
Ch 55: challenging? nah, just playing around

Ali :"so what's your favorite hobby?"

author :"I like stalking people."

Ali :"*confused and concerned* ookaayy... mine is swimming."

author :"I know."

Ali :*sweating nervously*


the celebration had ended and with it, the night. it was early in the morning and a lot of people were still sleeping.

two of them being our protagonists, Al and Eve who were sleeping together, naked, with Al just splattered on the bed with his arms and legs all over the place.

and Eve being the elegant beauty that he is, was sleeping beside Al while cuddling with him. but his eyes fluttered open as he blinked a few times to fix his still blurry vision.

then after taking a deep breath, he slowly sat down, revealing his beautiful and unscathed jade like body as he stretched his hands while groaning slightly. then he just took a few moments to stare into nothingness as his brain was beginning to turn on.

after finishing his waking up ritual, Eve looked to the side and at his other half with a smile as he put his hand on his muscular, god like chest that seemed to have been made out of marble and gently shook him "Al. Al, wake up."

as he continued gently shaking him and cooing softly "Al, my love, please wake up. we have a class today." beside him, Altair finally woke up with a groan as he said said sleepily :"ugh, damn it. forget about it, Eve. come here, let's go back to sleep."

Eve put his hand on his cheek as he rubbed it gently with his thumb with a loving, sleepy smile as Al leaned into the touch with a satisfied hum :"sorry, baby, but we can't. now get up, we don't wanna miss breakfast even though it isn't much."

after Al groaned but still agreed with a nod, Eve got on all fours and crawled to the end of the fancy and comfy king size bed.

but he let out a surprised yelp as Al spanked his juicy bubble butt, making it jiggle with a satisfied but still sleepy smirk.

Eve looked back at him with a small glare as he said :"Al, what was that for?"

Altair let out a sleepy laugh as he also sat down :"sorry, sorry. not sorry, your big juicy bubble ass just looked way too good to not be spanked."

he grabbed Eve's butt cheek, causing Eve to moan and his fingers sank in as he said with unhidden lust and hunger in his voice :"I mean c'mon, just look at how fucking hot, big and breedable it is. I just can't stop myself from wanting to grope, spank, lick, kiss, bite and fuck it till your hole is gaping."

small moans and whimpers escaped Eve's lips as Al continued to knead, grope and massage his big ass.

Eve might be a beautiful trap, but that doesn't mean that he isn't packing big time on the front as well.

and now that cock that was somewhere between 6 to 9 inches was beginning to harden as his knees grew weak, but he suddenly pulled away from Altair's hand and got up from the bed with slightly shaky legs as he said with a small glare and a beautiful blush :"not a chance, Al.

I'm not letting you fuck me so that we will skip class. now get up, we have to go and eat breakfast with Zhuqing and then go to the field to start our class."

Al groaned with annoyance as Eve put on his clothes and made his way to their bathroom that was created by using his celestial sapien powers to make this their life more comfortable.

"ugh, sigh, fine, fine. you win, I'll get up." he got up and after getting his brain in place, he followed Eve into the bathroom to wash his face after getting dressed.

there wasn't any need for them to clean themselves or brush their teeth, Ali made a wish to always be clean after all. so the only reason they would wash up is to make their tiredness go away or to just enjoy a taking a bath.

the moment they got out of their room, the door of the room next door also opened. and from the inside of it, Tang San walked out followed by Oscar.

Tang San smiled as he nodded :"hey, Eve, Al. good morning."

Oscar :"hey, you two. good morning."

Eve smiled back and waved at them :"hey, San'qe, Oscar. good morning to you as well."

Al was rubbing the back of his neck while still looking sleepy as he nodded upwards at them :"yo, guys. good morning."

Eve :"we were going to eat something. wanna tag along?"

Tang San and Oscar nodded as they all made their way to the cafeteria.

the moment they opened the door of the cafeteria, the smell of the freshly cooked foods hit them. causing Oscar to be the dramatic goofball that he is :"wow, it's so aromatic."

when they looked to see who was cooking, they saw Yu Xiaogang behind the counter, preparing some more food while wearing an apron and a cooking hat.

Tang San :"master?"

Yu Xiaogang :"you are never late. I see that Oscar and two Alis are here as well. come on, try my dishes. all of you are growing up.

you must have sufficient nutrition. without a good body, how are you able to bear a huge soul power?"

Oscar :"thank you, master."

Eve :"thanks, mister."

Altair :"appreciated."

as they sat down, they saw all kinds of food on the table. chicken wings, dumplings, meat that is cut to pieces and etc. this guy may be a gahba, but you can't say that his cooking isn't bad.

as Yu Xiaogang said :"eat while they're hot.", Oscar didn't hesitant as he started eating... more like stuffing his face.

the other three started eating as well, but no where near at his speed. even Altair who was eating faster than the other two was still taking his time to chew at least.

the sound of the door opening came and a girl's voice along with it :"it's aromatic. it seems that there is good food today."

when the boys looked back, they saw their girls walking towards them, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing!

