
Why Kallen is the bishop?

Luo Mo knew that the first step to achieving his goals was to build up his own resources. Then, he could use Schicksal's help to develop a game that would fulfill the system task. He would grow stronger, reach new heights, and complete a cycle of success. The system's rewards would enable him to accelerate this process endlessly, and soon he would be at the top of the world.

This was his plan a few days ago.

However, he also knew that things might not go as smoothly as he hoped. The day after he uploaded his manuscript, he woke up and wondered if he should clean up this 'home' that he had been staying in for a few days.

After all, there was no guarantee that his manuscript would be noticed by Schicksal and Otto. It was also possible that the bishop would just smile and ignore it.

So, he had to be prepared for any outcome. If his plan failed, he could always fall back on his hustling skills to make a living.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with borrowing a bit from history.

He had just arrived in this new world and didn't have time to study its history.

Besides, the history books probably wouldn't record Otto and Kallen's heroic adventures in detail. As Luo Mo changed his clothes, he thought about the fate of his manuscript.

He stretched his limbs and decided to get out of bed and take a walk. Maybe he would find some inspiration along the way.

Luo Mo was deep in thought when he heard three rhythmic knocks on the door.

Who could it be at this hour? Luo Mo wondered.

He guessed it was the original resident. Luo Mo got up and opened the door. How should he explain himself? That he was just using the house for a while and would pay the rent as soon as possible?

He was still thinking as he twisted the doorknob.

"Good day, sir. Schicksal Group would like to have a talk with you. Your work has amazed our president. She specifically instructed me to personally deliver this invitation to you," said the beautiful girl with gray-gold hair covering her left eye and wine-red pupils. She was dressed in a neat and tidy black maid outfit, and a teardrop mole at the corner of her eye added a touch of charm to her appearance.

Her words were as pleasant as a spring breeze, but they sent a chill down Luo Mo's spine.

A beautiful lady in a maid outfit was blocking the door. Luo Mo wasn't surprised. This was an S-level Valkyrie! How could she be easily moved? Even if you're a master at handling difficult situations, you need to have some something to move something this heavy person into you.

Luo Mo felt a surge of panic. He had just finished writing a novel, and the next moment, one the character showed up in real life. Even though he hadn't written any forbidden scenes yet, seeing a person from his book in flesh and blood was unsettling. But he had no reason to be scared, right?

He realized that making games based on original creation was a huge mistake. Not only would it take too much time, but it would also raise legal issues. Should he wait until the Honkai threat was over to release the game? Or until all the Valkyries had disappeared? That would be a tragic irony.

In fact, Luo Mo had only one option from the beginning - to connect with Schicksal or Anti-Entropy and cooperate. This was the only feasible way.

or Luo Mo, this was a simple multiple-choice question. Although Anti-Entropy might be more righteous in the original story, all the Valkyries were affiliated with Schicksal.

Considering his own ambition to work with Schicksal and his gaming experience, it seemed that ordinary people in Schicksal had a certain degree of security.

Most importantly, Anti-Entropy doesn't clearly understand how to enter through the back door. Judging by the arrival of the third Honkai and queen arrival, Anti-Entropy's bankruptcy seems imminent. When funds run out, they will undoubtedly cut off their game planning budget.

Moreover, without Valkyries, they will have trouble with the voiceover and portrait aspects of the game. Developing games against Schicksal's wishes? That's like asking for trouble.

In front of Otto, all you have to do is write something that compliments Kallen and show proper manners. Then express your admiration for Karen, who was known as the Saint Kallen of Schicksal 500 years ago.

Next, express your wish to develop a game about Kallen and devote a few more chapters to her. The funding will flow like water.

Then, secretly prepare the crystal drawing cards and gacha, and when the opportunity arises, use the cheat that the system gives you to stab Otto in the back.

OK, if you think about it, that plan is stupid, right? Or maybe not? Nah, it's not stupid.

just... maybe yeah that's stupid, we can change things up a bit about stabbing Otto in the back.

but I don't regret taking this action at all. In many ways, my plan to connect with Schicksal has been quite successful, despite a few minor setbacks.

However, every plan has its drawbacks. How can one survive the post-Honkai era without taking any risks?

The activation of the system function also depends on the development of a game first. Only with the system's help can we advance. If we tried to develop it on our own, it would not only be a lengthy process, but we would also face difficulties with character portraits and voiceovers.

All I did was write some clues about Honkai, natural and man-made disasters, the power of the abyss, and the typical maid lady.

Then I wrote about Otto and his wife Kallen traveling around the country together, having fun, performing heroic deeds, and saving lives. I stopped writing after depicting the first half of the Black Death and upload it.

I thought that maybe if I wrote another volume, B-level Valkyries would come to fetch me. I have already planned out the next volume. Kallen discovers the truth and they separate.

Otto continues to protect her secretly, despite his helplessness.

Depending on Kallen's fate, two scenarios could unfold. If Kallen has passed away, Otto will ascend to divinity and live for an additional 500 years. However, if Kallen is alive, she will embark on a journey with Otto. Their contrasting ideas will spark interesting debates and their companionship will be a source of joy.

Until he could meet the Valkyries at the headquarters, he had to face Otto and show his loyalty to Schicksal. The most important thing was to subtly express his admiration for the Saint Lady and write this book as a tribute to her.

