
For About a Hour

Camila's hands were small. Camila's feet were small. Camila's face was small.

Camila was now...Small.

Camila sat there staring at her hands in shock for about a hour. When she finally came back to reality, she slowly looked at her surroundings.

Everything was big and towered far above her. She was in a pink crib that was soft and gentle, the walls around her were also in a similar shade of pink. The floors, toys, and decorations were also a very dainty pink.

Every where she looked there was pink.

So much pink.

But disregarding the questionable color choices, the most shocking part was her, now tiny, body.

Actually nevermind, the most shocking part was definitely the fact that she was alive. Camila was sure that just a second ago she died.

She definitely died.


Camila thought and pondered and questioned, but she couldn't come up with a reasonable answer. But what she did know was that this situation was very...


So she would stick around.

Coming to a conclusion, Camila was going to look around more, but was interrupted. Like a annoying bird call on a quiet morning, she heard a high pitch yell.


"Oh, Lilliaaaaaaaan!"

Next chapter