
Making Honkai Impact III in the world where Kallen exists

"Kallen, survive." A blonde man falls from the sky and saves her... Kallen has had this dream countless times. Let the world forget Otto completely. From then on, Luo Mo's Honkai Impact 3rd emerged in the world with the support of Schicksal. The opening promotional Video elysian realm - "The Paradise of the Past Welcomes you, noble and pure soul." The pink-haired girl turns around and smiles, as if we just met for the first time. Theresa was shot with several shame arrows, who is persecuting the dignified principal? Bronya deflated aura is not reduced from the past, Rita is not victorious and fights again! Golden Courtyard vs Saint Freya, Fu Hua tops the voting list. Sanguine Nights, the day you vanished with the stars... all regrets are in the game. Who is persecuting who? And who is called an improper person? Luo Mo points to the bag on his head and cries out, I am the victim! And in the end, the audience finds that the world is really beautiful, except for that game, Honkai Impact 3rd.

kidness · Video Games
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355 Chs

I will reverse all creations!

Fu Hua is an amazing voice actress, but even she's had to pause during this recording session.

Why? Well, the script for our little Senti character isn't what you'd expect.

It's so different from her usual roles that even Fu Hua found herself shocked by the lines.

Can she really say these things? It seems the Herrschers have switched personalities a bit too well.

"Don't worry about a thing," Luo Mo reassured her with a pat on the shoulder. "We'll get through this, and your performance will be great."

Hua glanced at Luo Mo, then over at the image of her other self. With a sigh, she took a deep breath. "Alright, let's give it another shot. I'll do my best."


one of the world's serpent strongholds

"Your Majesty, we do have Chen Tianwu here, but he claims that he does not know Ana Schariac."

Gray Snake reported the situation to Kevin with a steady voice.

Kevin remained silent, his gaze lost in thought.

The World Serpent has been eerily quiet lately. Even Jackal, with their twisted experiments, had seemingly gone off the radar.

It was unsettling, almost too calm. Aside from Hare, the organization seemed to be in a strange state of hibernation.

"In this case, regardless of whether what the other party says is right or wrong, just be optimistic about the other party."

Kevin nodded slightly. Now that he knew who the Herrscher was and, more importantly, where they were, the immediate danger felt less pressing.

Moreover, judging from the game plot, although Herrscher of Ice and Rock did not escape the control of Honkai in the end, they were also affected by external factors.

If it came down to it, he was confident a single strike could handle the problem.

Compared to that, he is now more concerned about the Second God's Key, the Key of Infinity.


As a few days passed, the plots of Herrschers of Ice and Rock were basically released and surfaced. The final clips were basically recorded. After the trailer is released, the next version can be played.

These chapters show a huge leap forward for Mei. After all, real growth takes time and goes through stages, doesn't it?

Her time with the World Serpent won't be a walk in the park. Sure, there are all those funny memes online about Mei joining because Kevin wanted better food and some mysterious guy in black bragging about his organization's cafeteria, but that doesn't tell the whole story.

Ugh, remember when they changed the daily stamina potion to Theresa's bitter melon juice? That was rough! I mean, everyone loves Theresa, but that stuff tastes awful.

Who actually drinks it willingly?

Seriously, Mei, come back and make some real food! No one can survive on this bitter melon juice stuff all day.

Speaking of tough choices, remember that chapter "Lament of the Fallen"? That's when we saw how hard things would be for Mei if she stayed with Kiana at St. Freya.

Kiana would keep risking everything, sacrificing herself over and over again. It's a heartbreaking situation.

Mei couldn't watch Kiana keep hurting herself and keep sacrificing everything for the sake of others. That was more than she could bear, and it's why she ended up here with the World Serpent.

For now, at least, the World Serpent Lord has kept his promise.

Mei and Durandal handled the Coral Island crisis together.

That threat, that terrible wave of Honkai energy, never reached the girl who just wants to save everyone.

She doesn't have to fight until she collapses anymore.

This should be it.

This should be the outcome Mei hoped for, right? The way she envisioned things ending—at least for now—the biggest danger seems to be gone.

Chen Tianwu and Anna's stories are heartbreaking reminders of the devastation Honkai brings. It doesn't matter if you're a Schicksal Valkyrie or a member of the World Serpent; no one escapes unscathed when disaster strikes.

