
Chapter 2: Fresh Start

It was still raining, Ronin was surprised that Hume and Claudio managed to arrive in Tokyo at record speed.

"You have to take it easy on this old man, Hume." Claudio chastised the blonde man.

"Hmph, yet you don't even have a dropnof sweat on you. Don't patronize me Claudio, come on then kid. Let's get rid of these scum." Hume released a pulse of his ki and he mapped everyone in the area.

Ronin merely nodded, yet his eyes were burning with revenge.

His friends, his sisters in all, but name. He has protected them with everything he's got.

Taught them everything they should know, everything they could know. But he refuses to let them continue this life any longer.

And he has heard of what the older girls would do to gain more favor for the organization. It sickened him to his core.

Young girls being sold to rich bastards. All so the masterminds of the organization can drown in more funds and form more connections.

His burning vengeance broke his concealment for a second. Making Hume and Claudio nod at him.

"We will take care of everything else, find those who you need to find." Claudio smiled at him.

Ronin of course nodded and he jumped towards a pillar.

Crouching down on the top of it, his bloodlust and ki formed an aura around him.

It even gave Claudio and Hume goosebumps. He was like the personification of malice and rage.

"No mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry out. Not anymore… After I'm done here…" Hume threw him a ninjato.

Hume thought that he must be good with bladed weapons. The two men then disappeared and the alarms sounded.

"The only thing they'll fear, is me." Ronin's visage that was shown after lightning fell down was seen, and his bright blue eyes were glowing.

He disappeared from the pillar after lightning fell down once again.

Sprinting towards the secret base of the organization, Ronin saw a squad of soldiers that were en route to Hume and Claudio.

Without a second thought, he lunged right at the nearest one and he stabbed his sword through his chest.

Coughing out blood, the others were alarmed.

"You traitor!" One cried out, but he already picked up the gun of the fallen and he shot all of them dead with extreme accuracy and precision.

His cold eyes looked at the one who called him a traitor as he shot all of his limbs. Finishing with his knees.

"N-no, I have a family waiting for me! Please!" The man begged.

But he remembered the innocent targets that had one as well. Wordlessly, he grabbed his throat and squeezed. Tearing out the man's trachea.

Ronin ran in a hurry and he dispatched a couple of more soldiers and lackeys of the organization.

Turning a blind eye to evil will also result in a swift judgement. Those who do so, are no better than the masterminds. Especially if they profit from it.

Arriving in front of a barricaded door. His soaked, black clothes let out a drip drop that resounded.

The special forces quickly opened fire on him and Ronin zipped around on the narrow corridor like a ninja.

Throwing a combat knife, the vanguard dropped down as the bladed weapon sunk to the hilt on his forehead, dead center.

Grabbing a handgun which was easier to carry while dodging, he started shooting with impeccable aim.

One shot, one kill. The squad who were decked in advanced gear quickly dwindled.

And when only one was left, he shot his knees and twisted his neck 180 degrees when he kneeled down.

He then threw the man's combat knife towards the back of his head with amazing strength.

Launching his face on the door and the sensors of it lighted up as the helmet of the soldier could open it.

Hydraulics locked doors hissed as it opened. But the man who was awaiting good news didn't see anyone.

"Who's there?" He slowly reached out for a gun under the table.

A ninjato sailed through the air though, and his hand was nailed on the table.

Screaming like a banshee, tears started forming on the fat man's eyes.

Ronin then walked inside, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"Y-you… W-what do you want? Freedom? I'll give it to you, you're friends with those twins right? We won't ever bother you anymore!" The man cried out in pain. Desperate to live.

Ronin then took out a pen and paper, gesturing for him to sign on it.

Using his left hand, the man quickly signed it and Ronin nodded.

He then moved his hands like a blur, stabbing the man's eye.

"Agh! Why!? Motherfucker!" He screamed bloody murder, a string of curses coming out of his mouth.

Ronin then jumped on his shoulders and he slowly twisted his neck sideways. A harmless crack sounding out at first.

"No! Please!" The man could feel Ronin's grip strengthen his grip, intent on exchanging the position of his chin and crown.

