
Mal’s Dad

Mal of the Isle, now of Auradon finally finds out who her father is. And he’s been around all along! Only she was on the isle and he was else where. See Mal’s reaction to this big news and also how she learned to live with who he is.

Nakaysia_Crawford · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The big secret

"Mal,Mal we finally found out. Maleficent finally came clean!"shouted Ben running towards me. I looked at him with a equally scared and surprised look then asked "Who is he?" "Mal you dad is a hero here in Auradon, King Stefan!" I looked away to hide my feelings, to say I was sad and heartbroken would be an understatement. Ben realized my lack of response and said "It the truth Mal, both of them told me,King Stefan broke the no use of magic rule to meet Maleficent until one day she told him to stop coming 18 years. I guess she found about about been pregnant with you and she never told him." I sat down on a bench in the park to let the information sink in, still not saying a word about what Ben just declared to me. He sat down beside me and held my hand trying to look in my eyes to comfort me. I looked at him and revealed my true emotions with my eyes. He placed his arms around me giving me a shoulder to cry on, how could she keep this from me I thought. After about 5 minutes I finished cry then Ben finally said while giving me a handkerchief "King Stefan wants to have me and you over for dinner tonight to officially meet and welcome you into the family." I felt a huge surge in my emotions, I instantly became angry and yelled at Ben,"No I'm not going! That family never liked me from the beginning, why would they like me now!"

I dashed off heading toward my dorm room, I could hear Ben's foot steps chasing after me, I sprinted faster. Finally I reached my dorm room and went inside slamming the door just as Ben reached up to it. He began knocking insistently, still I would answer, I had my back to the door, sitting on the floor with my head in my hand. After about to minutes he quit the knocking and calling and sighed and said," Dinner will be at 7 in Aurora's castle if you changed you mind." I could hear the sadness and defeat in his voice as he walked away. I know none of this is his fault but I just need some time to deal with this big news. I have always wanted a dad, one I could hang out with and stuff to get away from my mother's wicked lesson and such. And to think he was alive all along just breaks my heart. I got up off the floor went to my bed and looked at the clock to see that it's 4. I laid in my bed for about a hour then I heard the door open. Knowing it's Evie I didn't bother to turn around. I guess she saw the mood I was in and instantly jumped on top of me in my bed and began tickling me to cheer me up I guess, which worked. She asked what's wrong then I began pouring my heart out to her about with I just learned from Ben. " Mal you need to start getting ready for this dinner, do you know how lucky you are to know who your dad truly is! I would give anything to know mine." I looked at her with sad eyes and realized how right she is. " Well your gonna have to style me from this 'dinner'." Which she replied with a squeal and dragged me to our closet.