Think about Raven. She lost the only home she knew. Worse, she's been torn away from her brother. Valkyries are thrown onto battlefields and pushed mentally and physically to their absolute limits.

But at the end, it was a short film.

To end with the ending of the two cores, Anna and Chen Tianwu also disappeared from the game.

The red sun sets, the afterglow lingers,

During Mei and Kevin's final report, bursts of electric current suddenly appeared in the communication. Raven was keenly aware that it was not a signal problem but an unexpected situation.

In other words, something happened to the World Serpent Base.


The world shifted.

Suddenly, there was only the endless blue of the ocean, and Fu Hua was sinking—down, down, down. The sunlight above seemed impossibly distant, a tiny pinpoint in the endless water.

Bubbles swirled around her, a constant reminder that this terrible scene wasn't some nightmare, but real.

Darkness pressed in, a crushing weight. She kept falling, endlessly falling.

"In the depths of this boundless dream, staring at the unrecognizable... s̷̙̅è̵͇̋l̸̜͗͐f̵͇͇͝."

The voice cut through the silence. It echoed with her own tones but twisted into something strange, something wrong.

The world twisted, and suddenly the familiar floating island of Schicksal headquarters loomed ahead—but it was wrong.

Plumes of smoke and dust choked the air, and the first thing visible was Durandal, the strongest S-Class Valkyrie, sent sprawling.

She rolled, the impact jarring, but a moment later she was back on her feet. Lance gripped tight, she faced her attacker, and her eyes narrowed in grim determination.

As the most powerful S-class valkyrie, how many people in the world can defeat her?

The figure materialized from a swirling mass of black mist.

A sharp punch from Durandal was met with equal force; they were evenly matched.

[Holy crap, is that Schicksal HQ on fire?? Who the hell is doing this? As expected of Fu Hua from before, is this the traditional blackening that is three times stronger?]

[No, no, no, how could Lord Durandal lose? She is the most powerful Valkyrie, according to Schicksal.

[So strong, so strong, the big one is coming.]

The screen jumps again, but it is a space where dislocations and strange buildings are floating out of thin air, like an anomaly in the quantum sea.

This time, the role was changed from Durandal to Kevin. He looked at his opponent's expression; his expression, which had remained unchanged for thousands of years, had also moved with a solemn expression.

"Friend or foe... pick your side!"

The Judgment of Shamash roared to life, unleashing a torrent of flames that seemed to consume the world itself.

"My past was nothing but a failure. Those I wanted to protect, all - perished.." A voice laced with regret said.

A black shadow emerged from the flames. She was not affected by the terrifying flames at all. Instead, the corners of her mouth curled up in an evil manner, and she smiled.

A storm of black feathers erupted across both battlefields, swirling around Durandal and Kevin like a deadly flock. In the blink of an eye, those feathers hardened and transformed into razor-sharp blades that shot towards their targets!

"Only the remorse etched on one's mind... can make one emerge from their pupa."

The tone gradually became more passionate.

Even against the world's two greatest warriors, she didn't falter.

One moment, Durandal was thrown back by the force of an attack.

The next, the shadowy figure stood atop Kevin's broken sword, her own weapon resting casually on her shoulder.

[Blackening, blackening, blackening! Is the honest woman finally going dark? Expect--_]

[ 'and all those who wanted to protect... disappeared?' Oh, if you look carefully, you will not be able to protect those you want to protect.]

[Wait! Do you want to hit two directly? Picking out the stronger ones?]

And soon another scene appeared, on a rainy day, on the city's cross-sea bridge.

On a windy and rainy night, our beloved duck was riding her beloved little motorcycle on the road, with two spiral horses swaying in the wind, swinging happily and freely.

But the good times don't last long. When Bronya is racing, something is bound to happen.

Then... a woman flying in the air with a long sword appeared next to her, with black mist surrounding her and a red light flashing in her eyes.

The sword slashed out, a flash of light in the gray downpour. It was too close and too fast to dodge.

Then came the missiles, a fiery rain streaking toward her.

In a desperate move, Bronya skidded her motorcycle off the bridge, plunging into the churning sea. The protective bubble sealed around her bike, a last line of defense against the seawater and whoever was attacking.

