
CH 76: Shrek VS Frenzy Battle Team Part 2

(Ali's POV)

As the audience cheered for the team that was more famous than the other with a good winning history, I noticed that the bitch from before jumped high up to the sky and released a giant net. The giant spider web fell as I heard San'qe's voice :"Xiao Ali, in the air! Fire manipulation!"

I smiled excitedly as I controlled my dragon hairs to aim up and shoot small but deadly lines of fires from their mouths! <did I mention that I have taken out Lucifer? Yeah, it was already too much with the separation so I decided to do that>

Getting them under control was easy, like moving a limb. But it was hard to master because each of them was like a brand new limb. So I had to practice a lot to get o be able to use them all. But it sure as hell paid off well with how fucking cool it feels to use them!

So it was really easy for me to just aim them up and focus my fire manipulation on them to activate their skill of shooting. They weren't just for show after all. Not only did they have their own energy shot skill, but they could also shoot any of my elements that I applied to them.

And as I applied my fire manipulation on them, I also saw Oscar being a drama queen and hiding behind Ning Rongrong with shaky legs before I shot the flames from the tens of or even hundreds of dragon heads hair.

And guess what, the spider net didn't stand a single fucking chance as it burnt into a crisp under the power of my cool, cute and small but extremely deadly dragon hairs! But the moment I was done with that which took just a mere moment, I felt an attack approaching.

I quickly put my arms up to guard myself as the fist landed harshly on my forearms. But to me who is a battle junky and enjoys fights a lot, it was nothing. In fact, the only thing it did was rile me up and get me going if anything!

So pushed forward and spread my arms forcefully, making him take a step back before I threw a punch of my own :"HAHAHAHA ENTERTAIN ME MORE, YOU DOG!!" I roared at him with my signature smile on my face.

But it seems the already held back force behind the fist was still too much for this bastard to take as he got thrown back by a few steps with shaky arms. A shake caused by pain :"oh, c'mon. don't tell me that's all you've got after all that bragging. Guess you are just bark and no bite kind of dog, huh?"

As I laughed at him and made fun of him, I guess he couldn't take the humiliation as he roared and charged at me again :"GOOD! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, BITCH!!" I roared back as both of us started throwing punches at each other.

But they were all either blocked or dodged as I enjoyed toying around with my temporary toy. I punched with both hands at the same time, but they were caught by the glaring rhino guy. He smirked cockily at that.

But his happiness was bound to be short lived since he was against me as I grabbed onto his hands with my wing hands and after jumping up and using his hands as leverage, I kicked him in the face and jumped away while kicking him away!

But as I smiled excitedly, I saw the twins with the monkey martial souls rushing at Ning Rongrong and Oscar :"uhh, guys! Is anybody planning on taking care of those ownerless monkeys jumping around and being troublesome?!"

The bitch :'They target them since the beginning. Attacking the weakest soul masters of Assisting Branch and Food Branch at the beginning to eliminate all uncertain factors, is the ultimate law of battle.'

But thankfully, San'qe used his blue silver grass and tied them in place just when they were about to land a hit on Oscar who had bravely put himself in front of Ning Rongrong so that she wouldn't be harmed.

Tang San :'Speaking of the ultimate law of battle, that means we can use this same factor to create a trap.'

And they were punched to the ground by Dai Mubai who had the task of protecting Ning Rongrong and Oscar. But before we could enjoy the short moment of victory, the Rhino guy stomped his foot on the ground as his purple ring flashed!

He made a punch then and rushed at San'qe, but I was there to protect my family <dom would be proud> :"first soul skill, Divine Devil's strike!" as our punches connected, the entire arena shook as the rhino guy was forced dozens of steps back as he held his stomach and panted.

The damage that he was dealt to was minor, of course it would be. He was just a toy which I wanted to play with for a little while. Not a toy that I wanted to break. Not only did I not add any amplification of the soul skill which is already 800% right now, I even held back on using it!

But he didn't need to know that. The rhino guy gave grunt before getting into a fighting stance again. But when he noticed the purple ball of light dancing around him, it was already too late as San'qe made his move :"Third soul skill, Constraint of Spider Web."

"aww, my toy got taken away. Hahaha." I joked around as the bitch commanded their team :"Twin Monkey retreats, protect Lucky Disc. Twin Sheep withstand it." I scoffed with a feral smirk :"oh, look at that. I've got new toys!"

As the monkey twins ran back while hoping around because of being restrained, the new twins with the sheep martial souls rushed towards us. A foolish decision, really. Me and Xiao Wu also rushed towards their side of the field.

But I wasn't interested in playing with these guys, so when the first one came to me, I just started a barrage of attacks before punching him away :"fuck out of my sight, weakling!" but even though I wanted to, I couldn't break loose.

