
Ch 14: 10 days

alright everyone this is today's chapter, hope you all enjoy! bye!


it has been ten days since we got my spirit rings and it has been fantastic!

first of all, me and Bibi Dong have been cultivating together because of our martial soul fusion skill!

and because of her being the pope and needing to solve some documents, we have been cultivating at night and in her room and on her bed!

do you know how happy I am to be able to sit with my love for two lives on her own bed?!

but anyway, we haven't tried the actual martial soul fusion skill because of the gap in strength.

after all, both spirit masters need to be at least close to each other's levels.

but you may ask, if the level mattered, how could the golden iron triangle work?

after all, Liu Erlong is a 80s level spirit douluo with 8 spirit rings (is she or is she not? please tell me) and Flender is a 78th level spirit saint with 7 rings.

but Yu Xiaogang is just a 29th level spirit grandmaster with only 2 rings!

well that is because their martial soul fusion skill is a three person martial soul fusion skill, so Flender and Liu Erlong can take the burden instead of Yu Xiaogang.

but me and Bibi Dong's is a two person martial soul fusion skill.

we can just go ahead and use it since I can't die and will regenerate, but I don't want that kind of toxic relationship.

so yeah we have only been using the cultivation acceleration effect of the martial soul fusion skill.

and it does work.

you see, I can cultivate by two ways, one being my dragon marks that I can advance one level by creating 10'000 marks.

and two being just the normal cultivation that everybody else uses.

and martial soul fusion skill accelerates both of them!

and I have found out that I can use my dragon marks on my spirit rings to raise their age AND on my external spirit bones to raise their age!

so that's why I have been using the extra dragon marks created by our martial soul fusion skill cultivation to raise their ages.

and it is just like how to raise the age of my dragon form.

meaning 1 dragon mark equals one year.

so if I want to raise the level of my evil gold terror claws to the same level as my divine spider spears, I need 3'900 dragon marks for each.

my level was stuck in level 20 because of the rules of this world, but not my dragon form...

so I could make dragon marks for my dragon form just like normal, 100 marks a day.

three months waiting + twenty days of traveling = 11'000 marks, a little over one level.

and because of absorbing the two thousand years spirit ring, my level jumped straight to level 25, and with my extra dragon marks that weren't added to me, I became a 26 spirit grandmaster!

and those dragon marks created by cultivation with teacher? well considering that the speed at least doubles.

I have created 1'000 extra dragon marks and added 500 years to each of my evil gold terror claws.

and the funny thing is, since I've got my spirit rings, I've never had a sparring match with anyone!

I have just demonstrated for my teacher to see, and it feels damn good to use them!

but when Bibi Dong asked me to attack her, I strongly and firmly refused.

saying that I will never attack her even if it's for sparring.

she smiled warmly, chuckled and told me to sparr with sister Nana, but I just said with a shrug that she isn't a suitable sparring partner for me.

and this seemed to make her happier, considering that he smile grew a little wider, just a little though.

guess my strong refusal to attacking her, against my nonchalant shrug and good reason to sparr with sister Nana, made her feel that she is unique in my heart.

after all, women do tend to think too much of these situations, but it is the truth!

but sister Nana just pouted to my words and gave a hmph.

these 10 days have been fantastic because of me spending so much time with Bibi Dong, but there were also bad news, horrible news...

{flash back}

me and sister Nana we just sitting on the swing and swinging, enjoying the evening view when we saw teacher walking towards us with her Pope's clothes on, looking all perfect and beautiful!

"heeey teacher, welcome back!" me and sister Nana said at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed.

"hello, you two. happy to see you two getting along as always. Xiao Ali, I have some news for you."

oh? "what news teacher?"

"so you know that there is a martial soul academy in martial soul city that Nana goes to, right"

I do NOT like where this conversation is going!

"yeees?" I replied with a bad premonition in my heart, my guts and intuition are telling me that I'm NOT going to like what she is going to say next...

"well I have had you enrolled in the martial soul academy and you will begin attending there, after 10 days."


