
We were just sexting (apparently)


It was Friday morning. I was at school before all the other students, doing my early morning cleaning punishment. I have been doing this for a week now and finally it's the last day of the week.

"Hey Toobs~!" – that voice…

"Argh you again…!" I turn back and it suerly was Maka walking towards me

"What are you doing so early in the morning? Is Friday your duty day to do the cleaning today?"



"Ah, there I was thinking I should change my cleaning duty day to Friday morning too"

"…the fuck you will"

"So what's up? Volunteer work? Are you repenting for your mistakes? Maybe I should think about forgiving you hehe"

"…. You have no idea..?"


"Your mum didn't tell you anything?"

"Huh? Why talk about my mum? Do you even know her?"

"Forget it"

Gees. Her mum must have not told her – she probably wanted to sort this out (read: fuck me up) silently.

"Anyways, how have you been?" – Maka asks, incredulously, as always.

":Sigh: nothing special. Just normal"

"I see I see"

She stood still there again for a moment, with the blank look.

"erm… are you okay?"


"I mean.. you havent' come to school at all this week. Today's your first day back"

"Wow you were worried about me?"

"Fuck no"

"I just needed a break"

"I see"


"So…about the other day at the band practice…"

"Ah- I'm sorry I insulted your band"

"Now you say it"


"Were we that bad?"

"No I said it was sad. Especially for you. I thought it was waste of your talent sitting at the back just banging on the drums. You could do so much more at front leading with a mic"

"You've never even heard me sing before and what makes you think I have such talent"

"because some people see no worth in you, but I do~"

"Ah please, cut it out – and nobody says I'm useless"

"But you are not being used the right way"

"Look again. I'm sorry I exploded on you like that…"

"eeewww that sounds gross"

"…dafuq, shut up"

"hehe go on"

"But I think there is really some misunderstanding. I have nothing against you and I can accept you say crazy things from time to time, but you should know I'm not anything special"

"Why do you say this?"

"Look, Poos told me you told him we broke up. And what you said the last time – I just thought you just had this wrong idea that er… we had something going on"

"But you like me"

"I don't. I mean not in that way"

"I know you like me"

"What makes you even think that?"

"You know when I crashed into you with my bike, you got up and looked at me"

"and then?"

"I thought you'd be mad at me, but I realized you were checking out my features, staring at my neck, and then you had this look on your face saying 'wow she's totally so cute'"


"I'm not special to look at, but every man checks out any girl's breasts and bum as they walk past on the street, so I get that too – it's just in their animal nature"

"Er look. I'm not saying I was checking out your er… breasts or bum, but I'm also a male animal you know"

"But you were checking out my neck, and my hair, with your eyes full of admiration"

"garrrgh stop"

"And you had it written all over on your face thinking 'wow she's so cute"

When I think back – that was actually right. I DID look at that and had those thoughts, for less than half a second.

"Look. Ok. Fine. This is messed up. But let's say you are cute. Ok. But there are millions of cute girls in the world. I don't fall in love with every single girl I think is cute looking"

"I guess… but you were the first guy that ever looked at me that way"

"You just haven't met the right guy"

"wow you are… romantic. You telling me you are the first right guy for me?"

"That is totally not what I meant"

"Toobs (why you call me that so casually…), why do you always try to run away?"


"You said I don't know you. But you don't know me either. So why resent me so much?"

I didn't know what to say, so I thought up something

"er.. because you said something I like is shit.. yeah, like my band… something I put my effort into and treasure.. you called it shit just after like 3 seconds"

"If I told you that after 3 days would it have been better?"

"Ok this is going nowhere"

"But Toobs, I also love something you love"


"The Smiths – the music, and those damn lyrics"

":sigh: I guess we do share some common interest"

"So you admit you like me?"

"How do you relate this to that? Look. Ok. You are alright I guess. You say crazy shits, but I guess you are honest. You have some serious misunderstandings, but I guess you believe what you think. And you are related to Poos after all – he's like my bro, and he cared and worried about you when you were not coming to school, and that kinda made me feel bad too"


"So… let's say we are mates. Ok?"

"Hm. I guess that's how these things often start…." She murmurs this, looking contemplative – I get the feeling she's thinking some weird things again, but I decide to leave it at that for now as she waves bye and walks off.

My morning cleaning is finished and I'm back in the classroom, waiting for the homeroom to start. Poos walks into the classroom, finds me at my desk and heads to my direction straight away.

"What's up Toobs"

"Yo Poos"

"Maka tells me you and her are back together"

"oh what the fuck is wrong with this girl"

"hehe, but thanks man for helping her feel good again"

A random classmate dude overhears our conversation and butt in –

"Hey you guys talking about girls? Toobo's making some girl feel gooooood? Hehehe"

"Haha yes, He's giving some positive vibes" – no Poos don't say that…

"wooooo 'vibes' bzzzzz~, that sounds dirty"

:beep beep: my phone on the desk… vibrates.. why at this time…

"woooo, could this be the girl that Toobo has been making feel gooood? Giving her the 'vibes'?"

The random classmate picks up my phone quickly

"Maka? Hey so it really is a message from a girl – let's check it out!" – Oh fuck.

"yo shit. Give it back to me now"

"Let me just have a quick look.... Holy shit!!!"

"What is it?"

The jerk turns around to the whole class and shouts,

"Toobo just got this message from a girl – I'll read it…"

"Fuck man. I didn't even get to see it – what is that"


Everyone started to laugh, except one.

"Toobo. We need to talk"

"er…. Poos…?"

"Come out. Now" – hey don't make that face…

Out in the hallway

"What the fuck are you doing with Maka."

"Hey you know what it is like with Maka. Remember I told you she text me and ask me if I was busy fapping. I was just making the same joke back"

"So you guys are sexting now"

"What the fuck..?!"

"I trusted you because you are my friend, like my brother. I told you to make her feel better. I didn't say you should go sexual on her"

"Hey hey…"

"She may be crazy, but Maka is my only girl cousin. You fuck with her – you fuck with me. And you know you don't wanna fuck with me"

"Hey bro – this is.."

"So what's your answer?"

":sigh" – look, I'm not fucking with Maka"

"Right. Hugh… sorry I didn't want to test a friend, but you made me feel much better now"

",,,what are you saying?"

"So you are serious with Maka. That is freaking awesome. We could actually be like a… real family – like a brother in law"


"Let's get back to class. We go out to celebrate after school today"

"I'll pass. I have a band practice…"

"Aye, it's ok. We will have plenty of chances in future right?"

I realize this whole clan has some serious problem.

Next chapter