"Sir, are you ready to go? We have a car waiting for you." Rita saw that Luo Mo was still standing in place, so she walked up to his side and pressed a sharp object against his waist. He didn't want to know what it was, nor did he have to.

"No, no, let's go now." Luo Mo said, pretending to be calm.

He followed Rita down the stairs. Amid the gossip of the neighbors and the astonished eyes of the two aunts, he went downstairs and got into the luxury car that belonged to Schicksal.

Neighbors naturally saw Schicksal's unique luxury car, wondering which family was so lucky to work in Schicksal.

Mr. Luo was overjoyed and expressed his eagerness to leave quickly. He sincerely hoped that he could meet the Bishop as soon as possible. It was just that his legs were a bit cramped from time to time. Maybe he was too excited.

Rita filled in her task form accordingly, stating that today's task report could be done very easily.

Rita was not assigned to escort Luo Mo. She had just received a notice from the Bishop after handling some matters in this city. She had collaborated with China before. She was coincidentally fighting against Honkai in the city.

She executed the task temporarily, and after completing it, she had to return to Schicksal headquarters for a job briefing. She volunteered to take this single task.

She was also very curious about what made an ordinary person stand out and catch the Bishop's eye.

However, she was more eager to return to Schicksal headquarters and see Miss Durandal, and then visit Lady Cecilia together. So she wanted to speed up the task process in her own maid-like way.

On the plane heading to Schicksal headquarters, Luo Mo wanted to ask Rita some questions. After all, this was a rare chance to see important people related to the story.

His search for Nagazora City and his recent online searches had confirmed that he was in a Honkai world, but some things still felt weird, especially the fact that an S-level Valkyrie came to 'invite' him on the second day.

It seemed that he had missed some details. Luo Mo frowned and thought hard, wondering where he had gone wrong.

Luo Mo thought that something was wrong with Nagazora City. How could a small factory explosion cause the whole city to disappear? There should be some news on the Internet, unless Schicksal had covered it up.

And it was very unlikely that someone would come looking for him on the second day.

and Luo Mo didn't find Otto's name on every corner of the internet, there was only one Otto Apocalypse villain he knew but there zero in internet.

Was it because Schicksal forbade the use of Otto Bishop's name? Luo Mo carefully examined some illogical points.

The system was really unhelpful. It did not respond when he asked about reality-related questions. When he asked about other functions, they were all in an unlocked state. He could not get any useful information.

"Rit-, lovely maid lady, who are we going to meet? I never expected my work to receive such attention!" Luo Mo opened his mouth and realized his mistake. He wasn't supposed to know Rita's name yet. He quickly changed his words, putting on a look of excitement.

Rita looked puzzled for a moment, then thought for a while. She swiftly opened her communicator, did some operations, and then nodded as if she figured out something. She said, "Next, you will have a meeting with our bishop at the Schicksal Group headquarters. She is very impressed by your 'Novel', and you can talk to your editor about it."

Luo Mo nodded, pretending to be excited, even though he couldn't see any difference between him and her.

He felt a surge of frustration. How could writing an article earn him the appreciation of the Bishop of Schicksal? That was unbelievable. It seemed that he couldn't get any useful information from Rita. However, he understood that the Schicksal Group still had a president on the surface, and the real power was in the hands of the Archbishop of Schicksal.

He was not prepared for the shock he would experience when he saw who the Archbishop of Schicksal and the President of Schicksal were.

After leaving the airport, he was greeted by signs full of Schicksal Group's logo. He had heard on the plane that the city was named after Schicksal and called Schicksal City. It was located in the heart of Europe and was undoubtedly the most influential city in the continent.

The cityscape was a display of modernity and prosperity. Skyscrapers soared towards the sky, their glass facades mirroring the busy business streets below. The city was teeming with activity, with people hurrying past, holding documents tightly in their hands. The bright lights created a picture of a city that never slept.

Luo Mo couldn't appreciate these sights. He felt nervous. Was there really a city called Schicksal? And what about the floating island that was Schicksal's headquarters? No, she meant the headquarters of the Schicksal Group. Maybe Schicksal did have a group named after itself as a cover, but his heart was still unsatisfied, and he had more and more doubts that something was wrong.

And as Rita entered the inner city, he saw that there was another city within Schicksal City, and entry required strict checks. They entered a splendid building, where the glass reflected slightly, and at the door were not burly men, but two young girls.

Rita led him to a hidden elevator, swiped her card, and stood next to him. The elevator shot up quickly, and he had no time to think. As they ascended, he adjusted his clothes a bit to make himself look tidier, and followed Rita to a prayer room.

A prayer room? Did Otto still pray? Luo Mo felt a surge of panic. This was not how things were supposed to be.

However, he had no time to indulge in his fears. He was about to face one of the most dangerous men in this world in a conversation. If he answered well, he could accomplish his system task and soar to fame in one stroke. But if his answers provoked Otto's doubts, he could lose everything.

Taken by surprise by the sudden change in plans, Luo Mo could barely comprehend what was going on.

"Bishop, I have brought the person you asked for," Rita said softly, her voice pleasant. "Do you want me to accompany him inside?" As she spoke, she knocked gently on the door.

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