
Two Lines

"The number you have dialled is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please try your call later."

The voice message just kept on repeating while Alex kept on calling Liam's number. She's doomed!

'What the hell is happening Liam!? You're just gonna leave me like this?! You're such a coward!' Alex cursed him on her mind. How could he do that to her? What happened to his promises..?


One month after her college graduation, Alex suspected that she was pregnant after starting some mornings with vomitting, losing appetite most of the times and having her monthly period delayed. Because she's confused of what Liam's reaction was going to be, she called Jenny first to come to their house and told her what she was experiencing.

Before going to Alex' house, Jenny drop by a pharmacy store and bought a pregnancy test kit, not minding the malicious looks from the people inside the store.

'Is it that abnormal to buy a PT?' Jenny spoke to her mind.

As she entered Alex' house, she hid the PT to her bag and rushed to Alex' room only to find her in her bathroom looking very sick from vomitting but nothing came out but saliva.

"Oh my G! Alexandria Lopez! You're so pale! Here. Take this. This is what will put an end to your suspicion. Whatever the result, we'll go to Auntie Rina to have your check up" Jenny said as she gave the PT.

Alex took it without saying a word while looking at her best friend with teary eye. She closed the bathroom door to do the test.

Liam and Alex are already on their seventh year of relationship. They started when they were in high school. Before Alex graduated in college, they already had a plan to marry each other after Liam passed the board exam. However, Liam still need to take one year in college since Civil Engineering was a five-year course. So, if the result would be positive, Alex wouldn't know what to do and how to tell Liam because a child was not yet in the picture of their plans. Not too soon.

She put three drops of her urine to the small circle where it should be dropped. The liquid is slowly going to the indicator. She was so nervous that she was not able to look at it. She fixed herself and went outside to her room where her bestfriend was waiting.


Jenny was waiting to hear the result but Alex just gave the kit to her and looked at the result. She looked intensely at the kit, blinked a hundred times just to check if what she'd seen was true!

Two lines.

It showed two lines which only meant one thing. Alex was pregnant.

Maine could not help it anymore. She did not know what to feel. Should she be happy? But why was she confused?

"Do you think Liam will be happy and accept this baby?" Alex could not help but ask her bestfriend.

"Why should he not be? It's his after all. This should be his pride!" answered Jenny while trying to call someone.

"I don't know. I just think that he might see our baby as a hindrance to his career or his parents might be mad... or... I don't know! You know how much it means to him to graduate and pass the board exam, right? The future of the Lee construction business will be in his hands since he's an only child," Alex vented.

"Hey! Are you even listening?" she asked when she saw Jenny busy with her phone.

"Ok Auntie. Thank you so much! We'll be there in a bit, okay? Bye!"

Jenny ended the call and faced Alex whose eyebrows were raised above the ceiling already upon learning that she's just talking with the air.

"I'm sorry bestie. I just called Auntie to schedule your check up. But, hey! I was also listening to you while talking to Auntie, okay? You should be amazed with my multitasking ability! With regards to your problem with Liam, we'll talk about it later. Don't stress yourself out. What you should do for now is get ready so we can go to Auntie's clinic and have you checked up. C'mon! Are you going to dress up yourself or I'll do that for you? You choose!"

Jenny grinned teasingly while Alex rolled her eyes in disbelief. She can't believe she had this kind of bestfriend!

"Fine. Fine. Fine. I'm gonna get ready!!!"


Although they had already done the pregnancy test, Alex was still anxious of the findings. Her hands were slightly shaking while waiting for Dr. Rina's words regarding her condition.

Dr. Rina: Congratulations Alex! You are three weeks pregnant!

Alex: 😓

Jenny: 😃

They were both speechless but with different facial expression. Jenny saw her bestfriend starting to cry. She hugged her and gave her some water to drink so to pacify her.

Jenny: Hey! This is a blessing from God Not every female specie is given such gift. Everything is going to be alright, okay? I'll always be here for you no matter what! And by the way, Auntie Rina, I hope this will not be disclosed yet to anyone especially to Alex and his parents since we're the only firsts to know. We're thinking of how to surprise them.

Dr. Rina: Not a problem Jen and Alex. You take care of yourself Alex, okay? There is someone depending on you inside you. Be strong!

Alex just nodded. After she was told of the do's and don'ts, things to avoid and the medicines to be taken, Jenny and Rina walked out of the clinic.

Jenny held Alex' shoulders in her arms so to comfort her while she's still sobbing. Though it was already confirmed, she was still in denial. A lot of what-if's were running through her mind that time that they did not notice someone spotted them in the hospital not faraway from the clinic where they came out.

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