
Chapter 2

Choices.... Choices.... So many fun classes but limiting myself by giving every class would be nice but it would be very limiting, but so would having only a couple as well.

Class points or Talent points were important because they were limited. Each class had 3 talent trees to customize your class allowing you to choose a role.

Tank, Healer or damage dealer. Placement of points determines your build. You didn't even get a talent point at every level in the beginning. It wasn't until you reached level 10 in the beginning giving you a total of 51 talent points to distribute when the cap was 60.

Each expansion raised the cap until it reached 120 then the developers squished it back down to 60 then back up to 70.

So to give myself enough versatility I will go with the main classes and drop ones that require a high level such as Death Knight and Demon Hunter or the like since I will have to start from level one and wouldn't have any gains from the class till later.

As I think of the classes I will keep, 8 names of classes appeared on the paper.

Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Druid, Mage, Hunter, Shaman and Rogue.

Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the other 4 classes greatly, especially the Death Knight but the limiting factor of their high starting level I would be limited to not being able to use them until I gain the level required. Even though the other 4 are powerful classes, I could power up the other classes to balance out the loss of those other classes.

Plus I know the original classes the most due to playing on the original classic the most.

After the classes were shown, the paper asked for my confirmation in the final decision on classes.

After giving my confirmation it now cleared itself, returning to a blank sheet again.

Then appearing on top was listed Human and underneath it was 3 blank spots.

Quickly remembering the different racial traits, it was a difficult choice but wasn't too hard.

After making my choice the paper read as follows:



[Every man for himself] : remove all stun, trap or movement impairment effects. 3 min cooldown.

[Diplomacy] : reputation gain increased by 10%

[The human spirit] : gain 2% to secondary stats such as haste, critical, mastery and versatility.


[Gift of Naaru] : Heal the target for 20% total health over 5 sec. 3 min cooldown

[Heroic Presence] : Increase Strength, Agility and intellect by percentage matching your level.

[Gem Cutting] : Jewelcrafting skill increased by 5

[Shadow Resistance] : reduce shadow damage taken by 1%

<Kul Tiran>

[Brush it off] : increase versatility by 1% and heal for 2% of damage received over 4 sec.

[Child of the Sea] : hold your breath for 50% longer and swim 10% faster.

[Haymaker] : wind up, then release your might on your foe stunning them for 3 sec. while knocking them back. 3-5 min cooldown, dependant on charge up.

[Jack of all trades] : skill in all professions increased by 2

[Rime of the Ancient Mariner] : reduce frost and nature damage taken by 1%


[Make Camp] : make a camp at set location. usable outdoors only. only one camp can be set at a time. 10 min cooldown

[Return to Camp] : return to camp. 60 min cooldown

[Fire Resistance] : reduce fire damage taken by 1%

[Alpaca Saddlebags] : increase bag size by 8 slots.

[Bag of Tricks] : pull your chosen trick and use on target. 3 min cooldown

[Rummage your bag] : change the contents of your bag of tricks...now where did you put that?

[Nose for Trouble] : initial damage received every 10 minutes is reduced by 5% of max health.

Seeing my selections listed along with the accompanying traits I will receive filled me with more excitement.

I pretty much covered all my bases. Each race complimented each other as well as my style of play.

Also having the Vulpera ability to make a camp that I can teleport once an hour in case of emergency will be so helpful since mage portals take 30 sec to cast while the racial port is 10 sec.

Even though 10 sec is still long and a lot can happen in that time, it's nothing a well executed blink or vanish can't solve. Or even a Paladin bubble was long enough for me to get away.

There were other races I would've liked to add in but most of those would be redundant or cause too many issues.

Such as the Mechagnome race, their traits were awesome. But to have yourself be used as an anvil, cooking fire and mining forge along with your limbs having all the profession tools in them may be difficult to pass off depending on where I am sent.

After once again receiving a request to confirm my choices, after doing so the paper once again cleared itself.

Then words appeared back onto the paper. "Thank you for making your selection, class and race template loaded. Please design your desired looks for your next journey."

Not wanting to spend anymore time necessary, but not wanting to leave my looks to chance, nobody wants to be ugly if they can help it.

I chose a body that matched my style the best and who wasn't so large to stand out in a crowd of people. I had learned my lesson in standing out too much.

Thinking of Arthas Menethil and how cool he was even after succumbing to the darkness and becoming the Lich King, an image of Arthas appeared on the paper asking me to confirm my selection.

After confirming the selection the paper caught on fire and began to burn up into particles which entered my orb that was still sitting on the chair.

After the process was over, I was brought out of my stupor by ROB.

"Now that that's done. I shall now reincarnate you into your new world. You won't remember any of this or anything before. Because you won't remember I'll go ahead and tell you where you're going. I will be sending you to the world of Game of Thrones. I don't care what you do, just make it enjoyable for me. If you do good enough, I may reward you with the same deal but to another world."

Hearing the possibility of even more adventures if I please this ROB enough, my initial annoyance vanished. Yeah nobody likes to be treated as a performing monkey but if I really think about it, it wasn't any different from my original life.

I played games and entertained many during my tournaments and battles, so what would really change? Nothing except I can gain benefits from a ROB who just wants to watch me have fun.

"Sounds like a deal to me. Can you at least let me remember the deal at least? Wouldn't want to forget I'm there to entertain and end up leading a mundane life."

After seeing the smile on ROB widening, a bad feeling began to sprout in my mind.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that, you will know what I mean when you fully awaken. Even though you won't remember any of this you will be driven to do as you've agreed."

Not liking the sound of that I was about to ask for him to elaborate on what he meant. Before I could ask ROB waved and I was hit by a flash of a golden reddish hue.

Then everything went to black and I felt all my memories of my life fade. My parents, siblings and friends are all slowly fading from my memories.

I'm not going to lie, once it actually began to happen I did feel regret. Even though my parents were no longer around and after they passed, my siblings and I just kind of drifted apart. Not purposely but just life, between work and their families we just kinda did.

Now seeing those memories disappear, and seeing my family as we were would've definitely been causing some tears had I not been an orb of energy or whatever I was.

Enjoying the last memories as much as possible, trying my hardest to retain at least a few images, the last family photo we took together, to try to at least remember a little bit I faded off back into the void.

As I faded into unconsciousness a string of words appeared in my vision.

<Gamer Template Loading>

<Host integration complete>


[Gamer Soul] : Grants the host the soul of a gamer granting the ability to level up. Protection from soul attacks and soul capture. Your soul will return to ROB upon death of body.

[Gamer Mind] : Grants the host mind the ability to level up. Protection from mental attacks and control. Suppresses adverse effects such as fear and pain allowing the user to remain calm.

[Gamer Body] : Grants the host body the ability to level up. Provides increased resistance to poisons and diseases. Protects from attacks that would cause the host to lose control of his body.

<Perks have successfully loaded>

<Chosen classes and racial traits successfully loaded>

<Character model and inventory loading..Using Gamer Soul to create temporary housing for equipment bags until appropriate time.>

<Error occurred due to too much inventory found amongst game characters. Adjusting soul to accommodate additional space.>

<All resources and material from host characters have been successfully gathered and unnecessary equipment from classes not chosen have been removed.>

<Initializing reincarnation. Good Luck and Happy Gaming Host>

I guess not throwing away anything that I ever found must've thrown the system for a loop, but it works out for me. Plenty of low level gear so wont have to wait till max level to wear the good stuff. OCD for the win.

Next chapter