His cries fell on deaf ears. Ronin slowly ramped up his strength and an audible crack was heard as the fat man froze for a second, seizing.

He then slumped forward, dropping down on the ground with a thud. With his hand still bolted on the table.

Ronin then cocked a pistol and he kept on firing it towards the fat man. Remembering all the other children that didn't make it.

The ones he was unable to teach, or were just not made for the harsh life that awaited them.

With an impassive face, muzzle flashes illuminated the room like fireworks.

The man's body twitching after every bullet that hit him.

And when the magazine of the pistol was empty with an audible click, he threw it at his face with contempt.

__At another side__

Claudio's prodigious use of wires made him look like a spider. Metal strings gleamed as it sliced apart numerous soldiers.

Hume, meanwhile. Was punching people and they exploded into mist. "Hmph, not even worth it to use my kicks."

They decimated the base like vengeful gods that could not be stopped.

Hume looked like he was teleporting due to his immense speed, while Claudio sliced bullets that were coming his way.

"M-monsters." The last soldier that soiled himself dropped on his ass and he was shivering in fear.

Hume walked up to him and the soldier was frozen in fear. "Boo." Hume grinned at him and he died due to a heart attack.

"Hume, it is not humane to kill people with immense fear and your killing intent." Claudio sighed.

"I never thought he would croak, stop being an ass Claudio." Hume shrugged and they finished up.

"But to see so many child assassins being utilized, I guess that young Ronin has given Japan a boon. This criminal organization shall be no more." Claudio was actually glad.

They fought off a couple of kids that attacked them. And there were a pair of twins that attacked them relentlessly.

One had shorter hair while the other had longer. And their eyes were a deep blue that looked like the deep sea.

Just like Ronin, their hair was bone white. The stress of training and taking lives left and right bore their marks.

While Claudio was tying up the kids to send them to a haven that was under the Kukis.

They heard footsteps. It was Ronin, and he was covered in blood.

"Not mine." He said plainly and the two nodded at him.

"Finished what you came here for?" Claudio asked him softly, just like how a grandfather would.

"Yes." Ronin replied succinctly and he scanned the area. Seeing the distinctly different twins, he walked up to them and he brushed their cheeks.

Hume roughed them up a little, but they were already used to it.

'His eyes softened, still dull and almost lifeless. But not hollow.' Hume snorted and he thought that he will integrate nicely.

Assassins like him can be method actors after all, but it was a wonder if he could ever truly live a normal life again.

"Come on." Ronin said softly as he hefted them up. Claudio finished his call to collect the children and Ronin looked at Hume.

"Heh, already using me as a means of transportation eh? You sure do have a spirit of a Kuki." Hume carried him while Ronin held onto the only ones left he had.

__Kuki Estate__

Arriving at the ridiculously large mansion, Mikado was actually surprised to see that they were done already.

"I thought you'll be handling the break out of them?" Mikado pointed at the twins im his arms.

"Had help." He pointed at Hume and Mikado nodded in understanding. The man was ridiculously strong after all.

"Well, you arrived just in time." Mikado had a smirk on his face and he took out some papers.

It was the adoption papers for Ronin and the assassin was actually impressed that Mikado prepared it so quickly.

"Kuki Ronin, my son from another woman… Tsubone already knows the situation anyways… So she won't get mad." Mikado chuckled.

"Careful there Mikado-sama, I hear nervousness." Hume raised a brow and Mikado sweated a bit.

"Anyways, you are about the same age as Ageha. My eldest, so you'll be… Going to school with her! Aren't you excited?" Mikado laughed his ass off and Ronin just stared at him with an unimpressed look.

"And about those twins, of course I can't just get two more kids. They're out of the question. So they'll be your attendants." Mikado thought that just one was enough.

"I assume they don't have names too? Then I'll name them Akasuki and Kimiyo. The bright helper and beginnings. Appropriate, don't you think?" Mikado patted himself on the shoulder.

Ronin thought about it. And he actually liked them.

Thinking that Japanese names can have so much meaning.

He pointed at the short haired one. "Akasuki." And the other was named Kimiyo.

Because Akasuki was the younger of two and she was a no nonsense girl that likes to assist them in their rare free time.

