
Majesty's Journey 6: living Omnitrix in MCU(Natasha Romanoff x maleoc)

An earthling dies in our universe. but fortunately for him, an Omniversal being who was bored without having anything to do for who knows how many years, decided to reincarnate him with a few wishes! But Ali's{the Majestic one / Majesty} wishes weren't normal. He didn't wish to be a Saiyan. He didn't wish to be a Kryptonian. He chose to be... a living Omnitrix! And with the power of his aliens combined, he will insure that his lover, Natasha Romanoff, will be safe and sound!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Movies
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43 Chs

CH 28: 2 years later

"Huff... Huff... Fuck... Me..." Ali, the Necrofriggian, panted heavily, looking to be as tired as possible. He was laying down on the ground, all spread out and looking to be just a second away from passing out.

Why was he so tired? Well... It was because of the person a few meters away from him. Well... The CORPSE a few meters away, to be exact. "Huff... Huff... That... Was too... Intense... Fuck..." He muttered.

What had happened? Well, we have to go a little back. You see, about 2 and some years ago, after bidding farewell to his lover, Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, his parents, little sister, and his few friends, he had set off to space.

Why? To solve the problem with his stomach ache, which was because of one of his alien DNAs sensing that his race was in danger. So he set off to save and help them, so the annoying stomach ache would go away.

Surprisingly... It was actually Thanos's army which had attacked the Gourmand race. He himself wasn't there, neither was there his elite men. He had just sent an army to conquer it or whatever.

<Basically, it went just like Ben 10, Tummy Troubles in season 3 episode 2> They had even captured the queen to make them surrender. And Ali, annoyed as all hell because of his stomach ache, just went all guns blazing in.

He saved the queen of the Gourmands, which led to "Plan Omega" happening. Basically, Plan Omega can be described in one sentence: They can't take their planet when there is nothing left to take.

So they, along with Ali himself, did what Gourmands were famous for, eating. A LOT of eating. And as in a LOT, as in eating the. ENTIRE. FUCKING. PLANET.

And Ali? He saw it as an absolute win. He really thought of it as interesting when he watched it in the show, he was a lot more interested in doing it himself.

So he did eat the planet with his fellow Gourmands, and after he was done eating, they went their separate ways. Gourmands went to find a new planet to live on, and Ali flew back to Earth, the planet he had grown up and lived on his entire life.

Well... He had at least tried to go back... But he couldn't. Why? He got into a fight with a certain being. A fight that took a long, LONG time. It actually hasn't taken that much time for Ali to reach the Gourmand, maybe about a month or two at most.

Fixing the whole ordeal didn't even take a full day. Eating the planet honestly took more time than fixing the problem. It was the fucking fight that took so long. About more than two years.

Who the fuck did he fight? Was it a fucking army or something? No. It was only one being. Technically, 2 beings. He fought Gorr. Yeah, that Gorr. The Gorr the God Butcher Gorr.

The one with the All-Black Symbiote. The one who had a hate boner for gods. If it was the MCU Gorr, infamous Gorr the Child Kidnapper, he wouldn't have THAT much of a problem.

But unfortunately, it was the actual Gorr. The comic one. The absolute unit. That's why he had taken this much time. There was a reason why he won though.

In this 2 and some years, he stayed in his Ultimate, or better known as Doomsday state. The state that he had given a name too while flying to the Gourmands, Goliath.

That's why he was able to win. His Adaptability. But All-Black was still the gangsta of the Symbiote race, the sword that cuts Celestials like butter. That's why he still did take some time.

But after returning to his original form, the Necrofriggian form, he was still tired as hell for fighting nonstop for more than two years. Physically, not that much since his healing factor was always active and was already erasing all fatigue.

But mentally? Phew... That was a whole nother deal. As he laid there, tired and wasted, he felt something on his foot. Something liquid, but weirdly, it was moving higher and higher.

He didn't panic, because he had a clue of what was going on. He could also see it with his other "vision". When the liquid slowly traveled higher and sipped into his body through his skin, Ali called out :"What are you doing?"

"(I am bestowing you a gift.)" A raspy and deep voice spoke in his mind :"(Mortal, you are strong. Extremely strong. To the point where you managed to defeat my host. And since he is now dead, I need to find myself a new host. And what better host than you, who is so powerful?)"

'Bullshit.' Ali mused in his mind, but didn't tell him, All-Black, what was in his mind. He also wasn't worried that he could read his mind, since absolutely no being could.

It was one of the few nifty abilities that weren't really offensive, but we're extremely useful. He was completely immune to mind related abilities, including Mind Control and Mind Reading, so he didn't give two shits to Telepaths.

He knew what All-Black was planning, so he had to be careful. However, he had his own plans as well, so he had to act. Act weak, vulnerable and defenseless, like how he was.

"You're a Klyntar, aren't you?" He said to the being inside of him :"I've heard of your kind and know a lot about you. So there is no reason for you to explain. What I wanna know, is what benefits will I gain from bonding with you?"

"(Power.)" The single sentence was said by him :"(Power beyond what you can imagine. I am All-Black the Necrosword, the first and strongest Klyntar. Also famous as The Godslayer because of my previous host.

I understood something while we fought. You were weaker. Much, much weaker. But as we fought against that strange form of yours, you grew.