"b-but why teacher? I already have you to teach me right? you're the most knowledgeable there is after all..." I asked and decided to use my ultimate technique!

take this, the forbidden technique: puppy dog eyes!

and it seems to work wonderfully, causing her to blush a little and dodge my gaze and close her eyes and cough.

she hesitated and then said: "I can teach you, after all you are my disciple and I am your teacher.

but I am also the pope so I need to take care of the paperwork and documents of the martial soul city.

so you should go to the martial soul academy to train and get stronger and more knowledgeable.

after all you said that you would protect us, didn't you? you wouldn't go against your word now, would you?"

she said but then smiled at her last sentence. that it, this beloved genius future wife of mine, using my own words against me and provoking and questioning my dignity!

seeing that I couldn't refuse and she was right I just sighed.

after all, she is right. in earth, knowledge was most of the time just useless information that were taught for who knows why.

but in here, knowledge means power. for example, you need to know what spirit beasts are suitable for you to get the one with the best ability.

"sigh, fiiine. I will go..."

"yahoo, then happy to have you in the academy junior brother! be sure to tell me if you need anything!

oh and you need to wake up early from now on~!"

she said with a teasing smile.

"sigh, gosh dang it..."

I said with a sad face and they both just laughed.

it is something to be sad about, alright?! I love sleeping! and now I can't sleep till I'm satisfied.

{end of flashback}

I was sleeping when suddenly I heard a gentle voice and felt that someone is gently shaking me.

slowly, I open my eyes to see a hazy figure.

when my eyes focus I see sister Nana lying in bed next to me and smiling gently at me, so I smiled back weakly since I was still very sleepy.

we started sleeping together since a few days ago after she, according to her own explanation, went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but she was way too sleepy so she accidentally came to my room and slept with me on my bed.

and apparently she slept the best sleep of her life while using me as a hugging pillow, so after she nearly begged, me and teacher allowed her to sleep with me.

I didn't have a problem with it. I mean why would I? I'm not impotent, so why would I refuse the advances of my sister Nana, who I also want to include in my harem?

yeah yeah call me a scumbag, but what would you do If you were in my position?

though while sister Nana was happy, there was a glint of jealousy in Bibi Dong's eyes.

after all, we are soul mates, and so our souls are meant to be together, and because of cultivating makes the soul stronger, the effect of being soul mates is very powerful.

it doesn't work on me, cause my live for her is already very, very high.

but we'll, she is just in the process of falling for me, so yeah...

"good morning Xiao Ali, get up we need to prepare to go to the martial soul academy."

she said gently and woke me up from my train of thought.

she had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

but as soon as I heard the second half, I frowned and sank my head in my mix of soft and hard pillow.

(you lazy fuck...)

(shut the f up Lu, you're no better. you just woke up as well so shut it.)


(as many forms I have, none of them is a dog so fuck you!)

yup, I've told him already after I made sure that I can trust him and he doesn't have any bad intensions towards me... well showed him to be exact.

I allowed him into my none private memories and he said that makes sense since a child shouldn't be as smart as me.

and he also saw animes and mangas and such, but he also saw the part where I met ROB, so he knows that there is an omniverse and there are infinite multiverses and infinite universes in each multiverse.

so he didn't get existential crisis.

oh by the way, he, well they, the dragon head that are the body of Lucifer actually look just like my Slifer the dragon forms looks.

just white with red eyes and two mouths where he can shoot dark purple lasers from.

and I've promised him that I will sometimes let him use my Slifer form to play around. but for just a few hours every time.

and he told me something that honestly surprised me, is that he also has sexual attraction but he only goes for dragons and if pretty enough, snakes, and not to humans.

which put my mind on ease.

and when I asked him how he is going to have sex with them, he replied, with my Slifer form.

I wanted to argue at first when he said that, but just sighed and agreed.

after all, if he is a part of me, he is really lustful and horny.

cause I was like that in my previous life as well, and now that I'm the ultimate Incubus, it's even worse.

but sister Nana woke me from train of thoughts again.

she giggled and said: "c'mon get up. teacher should be in the kitchen waiting for us so we can eat breakfast together.

let's go or she will get mad."

"siiigh fiiiine." I said and slowly got out of my bed after sister Nana got up.

after lazily getting dressed in my white and gold school uniform, and sister Nana going to her own room to get dressed, we walked to the kitchen.

"morning teacher~." I replied lazily as I sat on the chair next to Bibi Dong.

"morning Xiao Ali, did you have good sleep?"

she said and I looked at her with a grieved expression while pouting which made her chuckle and pinch my cheek.

{he will always have his veil which is black when his hair is black and white when his hair is white.}


alright everyone that is all for this chapter, hope you all enjoyed!

please leave a comment and review!

take care of yourselves and peace out!😘✌️

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