
Game Preparation

"Oh snap, the Schicksal team is already assembled?" Luo Mo woke up the next day and saw a message from Kallen on his phone. That was fast.

She had found screenwriters, artists, programmers, and designers for him. Nice.

But did he really need a screenwriter? Luo Mo was not sure. The emotional value seemed irrelevant to the job. Maybe he could just hire one, or none, or a dozen.

So he posted his standards for the industry online.

"Art: Excellent painting skills, preferably in a 2.5-dimensional style. The staff can also join in the fun."

"Programming: Proficient, good at pulling all-nighters and working overtime (with extra pay)"

"Design: Outstanding design experience, good at meeting the various demands of Party A."


"Screenwriting: Have strong mental fortitude and resilience."

As a result, many professionals applied for the positions, each with their own talents and abilities. But the screenwriters were puzzled.

Strong mental fortitude and no mention of skills? Such a sweet deal, how could they not apply?

So the competition for the screenwriter position was fierce, and they had no idea what kind of hell awaited them.

In the interviews, only the screenwriter position had a simple and clear style. The screenwriters only had to endure ten minutes of verbal abuse from many toxic tongues without changing their expressions, in addition to the basic skill test.

For art, they had to be tight-lipped and not leak anything, understand and learn asymmetrical aesthetics, cultivate leg ring culture, and be good at 2.5-dimensional drawing - which means something between reality and anime or 2D & 3D or whatever;

For programming, they had to stay up late, and their skills were also very demanding. They had to understand the code and make small games on the spot. If their skills were not enough, they had to work overtime to make up for it;

For design, they had to meet Luo Mo's requirements, reach his level of imagination, and get close to perfection. For example, Luo Mo would describe some characters from the original game, and they had to design their images.

Like a purple women with a cat head, a traditional aristocratic lady from Shenzhou, wearing transparent black stockings. She said: "If you waste too much time, things won't get done." She was elegant and sexy, serious and gentle, meticulous and fierce in her work, and good at swordsmanship as well.

Even with such a vague description, the designers were desperately trying to create the image, which involved a lot of Shenzhou elements. In the end, the Shenzhou lady won the contest.

Then he brought a huge team of hundreds of people to the game company to start working. For the music, Schicksal directly hired an orchestra to compose the soundtrack.

Among the hundreds of people, most were artists and programmers, and there were only three screenwriters.

According to Luo Mo's idea, one was the chief screenwriter, who could be replaced if he couldn't handle it. In case the game went wrong, he could sacrifice another one as a backup.

As for writing the plot? The one who survived the pressure of public opinion in the first nine chapters was qualified to write the plot!

Besides, wasn't he the one who wrote the main plot? (System: ?)

And the gender ratio, don't even mention it. Although he was the one who chose, but because of the special nature of Saint Freya, all the staff were women. To be honest, Luo Mo actually thought that it would be better for the screenwriter to be a man, but Boss Kallen insisted on following his choice.

Soon, after two days of chaos, the art department was led by a woman from Schariac; The design and screenwriting department was very capable, and she got two positions at once. Luo Mo directly gave her a thumbs up and told her to carry two burdens. Her name was Su Luo; The programming department was a European, literally a European, named Anna. (yey)

However, according to what he asked about the Schariac woman, she was not from the three major families of the Schicksal Tradition, but rather a distant branch of a branch.

Luo Mo sent Su Luo the message in the card about the first four chapters of the Honkai III game, and asked her to guide the game and improve it step by step.

He assigned the programmers to work on the code - making sure the game could run on different devices, aiming for a global launch on all platforms. The more players, the better.

In the early stage, they had to familiarize themselves with the parts of Honkai III and try to surpass their previous versions. He guessed that the system would score the game based on the plot changes and execution effects of the main story, while the side stories and event plots were just for fun, focusing on a relaxing vibe.

Luckily, he had the rights to Roar, so he didn't have to worry about deleting the game completely.

Three days later...

The original team had sorted out and adapted the code, and now only the dubbing issue was still stuck. He told the department to work on the next part of the main story and external transmission, and called some of the artists to make a promotional PV.

The PV given by the system? That was obviously not impressive enough, and it didn't match his goal.

He never forgot that what he had to do was to defeat Honkai.

And today, it was the day of taking over St. Freya's Academy.

"Mei, Mei, is this the place where the principal said we can get extra credits?" A girl with white braids tugged at the purple-haired girl with a goofy grin, almost clinging to her.

