

Joey was waiting for Lyrical and Jonathan to arrive at Edwina's house. They had lodge a missing complain for Melody and Joey was with Edwina waiting for any news about their friend.

However, after waiting for a long time when Lyrical did not arrive, Joey stepped out of Edwina's house to call Jonathan or Lyrical. Edwina was already devastated that Melody had gone missing and she kept blaming herself because Jackson was the one to hurt her best friend.

As soon as Joey closed the door behind and reached near the stairs to call Jonathan, he heard somebody arguing. Joey instinctively descended down the stairs only to find Kevin yelling at Lyrical, blaming her for something.. that he couldn't understand. But it wasn't so hard to guess, when he wished her to be dead. That could only mean that Jonathan couldn't make it back and that is why Kevin sounded so upset. 

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