Grew with every strike that you landed and received. Grew to the point where you were our match. Then grew to be even stronger than us. However, I understood something now that I've bonded with you.

That was only temporarily. Once you returned back to normal, you lost all of that power. But I can help you. I can make it so that power won't be temporary, but permanent.

With the power that I can bestow upon you, and your own power, we will be invincible! Nothing can stand in your way. Not gods. Not Celestials. Nothing. So? What do you think? Do you wish to bond with me?)"

'Bond with you so that you can control me?' Ali scoffed in his thoughts :'You really think I don't know about you? I'm a Symbiote fanatic, how could I not know about the first Symbiote, All-Black the Necrosword?

I also know how big of an asshole and a red flag you are. Even though you aren't with Knull, you still carry out his agenda of erasing all life from the universe.

Being the one who influenced the already god hating Gorr into becoming the God-Butcher, trying to influence All-Father Thor into killing Old Galactus, and corrupting Old Galactus into the monstrous Butcher of Worlds.

I know quite a bit about your remarkable feats. Normally, I wouldn't give a single damn about the Universe, Multiverse and how many beings in it die.

But there is one thing that I detest, I won't be anybody's puppet. You really think I will let you use me as a tool to fulfill your creator's wish? Think again, chucklenuts.'

"Hahahaha." Ali laughed lightly :"Oh? You really will do that?" Causing the Symbiote to get confused :"(Yes, I will. If you become my host, I promise to give you all my power and help you with all I have in your journey.)"

With a nonchalant smirk on his face, the Necrofriggian gazed into space :"Oh really? So you're saying you won't corrupt me into going on a rampage of killing gods, Celestials, and basically every living lifeform in the universe for your creator, Knull?"

"(...)" The Symbiote was silent before he snorted coldly :"(I wanted to take it slow. Wanted to make a bond with you, and see reason.

But since you already know about my motives and disagree, then I don't have any choice. You could've been smarter and agreed, but you chose to act like a hero.

Just to refuse and lose all the power I could give you. For no reason but utter foolishness. You can only blame yourself for this, mortal.)"

Ali felt it. Clearly felt how it felt like something was entering him. Forcibly joining him. Trying to take over him :"(I can't control your mind for some reason, but I can certainly control your body like a puppet.)"

And he was planning to do just that. He was forcibly bonding with Ali, planning to take control of his body and all of his powers.

With Ali's powers, someone who could kill his host, and his own powers combined, he was sure that there was nothing that could stand in his way!

But surprisingly for him, Ali wasn't panicking. Instead, a huge, crazy smile appeared on his alien face :"You are seriously underestimating me, you know that?

It's not that I'm refusing your power. It's just that, why would I be someone's puppet, when I can just take their powers without any drawbacks at all? After all, I'm quite envious of your power!"

Just as a black substance was covering his body, his body shone a bright, dark blue light! Just like how it had happened countless times, he transformed once again because of his emotions!

However, this time, it was different. This time, he didn't transform into Ultimate/Doomsday that he now called Goliath. This time, he transformed because of another emotion, Envy!

As the dark blue light faded away, what stood there, wasn't Ali in his Necrofriggian form, or his Goliath form. Instead, something else had appeared, which was actually flying in the air.

Short, small and fairy-like in appearance with blue skin. He had purple fairy-like wings, pink spots and blue hair that stuck straight up. He wore a green dress-like outfit with black zigzags, the bottommost one of which is slightly asymmetrical.

His fingers had three fingers with white gloves on them and his feet had two toes. His eyes were blue with feminine eyelines and had pink markings on his cheeks and chin.

Ali had transformed into another form, which he could have access to if his emotions were out of control! The alien that was connected to his envy, a Nemuina (Pesky Dust)! Or as he calls it, Paracosm!

"Rrrrruuuu! Hahahaha! You're screwed now, bud!" His cute and feminine voice was heard as he smirked mischievously :"Why would I be your puppet, when I can just erase your consciousness and take away your powers all for myself!"

"(Hmph, you're overestimating yourself, mortal.)" All-Black snorted, but he barely had any time to be shocked when a blue dust came out of Ali's finger, and put him into a deep sleep :"We'll do this in your dreams!"

And after putting him into sleep, he used his racial ability, and entered his dreams as well! All-Black had every right to be confident, since he was so freakishly strong.

He was able to transform a mortal alien into a Godslayer! It was natural for him to be confident since he knew his abilities! But unfortunately, he didn't know Ali's.

More specifically, the abilities of a Nemuina. Forget about him, a Nemuina could easily knock out Knull himself! Why? Because Nemuinas, despite their cute and weak appearance, are one of THE most op aliens in Ben 10 Multiverse!

And the reason was simple. They could easily put actual Celestial Sapiens into sleep! They could do that shit to literal omnipotent beings! All-Black was nothing compared to that!

(Ali's Emotional Transformations:

Wrath) Ultimate (Doomsday): Goliath

Gluttony) SCP-682: Cataclysm

Envy) Nemuina (Pesky Dust): Paracosm

Lust) Demon (Dante): Incubus

Greed) Czarnian (Lobo): Superior

Pride) Burning Martian: Conquest

Sloth) Flerken (Goose): Odyssey