While Kimiyo was the straightforward one who wanted to make change. Similar to Ronin.

"Welcome home then son." Mikado smilef at him and Ronin didn't know what to say.

"When you come back, you announce it." Mikado helped him, seeing his troubled expression.

"Then… I'm back." Ronin said softly and it was something that he could get used to.

After missions, they would just hug each other. Thankful that they returned, but saying it after a leisurely day was something that he never thought of.

"Welcome back, squirt." Hume ruffled his hair and Ronin glared at him.

"Now clean yourselves up, you're dirty as hell." Mikado clicked his tongue as they dirtied the carpet.

Ronin took his sisters to the bath as Hume guided them. The blonde man then gave them some spare clothes and towels.

"Knock yourselves out." Hume huffed and Ronin tapped their faces softly.

Sniffing the air, they knew that Ronin was with them. So the twins weren't alert, slowly opening their eyes.

"Who attacked us?" Kimiyo quickly asked with squinted eyes, thinking that they were compromised.

"Help." Ronin replied and Akasuki blinked. "Explain."

Ronin recounted what happened with his mission to assassinate Mikado and the two looked at each other with a confused expression.

"You're his son now?" They both said at the same time and he shrugged.

"A small price to pay…" Ronin was exhausted, he wasn't using ki consciously. So he was drained to the core.

Fighting elites, his previous mission to the Kuki estate that required tons of focus, he was about to pass out.

The only thing keeping him going is an unfamiliar feeling inside of him. And he concluded that it was joy.

His shaky arms went towards their waists and he hugged them with all his might.

"A small price to pay…" He whispered once again and the two supported his weary body.

The scars on his body were the proof of his hard work. Gunshots, lacerations, stab wounds.

He rose to the top and was prized as the best. Giving him the privilege of demanding more time to train Akasuki and Kimiyo.

"You should've come to us." Kimiyo frowned and Akasuki nodded.

"If we kill the enemies on the other side, would we be free?" Akasuki thought that they will be used once again.

"Freedom is subjective, as long as you two are not in danger. Living your lives with liberty. Then I am free." Ronin announced.

"Zero…" They uttered his rank and he shook his head. "I am Kuki Ronin now. And you…" He pointed at them. "Are Akasuki and Kimiyo. The bright helper and beginnings." Ronin gave a rare smile.

"Ronin…" They hugged him tightly, thankful for everything he has done.

Cleaning up in the ginormous bathroom was a quick endeavor. They were assassins, they must be swift and decisive.

"Ahhh, Ronin-sama. It is good to see you in clothes that fit you. Clothes make the man." Claudio smiled and he nodded at him.

"I will lead you to your chambers. I assume that young Akasuki and Kimiyo will be with you?" Claudio was good at his job.

And he immediately knew that they would be inseparable.

"Yes, Claudio." Ronin replied succinctly and they were led to a pretty simple room.

"Mikado-sama does not discriminate, I assure you. Every one of his children only have simple rooms. Because they are taught early to be independent. And if they want a more lavish one, then they should work for it." Claudio explained the spartan room.

They nodded at him, they've had worse after all.

The trio then plopped down on the bed. Surprisingly, they were not on guard. Not tense. Which would spell death most of the time.

And there were a couple of trainees that were killed while asleep due to that.

Nothing more was said and they cuddled each other. Sharing their body heat as they slept.


The three assassins opened their eyes all ay the same time. Right on the dot, four AM in the morning.

"I have never felt this well rested before." Akasuki clenched and unclenched her hand.

"Interesting, I feel like I can take on a high class mission easily." Kimiyo rolled her shoulders.

"I assume that Claudio will teach you two. We might be separated a bit, but we'll still be in the same vicinity." Ronin smiled a bit at them.

The trio did their morning stretches and at five in the morning, they heard a knock.

They tensed up, but Ronin raised his hand after feeling the familiar signature of the dandy old man.

"As expected, rising up early is a good habit. So please continue with that." Claudio nodded at them with a smile.

"Please follow me, we will have breakfast and solidify your stories. Your siblings do not know that you are adopted after all." Claudio announced.

The trio looked at each other and they nodded.

