


Our chosen song as the first single to be released was the one with Maka's screaming. I didn't like that but to be honest it indeed was a kick ass song – if I didn't know who this screaming girl was I might even have thought it was kinda cool.

The single debuted in top 50 in our first week. I was super surprised and excited, only to find out that Nico purchased about 2000 copies himself – his logic was, "I've strategically chosen the timing of our single release – this week is statistically the week with lowest single releases, and by my calculation I saw that we could get on the chart if we reached over 2,000 sales in that week – and voila, we are on chart now for everyone to see, it will all snowball from here"

But in the following week we were not to be seen from the chart again. We got some positive reviews in music magazines and blogs, and our songs were even aired on radio in some late night programs (which I suspect Nico also paid for). But nothing really came out of it. Nico was running his commercial operation to its fullest, but maybe we were just not as catchy as I thought we were.

Then one of those low atmosphere days I got a text from Maka during afternoon class.

:Beep Beep:

"Hey Toobo, let's go out for dinner tonight"

"What for? I'm in class don't bother me"

"I'll treat you. I got so much money now"

"What? Where did you get the money?"

#Teacher screams at me : TOOBO! Bring your phone to the front of the class. NOW!

Ah fuck. She gets me in trouble again. I reluctantly bring the phone to the front of the class.

"You should not be using your phone during class"

"Sorry.. I was just reading a text message I got"

"If it's such an important message, would you like to share with us?"

Uh oh. I got a bad feeling about this

"Let's put your phone onto this projector so we can all see what's so important that it cannot wait until after class!"

"No teacher, I don't think that's a good ide…"

Before I knew it, my phone was placed face down on the projector's scanner and my phone screen was projected to the front of the whole class

:Beep Beep:

"Ha! Another message!"

#Collective Gasp: It's from MAKA!!!!

Ah shit no I have to sto…

The teacher quickly flipped my phone to press on the message and flipped it on back again to project the screen

"I got paid for the FUCK recording we've done!"

Total silence.

"Toobo.. come see me after the class"

Maka why always do this to me..

But this time at least I could explain to the teacher in private what has happened. He knew I took a week off to record with my band and I told him we had a record release, and Maka was someone who recorded with us. I played him our song from my MP3 as a proof – at least he was more willing to listen than the principal was last time. He thought the song was a bad taste but at least will let me off this time – "try not to use your phone during class"

But another irreparable misunderstanding has been planted again already…

I met up with Maka after school by the gate

"You got me in big trouble today man"

"Huh? What did I do?"

I couldn't tell her what she sent me was displayed to the whole class

":sigh: never mind – so what happened?"

"You see – remember Nico promised he will pay me for using my voice sample on the record? He said he will pay me 10 cents per each sale of the single"

"Wait, that's way too much. Our single sells for $2.99, so you get 30 cents per song, and we sold (Nico bought…) over 2000 units… that's… what the FUCK?! You got $600 from this?!"

"Yeah! Nico is so kind and we were huge success, so I guess we deserved it after all"


"So let's go – without you I could not have earned this money, so I will buy you dinner"


Then off we went, to the fanciest steak house in our town.

"Table for two please"

The waiter looks at Maka a little confused. This is not a cheap place, and we turned up in our school uniforms.

"er… Sure, please come this way"

We sit down

"We got the best seat Toobo! We are by the window and so private!"

(Maka, I think the waiter put us as far away from other people as possible…)

"I guess we're lucky"

"I've been getting lucky ever since I ran into you Toobs" Mika seems genuinely happy

"Well if you put it that way.. Good for you"

"You want to get lucky tonight?"

"Ahem, miss.. have you decided what to order?"

Man since when has he been here? I'm sure he heard us. He must be thiking weird things.

"Yeah, please give us two sets of Chef's special"

"Yes Miss. Would you like to order any drinks?"

"Yes, quadruple Vodka Redbull please"

"…. We can't serve alcohol to students miss.."

"Ah, ok, then two cola please"

"Sure thing"

I hope I can survive this dinner.

But after all, we had a good evening. The dinner was excellent and we chit chat a lot, mostly about ridiculous stuff, as expected.