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu :"hello, master."

Zhu Zhuqing :"hello, mister."

{by the way, the master in here means teacher, not the actual master, like someone's owner or something. the reason for Ali and his parts not calling him master is because there is already Bibi Dong. and the reason why Zhu Zhuqing doesn't call him master is because Eve told her not to.}

Yu Xiaogang nodded at them with a smile. but before anyone could say anything, Ma Hongjun passed the girls as if he's flash and rushed to the table!

but just when he was about to take the last piece of chicken wing, it suddenly disappeared! Ma Hongjun looked at the table, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Oscar just about to eat it!

Ma Hongjun took on a fighting stance with his chopsticks in his hand :"slow down! return me my drumstick!" {...? what the fuck is that lol? I know that by chicken wing, and am gonna just continue calling it that.}

"these two idiots have way too much energy this early in the morning." Altair grumbled as he and the others watch as Oscar was chased around by Ma Hongjun who was saying :"drumstick! drumstick!"

Eve just chuckled awkwardly as he looked back at Zhu Zhuqing and said :"hey, everyone. good morning. Zhuqing, come here and sit with us. we kept this this chair for you."

he finished as he pat the seat between him and Al as Zhu Zhuqing nodded with a smile and did as he told her.


after eating breakfast, they were finally in the open field. standing in a line as Yu Xiaogang stood in front of them.

Yu Xiaogang had his hands behind his back as he said :"today, everyone of you has come for breakfast as promised.

it's a good start. but the food needs time for digestion. you can't do strenuous exercise immediately. next time, I'll prepare breakfast at 5:00 a.m.. if you don't come in 1 hour, you aren't allowed to eat."

everyone saluted with a :"yes!", but someone wasn't as excited as others as he cursed and grumbled under his breath, but nobody could hear Al.

Yu Xiaogang :"great. next, I'll start with intensive training for you. Altair, dequeue {what in the actual fuck is this word? if I didn't see it in auto correct, I would think that this gahba just became french lol 😂.}."

Altair walked forward as he continued :"I'll give you a mission. from now on, without hurting them, defeat everyone but Ivan one by one."

Altair looked at him with confusion and a raised eyebrow as he said :"hm?"

Yu Xiaogang :"your soul power is at level 45. the highest soul power of them are Dai Mubai who is level 37 and Zhu Zhuqing who is only at level 35 {the left over soul power of Ali's level 47 soul power + the 5'000 years old soul ring. they are a lot of soul power for just a level 30 soul master}. do you have any problem?

Tang San, dequeue. you aren't allowed to use your special weapons, but can use all of your soul rings. you can start now."

Altair :"wait a sec, mister. this is way too unfair. I'm not underestimating San'qe, nor am I underestimating the controlling branch.

but this will be just a one sided beating with how much the difference of my and his soul power is. no point in fighting then."

Yu Xiaogang :"oh? if you are so confident, then Tang San and Dai Mubai will fight you together. is that good enough?"

Altair smirked :"not exactly. drop Ma Hongjun in and it might just be enough for me to have fun with playing with them."

Yu Xiaogang raised an eyebrow as everyone was taken aback by his comment. but the people who were named were a little mad for being underestimated.

Yu Xiaogang :"are you sure? if so, then go ahead and begin your fight."

Altair stood on one side of the field, and the three Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai and Tang San stood together on the other side.

Ma Hongjun :"hehe, sorry, Al. but you're gonna regret challenging all three of us at the same time."

Dai Mubai :"agreed. it was a stupid decision."

Altair laughter boomed across the field as he said with his signature smile on his face :"challenge?! hahaha! you're overestimating yourselves! this isn't a challenge. this is me playing around with you all. now, get ready for an ass whooping!"

the smile made them a little nervous, but they were still mad for being underestimated to this extend.

Oscar :"woo! come on! come on!"

Xiao Wu jumped up and down as she said excitedly :"come on, Xiao San! beat him to a pulp! beat him black and blue!"

Altair :'oh I will take care of you later little bunny, I will make sure that your ass is black and blue after I'm done punishing you.'

Zhu Zhuqing :"go on, Al! win this!" Altair smiled at that.

Eve :"don't be too rough with them, alright, Al?" and he just rolled his eyes at that.

Oscar :"come on!"

they released their martial soul as a phoenix appeared behind Ma Hongjun, a standing tiger behind Dai Mubai, and a blue silver planet in Tang San's hand.

but since all Ali's martial souls were a special case, they could only possess it as if it became their body. {yeah, I changed it to this. I like how he will literally transform once a releases it. but only for Ali and his parts, no body else is like this in my fanfic.}

a pair red of horns, wings and a tail grew on Altair body as some scales also appeared on some parts of his body, such as his arms and legs.

Altair gave his signature smile as he said :"well, gahbas, get ready for a world of pain! ROOOAAR!"

Next chapter