Mikado was also there at the dining table, alongside a woman with the same silver hair. Tsubone Kuki, his wife.

"Is he the one, husband? I would say, in one glance. He looks dangerous." Tsubone commented bluntly.

"Nonsense Tsubone, he's pretty much harmless now." Mikado laughed.

The three assassins just analyzed her and they quickly concluded that she was a headstrong woman.

"If you say so, knowing your luck. Ronin-kun here will be quite something." Tsubone smiled at them and they weren't expecting that.

Claudio served them and the kids gave the food a sniff. Disguising their wariness by acting like they were enjoying the aroma.

'Damn, these kids are natural at being sneaky. I wonder how far he would come?' Mikado smirked.

They enjoyed their breakfast without much fanfare, but Mikado looked at them seriously after the dishes were cleaned up.

"I know that it's the only life you guys knew before you came here. But the Kuki corporation is clean, it doesn't rely on shady dealings and crime to soar." Mikado announced.

And the trio understood it, no killing. It was understandable anyways. They would be acting as normal members of society.

But they would be wrong, because the Kukis are eccentric.

And they quickly learned that after they made sure that everyone is on the same page.

"Kuahahaha! Haha-ue, chichi-ue. You said that we have a sibling?" A red eyed kid that looked like a mini Mikado laughed.

"Oh, that's right Hideo." Mikado chuckled and Tsubone acted like she was upset.

"Your half sibling…" She said icily as she glared at Mikado.

"Tsubone~ I already told you, it was just a one time thing… Please forgive this unfaithful husband!" Mikado clapped his arms and bowed for forgiveness.

"Hmph, Mikado. You already know as a Kuki. You work for it." Tsubone harrumphed

"Is it true, haha-ue? Chichi-ue had a child out of wedlock?" A girl wearing a headband blinked. The couple were lovey dovey, so they did not expect that at all.

"It was a mistake okay? Don't copy dad, Ageha. Especially you, my darling little princess!" Mikado had a wry smile on his face.

"Hmph, then haha-ue's reactions are justified." Ageha snorted and Mikado thought that this crap was troublesome.

"This is Ronin, meet your older brother Hideo. And Ageha, he's the same age as you. Just a bit older." Mikado introduced him and he nodded at them.

"So you are our anigimi?" Hideo looked at him with interest while Ageha squinted her eyes a bit. But she just sighed.

"Anigimi, our name is Ageha. Please call your imo as you see fit." Ageha bowed at him respectfully.

He almost blinked in surprise, almost. They were taking it really well.

"Kuahahaha! Our anigimi has such a daunting aura. As expected of a Kuki!" Hideo just laughed.

"Umu, Ageha, Hideo. Let's get along." Ronin nodded at them.

"Chichi-ue, may I ask? Why doesn't anigimi have the mark of a Kuki?" Ageha pointed at their x shaped scar on their forehead.

A symbol of being of noble blood. And that they were expected to lead the commoners to a brighter future. Noblesse oblige.

"Ohhh, that… Because Ronin here refuses to do so." Mikado announced and the two kids gasped.

"But it's the tradition of the Kukis…" The siblings were in utter shock.

"I know, that's why he'll be going up and beyond to have that privilege." Mikado smiled towards Ronin's way.

Ronin almost snarled at Mikado for not telling them about the weird birthmark on their forehead, but it turns out that it was inflicted.

"Ronin will not be receiving any help from us whatsoever. And he will be creating an offshoot company that is worthy of the Kuki name." Mikado nodded in satisfaction.

'A company? That's easier than I thought…' Ronin squinted his eyes at Mikado.

"A company that's worthy of the Kukis. What a herculean task, anigimi." Ageha blinked at him in surprise.

"Kuahahaha! Anigimi is still so young, yet he has already undertaken a titanic task." Hideo was impressed.

"Look forward to it." Ronin gave Mikado a glare and Mikado shrugged.

'You'll regret this, Mikado.' Ronin promised and Mikado suddenly had a bad feeling.

'He won't try to kill me in my sleep right?' Mikado was tempting fate.

And as a wise man said, fate is a big ass bitch. Something that he will learn later.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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