
The Not-So Wild Guess

"Don't tell me you know something about this? You connived with my father?! How could you!!!"

Lisa was so upset. She felt betrayed by her one and only best friend! For what? Not waiting for her response, she turned away and headed towards the door but Sabrina quickly stopped her.

"Hey! Why are you so quick to judge?"

Lisa paused and turned to look at Sabrina. She crossed her arms indicating that she's ready to listen.

"Is it my fault that you have never mentioned before any man's name so dearly except his? Am I at fault if he's the one and only guy who you fantasized ever since you knew the meaning of infatuation? Should I be the one to blame if your heart skipped a beat every time you hear his name? You tell me! Huh!" Sabrina said dramatically, holding on to her chest like it was aching so bad and faking her tears as if she was truly hurt by her best friend's accusation. And she knew Lisa too well. She would be easily swayed by her acting worthy of a Best Actress award.

Lisa ran to her, embraced her through her waist and wiped her fake tears.

"Aww. I'm so sorry Sab. That was the first thing that popped into my mind. But really, how did you know that?"

"Should I repeat every little thing that I said?"

"Nah! Enough digging the past, can you?"

"How can I not? It's the truth. I've never heard any other name of a guy that you would tell me stories about a hundred times. The other guys? Those bachelors to whom Uncle Philip was matching you? You'd just talked about them once and that would be all about how you shoo them away. They became your laughingstock. And most especially, you'd never showed such effect of a guy on you but to Lance alone. You are showing that face again which you had when he broke his first promise to you," Sabrina dramatically explained which was an eye-opener for Lisa.

Did Lance still had that effect on her?

She had goosebumps on that thought. It can't be. It shall not be. She shrugged off the idea of him attempting to get near her again.

"Well, enough of Lance. I'm starving. What do we have for breakfast?" Lisa changed the topic and tried to compose herself. Knowing Lisa well, Sabrina just pretended not to notice how of a big deal the sudden appearance of the man was. She knew Lisa still needs time.

"It will be delivered soon. I'm also starving already. I just arrived from Japan and came home at 11 last night. And -"

She was interrupted by a call from the receptionist telling her that their food had arrived. She instructed to have the food sent by one of the guards by her private elevator.

The food came in less than five minutes and they took their breakfast in the sofa. They cozily sat on the carpet while watching a Thai movie and chitchatting about every events they missed out on each other.

Back in the Lee's Villa

Philip and Lance were done on their breakfast They sat on the balcony at the back of the house with the view of the pool and the enchanting garden which was full of different kinds of flowers.

"Feels like Aunt Nancy is still here. The presence of these flowers reminded me so much of her." Lance calmly said, though his smile only reached half of his face. His eyes mirrored his heart's loneliness. Nancy was like a mother to him already and with her death, he lost a mother for the second time.

"Lisa had been taking care of those flowers because she felt the same with those. They reminded her of her mother. Good thing she inherited the green thumb of Nancy. She had a great way of taking care of the flowers."

His smile grew wider upon hearing the name 'Lisa'. Oh how he really missed that girl. Looking intently at the full blooming of one of the flowers, he remembered one of those moments they were playing in the garden. He was 10 years old that time while Lisa was 7.

"Isay, look at this. This surely looks good on you." He loved calling him Isay. That was his pet name for her and he didn't want anyone, even Sabrina nor Lisa's parents, to call her like that. He wanted to instill in her mind that when someone called her 'Isay', it would be none other than him.

He showed him a pink gumamela and put it behind Lisa's right earlobe.

"Am I pretty now?" