
CH 24: Aftermath

<Yo, everyone. So there's a reason why I didn't update for a week. I have thought of a nice schedule. I will be continuing my Majesty's Journey 1, 2, 6, and 7 (my new Douluo Dalu story), but not daily. I will do it like this instead, I will switch between them, something like this:

One week, I will focus on updating Majesty's Journey 1 (Douluo Dalu 1) and 6 (Omnitrix Marvel) daily, one chapter each day for both of them, which will be 7 chapters each week. Then, when the week is finished, I will focus on Majesty's Journey 2 (Symbiote Marvel) and 7 (Douluo Dalu 1) for a week! This way, there will be a lot of updates, and it will be a nice change for me so I won't get bored from a single story. Hope you like it!

Also, one more thing. Soooo, I found out that among the several mods that have been created for God of War 2018, there's one where Kratos is CJ (Carl Johnson) from GTA San Andreas...

You know what came to my mind when I found out? "All you had to do was prevent the damn Ragnarok, CJ!"...>


As Ali opened his mouth while in his Necrofriggian form, the entire explosion of the nuclear bomb escaped his mouth and was shot towards the mothership like a fire breath.

However, the size of the fire that escaped his mouth was nothing like anything he had breathed out. It was gigantic, something that you wouldn't expect to come out of Ali's mouth no matter how much he expanded it.

It looked like the size of a building as it was shot towards the mothership, burning multiple Chitauri Leviathans and Chitauri soldiers to nothingness before it exploded once it hit the mothership.

Because of the force of the explosion that came out of his mouth, Ali was sent flying backwards. As he flew towards the portal, he couldn't help but watch in amazement at the explosion :'One day, I will be able to do that without anything like a nuke or something...'

On Earth, all the Chitauri suddenly fell to the ground, as if their "shut down" button was pressed. Even the Chitauri Leviathan suddenly fell on top of a building, ded as hell.

"Come on, Ali... Come on, detka (baby)..." Natasha but her lip anxiously. The Avengers kept their eyes on the portal, anxiously waiting for the young man to fly back. Seems like they had forgotten that Ali had actually separated into 10 Alis, so even if he didn't return, Ali was still alive.

However, the Alis were being bitches and staying as silent as they could. So that didn't help with the anxiety of the Avengers. "Close it..." Captain America said reluctantly, but Natasha immediately refused :"NO! I won't close it till he comes out! Just wait..."

And just after a few moments, a blue figure came out of the portal before it transformed into Ali with a dark blue light as he shouted :"CLOSE IT!!!!!" And Natasha didn't hesitate anymore as she immediately hit the Cube with Loki's scepter, closing the portal.

Because of the force of the explosion that he had breathed out, he was quite tired, and the speed that he was descending with was quite fast. "Sun of a gun..." Steve smirked as he and Thor watched Ali side by side.

"He's not slowing down!" Thor roared out before he spun Mjölnir before he swung it up and flew towards Ali while Tony also put his blasters on full power as he flew towards Ali.

The two adults grabbed the falling teenager before they flew the tired young man to the top of the Stark Tower. As they landed on the roof, Natasha immediately rushed towards them as she grabbed Ali and lowered him till he was lying down with his head on her chest.

She moved his hair to the back of his ear as she looked at him with worry :"Ali? Dorogoy (sweetheart), are you alright?" And Ali chuckled weakly while panting :"I told you, Nat, it would take a lot more than something like that to kill me. In fact, the chances of the universe of even the entire multiverse getting destroyed would be a LOT higher than me dying. ... So? How is the situation?"

Iron Man's mask slid up as he smirked at him :"We won, kid. All thanks to you." Causing Ali to chuckle :"Happy you know that. So anyway, yay. Hurray. Good job, everyone."

The three adults chuckled at his tired cheering as Tony nodded tiredly :"Yeah, good job. How about we just not come tomorrow, huh? Let's just take a day off."

"Couldn't agree more, Tony..." Ali nodded as best as he could, stopping when Natasha held him tighter and warningly glared at him :"Stop moving around and rest a little."

Ali just gave a simple nod before Tony looked at everyone, especially at Thor :"Have you ever tried Shawarma? There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it." Ali chuckled as he blinked in acknowledgment :"Sure, right after my fried taste buds get better in a few meters or so."

"We're not finished yet." Thor said, hinting at Loki, before Tony nodded :"And then shawarma after."


Loki groaned in pain as he dragged himself on the ground after waking up. However, he stopped when he felt a shadow over him. While panting, he turned around to see all of the Avengers ready to attack him any second.

"If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." Loki said before Ali, now whole, chuckled and tiredly sat next to him :"You know, you better be happy that I'm too tired to beat your ass again. Because if not, then I would've jumped your bitch ass."


The News channels were going bat shit insane about the alien invasion that had happened. Some people were questioning the Avengers, but most of them were celebrating and praising the odd bunch.

People in the streets and on the TVs were wearing clothes with their favorite Avenger's symbol. Some were wearing shirts with Captain America's shield on, some copying Tony's beard style, some tattooing those symbols on their bodies, some people spraying their gratitude on walls <why does that sound dirty...> or painting pictures of them, a lot of people parading pictures of the Avengers around.

But mostly, it was Necro Frost's picture and symbol being shown a lot. A "Thank you" message for "risking" his life to not let that nuke hit New York. Also, yeah, Ali had come up with a symbol. On his back and chest.

As for what it was... Well, a Majesty needs his crown, no?

Random news channel number 1 :"Despite the devastation of what has been confirmed as an extraterrestrial attack, the extraordinary heroics of the group known as Avengers has been to many a cause not only for comfort, but for celebration."