I was here just to show that I'm in the team. So I wasn't about to make it easy for the others and have them sit back while I rampage around here. So I fought with this sheep guy after bringing my power even lower.

But I was still checking out the situation of the field so that nothing unexpected and unwanted would happen. While fighting this guy, I saw that Xiao Wu was fighting the other twin. And San'qe going after the bitch after she raised her hand to break the blue silver grass binding the rhino guy.

The bitch :'Let's break this spider web first.'

Tang San :" Your opponent is me."

He then used his soul power and shot out a vine of blue silver grass to grab her. But unfortunately, she dodged by jumping into the sky. But San'qe wasn't about to give up, so he summoned vines of blue silver grass from the ground and made them go after her.

But she wasn't a level 30 soul master for nothing. She was agile enough to dodge all of them as she jumped from one to another and then shot webs at San'qe from her martial soul. And their battle turned into one of who could last longer as her webs and San'qe's blue silver grass connected and pushed against each other.

The bitch :'In terms of poison, my spider poison has never met an enemy.'

It seemed to be even as the force that was pushed against the webs was enough to hold the bitch up in the sky. But if you focused and paid attention, you could see that San'qe's blue silver grass was slowly winning and eroding her webs.

The announcer :"Unbelievable, Shrek Seven Devils are leading the battle! Is Frenzy Battle Team's seven-victory record going to an end?!"

But just when the small battle between the two ended, that bitch finally noticed how my kitten is running around and dodging everything while making her way to their only assistant branch soul master!

But the monkey twins who were assigned with task of protecting him had already noticed her and prepared for an attack. But San'qe smirked and looked at me :"Xiao Ali!" I smirked back as I applied my fire manipulation to my dragon hairs again :"you don't need to tell me!"

Each line of fire that was shot from each of the dragons was small. About the size of an adult pinky. But because of the sheer number of them, the fire lines that looked like they fused together looked quite large after firing!

But again, I held back because I didn't want to burn them to a crisp and turn them into Kentucky fried monkeys. But even though weakened by a large fucking amount, it was still quite hot and the twins needed to make their soul power into temporary shields to not get burnt.

But I was still pretty careful with how I shot it, and left enough space for Zhuqing to jump above it and attack the assisting branch soul master. As she descended, she gave a low growl and slashed him with her nails!

But she didn't want to kill him, so it only damaged him in a blunt way and shot him away onto the floor outside of the arena. It would be immediate lose for him if he fell, but he wasn't about to lose without putting up a fight :"Third soul skill, Fanatic!"

Tang San :'Oh, no.'

As I finally found out about the reason why my gut feeling was telling me to be careful of them, the light that shot out of the disk in his hand landed on the members of his remaining teammates as the announcer's voice echoed :"It's here! The key to Frenzy Battle Team's countless table-turning-success, Fanatic! Can Shrek ten Devils endure this counterattack from Frenzy Battle Team?!"

As a red light engulfed the members of the frenzy team, the white of their eyes turned blood red as they growled like zombies and one of the sheep twins raised his leg and said with a screech like voice :"Second soul skill, Trample!"

The stomp of his leg onto the floor made the who field that we were on tremble as the other sheep twin who was probably fighting me before came rushing at me and punched. I punched back, but I was caught by both surprise from the new strength behind it and was still wobbly from the sudden shake.

But the moment I stopped and stilled myself, excitement took over me as I realized that my toys became better and more fun to play with. But I held myself back when I heard San'qe's voice :" Xiao Ali, their power has amplified greatly!"

The one that attacked me then looked over at Xiao Wu and lowered his head as he tried to ram into her with the large horns of his martial soul. But Xiao Wu was saved by me when I made a whip out of darkness and tied it around her waist before pulling back on it!

I placed my hand on the back of her waist and held her so she wouldn't fall down, but let go of and let her stand up by herself with a small blush after I flashed her a knowing smile. The rhino guy also broke out of his restraints as he heard the bitch's voice :"gather."

Tang San :'Their speed has elevated immensely too.'

Both teams gathered up on their own side with each other as she began to talk :"Admit your defeat. In the state of Fanatic, we don't feel pain. Every attribute increases by fifteen percent."


Okay, guys, question. I'm asking this now, but it won't be definite. I will ask once again in the future to make sure, because It will add a HUGE turn to the story. I will give you 2 options. If you like the first option, give it a +1. If you like the second option, give it a -1.

Option #1) Xiao Wu will be added to the harem. But Ali and Tang San will become enemies from then on.

Option #2) Xiao Wu won't be added to the harem, but she will be his sex slave which Tang San doesn't know about. She will be with Tang San, but will be completely obedient to Ali and his dick because of him being the Ultimate Incubus.

Again, I will ask this question later on in the story when the time comes. I just want to know hat the majority of readers want to read.

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