
Babylon's Billionaire I

The night was long, winds ruffled the leaves near the shore and the sand bit into Brice's feet as he walked along the shore.

He had every intention of relaxing near the clear waters of the shore but his mind was so far way form reality.

A few specks of sand flew across his face and he instinctively closed his eyes against them.

His life had been turned upside down in the space of a just week and Brice was still adjusting to the change.

His phone rang, distracting him from his disturbing thoughts.

"Hello Yuri, yeah?. I told you I wasn't interested. I don't care if you spend the night in jail. How many times do I have to tell you?"

Brice quickly cut the call and turned the phone off. He wasn't in the mood to deal with Yuri at the moment.

Feeling exhausted from thinking about his cousin, Brice headed for the bar.

The quietness drifted into his mind, suddenly bringing flashes of the night before. His mind briefly picked up images of his behaviour last night. Brice stretched slightly, opening his eyes to stare up at the ceiling

"Sleepyhead is finally awake". he heard the voice as footsteps approached. his eyes trailed the room, finally landing at the bathroom door where a pretty lady in a towel was perched by the door.

"who are you?", he simply asked, feeling slightly annoyed to see her face first thing in the morning.

she laughed

"Guess you're not a morning person either"

Brice rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, my bad. You did'nt exactly moan my name last night so I obviously don't expect you to remember it"

Admittedly, that was a good joke and Brice would have laughed had he been in a great mood. But he wasn't, especially considering that he was naked under the sheets with a strange woman smirking up at him.

"Guess it wasn't that good if I didn't moan your name. Forget that I asked, I think it would be better if I don't know", he replied.

Her face fell but she hid it behind a practised smile.

"You sure do know how how to take a person from 100 to 0 under 3 seconds", she said instead.

Brice smiled

"I would like to be alone if you don't mind".

The woman smiled, quickly letting her towel fall. She understood what he was trying to say.

In effect, he was just telling her to go away now that he was not a sex depraved person looking to satisfy his carnal desires.

She took her time to dress in her clothes from the previous night. And Brice just turned a blind eye to her actions, wondering what he had been thinking last night to have actually picked her up. She wasn't a bad choice, although she seemed like one of the emotional ones.

Suddenly his phone rang and he turned to pick it up from the night stand, where a torn condom wrapper from last night had been abandoned.

"Yeah, I'm good. You didn't die right?"

"Bastard", the reply came

Brice let out a small laugh.

"so how was your first night in jail like?", he asked.

"Really?, you left me to tot in there. Thankfully, I didn't spend the night in there"

"I actually feel sad that you missed that wonderful opportunity"

"fuck off"

Brice laughed again.

"See you soon Cousin"

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