to protect those precious to me." Jeanne appeared in front of Malzeno, Siegfried, and Jalter; her flag held up high as it was illuminated with holy light.

"Luminosite Eternelle!" 

Giasmagorm unleashed its attack, a full-force blast breath of death and destruction, hoping to kill everyone along with it, but it met resistance as Jeanne activated her Noble Phantasm. 

It was a battle of wits as Jeanne held her ground against Giasmagorm. The beam was divided into small blasts that scorched the lands, killing everything in its path. 

"We need to hit it from two directions!" 

"I'll head for the back!"

Malzeno sprouted his pair of wings as he ascended. His figure automatically caught Giasmagorm's red eyes. With a heated gaze, Giasmagorm prepared to strike again, going for another breath attack. 

Malzeno skillfully curved his body to the left, avoiding the dangerous beam that would've swallowed him whole. As Malzeno made it to the other side, Giasmagorm's attention returned to Siegfried. A sense of dread welled up within Giasmagorm. 

As it lifted its upper body, Giasmagorm prepared to release an ear-bleeding roar; however, before it could do so, Elizabeth appeared in front of it, standing on a large speaker box. 

"Your vocals are trash!" 

Elizabeth's performance countered Giasmagorm's roar and the two sound attacks clashed, canceling each other out. Jalter and Jeanne looked at one another and nodded. 

"I got another Noble Phantasm in me," Jalter devised a strategy as Siegfried and Malzeno were still preparing their Noble Phantasms. 

"Perhaps I can use mine as a distraction, allowing you to keep the beast down long enough for Malzeno and Siegfried."

"We got nothin' better at the moment. Let's do it!" 


"Allow me to be of assistance!" 

Kiyohime opened her mouth and spewed out vermillion-colored flames; then, she waved her fan with enough force to cause a large ring of fire. 

"I'll throw you to its head. Then you smack the bastard with your Noble Phantasm!" 

The plan began as Jalter threw Jeanne high in the air. Then Elizabeth caught her with a huge smile as they flew higher past Giasmagorm's face. 

"Down you go!" 

"Once again...lord, give me strength!" 

Jeanne's flag was shrouded in a delicate, golden glow as a barrier formed around her. Her descent caught Giasmagorm's attention, but the speed caused the barrier to fall onto Giasmagorm's head like a comet. With a shriek, it fell flat into the ground. 

As Jeanne's part was finished, Elizabeth flew by and picked her up. Jalter spun her stakes before impaling them into the ground, causing large ones to appear to surround Giasmagorm. 

Suddenly, two large amounts of energy roared, their light encompassing France. Everyone's eyes widened as they took on stunned expressions. 

"Get back!" Siegfried warned, to which everyone complied too. 

"YOU READY?" Malzeno shouted from the tail end of Giasmagorm. 

"I AM!"






Pointing their swords at Giasmagorm, the two massively charged attacks approached the trapped Giasmagorm. However, it tried to propel itself away but found resistance due to the nearly 70-meter-long stakes that Jalter summoned, trapping it like a rodent. 

The two attacks engulfed Giasmagorm before a pillar of red and blue went toward the heavens, shaking the very foundation of it. 




"Ha...." Siegfried fell to one knee, breathing like a tired dog after a long walk under the sun.

"We...won?" Ritsuka seemed unsure of her own words as she uttered them slowly. 

"I'm not sensing a signature, anyone; I can confirm we did it..." Roman verified, sounding unsure of his own words.

As the air turned into a graceful breeze, the group all fell on the dusty ground, exhausted that the battle was over; however, there was one thing left to do.

"So this is a Holy Grail?" Malzeno held the one from Giasmagorm in his hands, studying it carefully. 

"So Gilles managed to procure two of these," Jalter's brow scrunched as she was again betrayed. 

"I believe we're all tired from fighting..."

In the distance, however, the pale blue sky began to crack. 

"The singularity is repairing itself! I'll transfer you all back in a minute."

"So it's time to go, huh?" Siegfried stretched out his arm, making a handshake gesture, which Malzeno returned with his remaining hand as he gave the Grail to Ritsuka.

"I had fun fighting alongside you," Malzeno commented. "To think that a world like this has people that burn bright like the flames of Kamura Village."

"Hey, pops! Next time we meet, I'll show you how much I've improved!" 

Malzeno smiled at Elizabeth as she faded away slowly one by one, everyone left; however, Jeanne and Jalter remained. 


"It was great fighting alongside a Hero again, even if you don't see yourself as one," Malzeno confidently voiced. 

"Hmph, don't I get a thank you for saving your ass?"

"Yes, thanks for the assistance. You've done well. Next time, let's fight." 

"I have a hunch we'll meet again, so until then, take care, Malzeno."

"Before you go, take Rathian with you. Unfortunately, she won't be able to return with us; I'm sure you'll find her useful."

"...I won't forget this. That's a promise," Jalter said with absolute certainty as she faded, leaving in her place another Holy Grail. 

"I don't think the Wyvern can come with me, but I'll do my best!" 

Malzeno, Ritsuka, and Mash completed the Orleans Singularity with those parting words, successfully restoring the natural flow. 




"So, you're the beast that fell into this world."

Two figures could be seen in a void of darkness, void of any light. The first was a large man with four arms and deep gray skin, with striking blue hair that was messy and cluttered. They wore nothing but ripped black shorts. 

With pulsing blue tattoos, the figure with red eyes looked at the man before him, uttering no words.

"Yes, your time isn't over; the interference of that creature, Malzeno, changed what I saw so that you will act as my envoy....."

You shall be called Demon God Giasmagorm!


AN: Yo! I know the ending may have been subpar, but that's the best I came up with. Giasmagorm isn't done with, as you can see. I'll be taking a break from this story. 

Hope you all have a Good New Year, and a better 2024.

See you all soon.

You can also find me at Wattpad under the same name.

SaurianMp4creators' thoughts