But her pursuer followed, diving into the depths with impossible speed. Red eyes cut through the murky water. Hands tore at the protective bubble, ripping into it. A wild, inhuman laugh echoed all around.

Then, disaster. Her motorcycle sputtered and choked. Water flooded in.

Who was that? Why would someone chase her into the ocean? It made no sense!

Just when Bronya thought she couldn't get any wetter, Project Bunny hauled her out of the water and immediately blew up. Sure, it was probably a joke, and it did buy her a few precious seconds, but still...

Coughing up seawater, Bronya stumbled. Had she lost her motorcycle again? She couldn't take much more of this.

"Now, with my own hands, I will turn this world into what I want!!" The voice declared to the world that she was confident and arrogant.

[Bronya's license got confiscated again, strange really, how many times has it been? (laughing)]

[Sister Bronya, don't pick up girls if you don't have a motorcycle.]

[Friendly reminder: If you want to impress a girl, maybe have a vehicle that doesn't, uh, explode on a regular basis.] Just sayin'.]

[The driver's license was revoked again... Bronya: Giving the entire country of China a live-action safety demonstration. 'Don't do what I do, kids!]

The building jutted into the sky like a broken tooth, with black storm clouds swirling overhead.

Red lightning didn't so much flash as it seethed within the darkness, crackling with a power that made the air crackle.

It felt like the entire world was holding its breath, waiting for something terrible to be unleashed.

On the rooftop, Kiana crouched, battered but not broken. One hand strained against the wind, shielding her from the debris the storm flung about.

Her eyes were wide, fixed on the center of the swirling chaos.

Surprise warred with something else on her face—was that fear? Or recognition?

You are...__

"Can't recognize me anymore?"

The figure turned slowly and deliberately. Their voice started out familiar, echoing a time of fierce battles and shared victories. But then it warped and twisted into something wrong.

When their faces finally came into focus, the shock was far worse than any enemy Kiana had encountered. There were the same sharp cheekbones and the same familiar eyes, now burning an unnatural red. But something was broken in the set of her mouth—an exaggerated, almost mocking smile, completely unlike the rigid and calm look of the previous squad leader.


"I will reverse all creations!"


With the final sound, this short film ends the old chapter and raises expectations for the next chapter.

[Wow, you have a completely different personality from Hua, so pretty ♪]

[The moment she turned her head, I was really surprised. I didn't expect that the Master would show such an expression.]

[Squad leader? You're telling me that this is that rigid squad leader? Oh wow, she really changed like a lot.]

In fact, almost all the players were very excited and discussed intensely what might happen next.

And the reason why I say almost means there are exceptions...

It is true that some people are unhappy.

"Really, this guy, the boss,"

Far away from the keyboard warriors, Bronya pulled her motorcycle to a stop on a deserted stretch of road.

The rain had finally eased a bit, and she pulled off her helmet, shaking loose her damp hair. It was a relief after the relentless chaos of the last few hours.

She glanced back at Seele, a tiny smile playing on her lips as she offered a hand to help her friend down.

"Bronya just didn't go back for a few days, and he made another short film like this when Bronya wasn't paying attention."

She held her forehead and spoke helplessly.

" Maybe the next step is just for the sake of the plot."

Seele whispered, her eyes sparkling. The seaside in front of her was magnificent and majestic. It was a scene she had never seen in the Quantum Sea.

They didn't travel too far in the past few days, but it was more than enough to circle the island.

"Sister Bronya's body has fully recovered. We... should go back and see."

"Recovery... indeed, thanks to you, Seele, and this gem."

Bronya took a long breath and looked at the vast university campus that was vaguely visible in her field of vision.

"In the future, if we have time, let's go see the sea in other places and bring the boss and the others with us. Come on, Seele, let's set off now!"

She patted the back seat, put on her goggles, and, with a smile on her face, prepared to race again.

"Okay, but maybe...just a little slower this time?" Seele's voice held a hint of nervous laughter. "Not that we're in a rush, but you know...safety first!" Even as she said it, her arms tightened around Bronya's waist, and she tucked her head against Bronya's back.

"Phew—the vacation is over!"

But little did they know that her journey to failure had just begun.

Not knowing anything is a kind of happiness...


Edit: quillbot is sh*t,

Thank you RVN_RZGRZ for suggestions and corrections to this chapter.