Random news channel number 2 :"It's just really great knowing they're out there. That someone is watching over us-" "I love you, Thor!"

Random news channel number 3 :"And then those guys were like PEW PEW! And then the air goes BOOM! And then this green guy and these gray, bony guys walk up and go RAWWWRR!"

Random news channel number 4 :"I don't know... I don't exactly feel safer with those things out there..." <Bitch, fuck you, you're the "thing" here>

Random news channel number 5 :"It just seems that there's a lot they do not tell us." <True, Ali's search history is hidden even harder than SHIELD's most important secrets>

Random news channel number 6 (Stan Lee) :"Superheroes in New York? Give me a break." <Rest in peace, my man *salute* EXCELSIOR!>

Random news channel number 7 :"These so-called "heroes" have to be held responsible for the destruction done to this city. This was their fight. Where are they now?"

<Believe, despite writing my Marvel MCs as heroes or antiheroes, I would be a full fledged villain if I were to get reincarnated or sent to Marvel or DC. Heck, I would try my best to become a superhero.

Sure, saving people is good, but I don't think I could stop myself from killing these bitches that not only are NOT thankfully for getting their worthless lives saved, but they even have the balls to complain!

Fuck you, I would either just leave the planet and leave it to get destroyed the next time someone attacked if I saw someone say that, or I would just take the matters into my own hands! I'm bipolar, bro.

Sure, I may like seeing others happy, but I wouldn't have a single problem in making others lives living hells, I would even enjoy it! And I would probably regret it for a single second or minute at most before being like "Eh, whatever, they're dead already. Why bother thinking about it?">

Random news channel number 8 :"Tough questions are being asked about the Avengers themselves. Their sudden appearance and equally sudden disappearance..."

Random news channel number 9 :"What, this is somehow their fault? <Finally, an intelligent lifeform!> Necro Frost saved my life, and the lives of many other people. Wherever he is, and wherever any of them are, I would just... I would like to say thank you."

<Random student number (from other fanfics) :"FINALLY, A worthy opponent. Our battle WILL BE LEGENDARY!">


"Where are the Avengers?" A bitch ass councilman <it's in my keyboard auto writing or whatever now XD> spoke up as Fury stood in the dark room once again with the holographic images of the councilmen.

Fury :"I'm not currently tracking their whereabouts. I'd say they earned a leave of absence. And DON'T think about bothering Ashborne at his school. His graduation is approaching."

Councilwoman :"And the Tesseract?"

Fury :"The Tesseract is where it belongs. Out of our reach."

Councilman :"That's not your call." <So who's is it? Your bitch ass's? stfu>

Fury :"I didn't make it. I just didn't argue with the god and the alien who can possibly destroy Earth that did."

Councilman :"So, you let him take it and the work criminal, Loki, who should be answering for his crime."

Fury :"Ooh I think he will be."

Councilwoman :"I don't think you understand what you've started, letting the Avengers loose on this world. They're dangerous."

Fury :"They surely are, and the whole world knows it. EVERY world knows it."

Councilman :"Was that the point of all this? A statement?"

Fury :"No... A promise."

- (Who knows how long later)

Ali and Natasha got off of the car that Clint was driving as they looked at a pretty and beautiful house. Clint rolled down the window as he looked from his seat as well :"You know, I'm impressed, Ali. I did NOT accept that you would convince Natasha to live together with you in a new house."

Ali chuckled as he winked at Natasha who playfully rolled her eyes before he looked at Clint :"Well, Robinhood, it was actually Natasha's idea." Anc Clint's mouth went wide in shock as he looked at the two in disbelief :"What now?!"

While Natasha rolled her eyes again, Ali chuckled once more :"Well, her excuse was that she could keep a close eye on this "alien". And apparently, Fury was okay with it."

Clint smiled teasingly at his best friend before smirking at Ali :"And I bet you didn't hesitate before agreeing, huh?" Ali curled his lips with a smile as he sneakily glanced at Natasha's ass :"Do I have a reason to not to?

Honestly, the hard part was convincing my mom. And it was kinda hard since she was a little salty about me not telling her about how I'm an alien and stuff... She chewed my ears..."

Clint laughed before he waved :"Alright, I won't bother you too anymore. Take care." And he drove off as the two waved. But then Natasha's hurried voice was heard :"Wait, we forgot to pick our bags!"

Ali was speechless as he sighed to himself :"So much for 2 nonillion IQ... Just give me a sec." And he disappeared from his place before appearing again with their bags in his hands :"Now let's go in."

Natasha nodded with a small smile as she went and unlocked the door before they both walked in. As they looked at the house that already had everything laid out, thanks to Ali, Natasha smiled :"So what did your mom say when she found out?"

Ali sighed helplessly as he scratched his neck :"Nonsense like "Why didn't you tell us sooner?!", "Is that why you never had a girlfriend?!", "Does that mean that your not attracted to human girls?!", "Am I ever going to see my grandchildren?!". And some more."

When Natasha heard the words about children, Ali clearly noticed the slight shift in her mood, but he smirked as he walked inside :"But then I was like "Mom, I could reproduce asexually if I wanted to!"."

"... Wha...?" Natasha's mind went blank as she froze in place before she quickly ran after the laughing Ali :"Wait, what did you just say?! Ali! What does that mean?! Ali?! ALI, EXPLAIN!!!!!"

- (Spoilers about what will happen in Captain America: Winter Soldier)

Natasha :"Ali, you've been acting strange lately. You just get absent minded so much lately. What is going on?"


Ali :"Natasha, I don't know... It's like... I'm being called... I can feel it... From deep inside me..."


Ali :"Wait for me, alright? I will come back in a year, two at most."

Next chapter