The total bill amounted up to be over 400 dollars, but Maka was cool about paying for it – I felt a bit guilty but tried to take it as compensation for her leaving inerasable mark in my first recording.

After dinner we got off the bus at the same stop and started to walk back home – we had to go the same direction anyway. We've already talked enough for the night, so we were just walking in non-awkward silence – the way I like it.

"Hey Toobs"


"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you ever take me seriously?" – she stops walking.

"What do you mean?"

"You always think we are just joking around"

"It is you who always mess about Maka, you say the weirdest things"

"But I mean them"

"uh…. I guess"

"And I mean it when I say I like you"

Shit, it has come to this again.

"Do you hate me?"

"No Maka – I don't hate you – why would I even come out here with you if I hated you?"

"Am I that disgusting?"

"No what the fuck are you talking about – have some self-confidence, this isn't like you at all"

"We slept together for 10 days and you haven't even touched me once"

"Be..Because that would be wrong"

"Why is it wrong to touch someone you like? I wouldn't mind"

"Look, I shouldn't get sexual with you"

"Why not? No man will turn down chance to get some from a girl – but you turn me down every single time"

"Because… we are friends"

"What is a friend?"

"Like, you and me – we hang out, enjoy each other's company… but we are … not in 'love'"

"What is love? And a boy and a girl do not have to be 'in love' to hit it off for one night. You deny that?"

"er.. no, you are right – these things can happen between a boy and a girl, but.."

"But what?"

"I can't do that to you."

"Why not? You will not make out with some pretty girl you meet for the first time, if you had chance?"

"I would.."

"Why not me? Why not?!"


Oh shit, what do I say. She's eye balling me with full of determination now. I'm not getting out of this without a proper answer

"Because… just hitting it off like that would be for simple enjoyment.. it's one off – when you do that you don't really care about the person, you just do what you please and then forget about it and move on, that's the very definition of one-night stand like that.. look, we are not like that"


Did that come out right?

"I see."

"I'm glad you can see"

"So… you want something more with me… like something longer lasting.. you don't want to walk away from me… you don't want to touch me because you treasure me… (hey hey, what are you..)"

"I've.. never been confessed to by a boy like this.."

"Look that wasn't…"

"Gyaaaaah! You finally confess to me! This is too much! I have to run!" – did Maka just blush?!

Then she turns and start running off at full speed – shit I gotta stop her and clear this up immediately

I start sprinting after her shouting – Maka! Wait! Stop!

Then I finally managed to catch up with her and grab her by her short sleeve and… I unintentionally trip and end up crashing her from the back, and she face plants to the ground below me


I'm laying on top of her pressing my body against her back while she's laying face down – whoa this looks dodgy

"Hey what is this?! Too…Toobo?! What are you doing with a gi….it's… Maka?!!!!" – Out of all the possible chance that someone could have seen us, it had to be this moment – and of all the possible person this could have been, it had to be Poos.

"Whoa Poos! This is not what you think!"

"The fuck are you doing!"

Then Maka speaks quietly,

"Toobo… what is that… I feel something.. between my a…. what is this…"

Huh? What?! FUCK!

"Poooooos! Toobo's shoving his DICK up my ASS!!!!"

Hold on-!

"You little fuck!" – Poos is sprinting towards me in full force, he's already got his fist clenched so hard

"He doesn't value me anymore! He just wants to use my body! And I finally thought he loved me… :sob:…"

"Gaaaaaaah!" I take the full rage of Poos' fist right on my face.

Oh fuck. My head is spinning. I can't even open my mouth to say anything.

Then I get a few more kicks in my stomach, shit I can't breath

"Toobo you fuck! Stay the fuck away from Maka. I never want to see your fucking face again!"

I can't say anything. I see Poos embracing Maka's shoulder with his big arms. Maka looks like she's sobbing. I've never seen her like this before, and Poos has never been like this to me before.

They turn their back to me and start to walk away.

No Poos… Maka… Maka.. this is not.. argh fuck…

Then everything turned black for me.

Next chapter