"Bronya corrected you, only the dumb Kiana needs extra credits. Bronya and Mei don't have any problem with their credits." The silver-haired girl with a double helix ponytail said coldly, holding Mei's coat and floating in the air.

Fu Hua just watched from the side, adjusting her glasses. She was happy to be the class leader.

Besides these four, there were several other female students who were curious and excited. As the Valkyries of Schicksal, they were used to the relaxed management of St. Freya, but their extracurricular credits usually required them to complete missions. They had never been to a normal company for an internship, and this time they even got paid. They heard that it was the first trial attempt by the school.

The leader of the team was Teacher Himeko, who led the students inside and turned to them. "For the next six months, your missions and training will be cancelled, and you will come here for internship activities instead."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound of clapping from behind. The students looked back and saw a black-haired boy with a Shenzhou(asian) face.

He was wearing a suit, which made him look mature but also handsome. He walked out with a confident and energetic stride, clapping his hands slowly. "Are you my guests, or are you the new storm?"

Himeko looked confused, then realized and lightly tapped Luo Mo's head. "Be serious, don't mess with my students."

"Sorry, that was a quote from a game. You are all students of St. Freya, and you look very energetic." He then extended his hand to Himeko. "I hope we can make a global game together!"

"I hope so too." Himeko smiled wryly and shook his hand. She didn't think it was an honour for an A-class Valkyrie to work on a game.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Except for Fu Hua, who already knew, and the Trio protagonists, who were invited, the other three students exchanged glances. They were all animation experts, and the school recruitment and interview only mentioned animation production related matters. They thought they were going to make a promotional video for Schicksal.

But now it seemed, that was not the case?

Of course, they were not the only ones who were surprised.

Someone else's eyes sparkled, and although her face didn't change, she pulled the corner of the purple-haired woman next to her. She whispered in a low and excited voice,

"Wow, Mei, Mei, Bronya didn't expect to come here to make games!"

And Mei just stroked her head with a smile and said, "Bronya has always wanted to make a game, now you have a chance!"

"Hmph, cutting board..." Kiana muttered unhappily as she saw Mei's hand on Bronya's head.

"Stupid Kiana's role here seems to be only cleaning the toilet!" Bronya retorted without mercy.

Luo Mo didn't notice a scene in the corner. He gathered everyone in the conference room to assign their tasks and explain their work.

He spoke first after they sat down: "You may wonder why Mihoyo, a game company under the Schicksal, hired Valkyries as employees. It seems like a waste of talent, right?"

"But the Bishop decided to reveal the truth about Honkai to the world. And she chose to do it through game culture, which can show the form of Honkai and its impact."

"Besides, we can also establish the image of Schicksal and Valkyrie, and spread the idea of fighting for all the good in the world. This way, people can have stronger spiritual power and trust in the Valkyries of Schicksal when facing Honkai."

"That's all I have to say. Any questions?" Luo Mo finished his speech, which was partly true and partly deceptive. He had barely given a plausible reason for his project and his image-building agenda.

Everyone present was surprised by his words, even Himeko. She had a lot of experience and could sense that many things didn't make sense, such as why he was in charge of this project or why he used games as a medium. But she was touched by his words about fighting for all the good in the world, because that was what she believed in.

Bronya's eyes sparkled in the Trio protagonists, while Raiden Mei had a headache and held her head. Kiana was curious, and Fu Hua was silent and expressionless. Among the trio who came to do the animation, one of them raised her hand, indicating that she had something to say.

"So, why did you ask us to do animation? We can't make games!" The other two nodded in agreement.

Luo Mo was silent for a while, and then said, "The game alone is not enough to convey the meaning and spirit of our project. We need to add a lot of animation to it. The game is made by our company, and we have already finished a simplified version. Now we need to solve the problem of dubbing and animation PV. That's why I called you here."

This time, it was the turn of the three royal families to look at each other. Did he mean that they had to do dubbing?

"Yes, next, you five need to do dubbing first. You need to catch up with the progress as soon as possible. You don't need to worry about anything else. The scripts will be sent to you soon." He looked at the three royal families and Fu Hua and Himeko.

Then he looked at the unhappy animation trio. "I will take care of the rest of the animation and publicity. Don't worry, I will ask others to help you. You just need to strictly control the quality of the documents that come over."

In fact, Luo Mo didn't need these three Valkyries, but he considered that once the game was released, these people in the school might face criticism. So he wanted to have an extra layer of protection and cover for them.

And so, the new game company Mihoyo was officially launched. Soon, a promotional PV would attract the attention of the world.

Next chapter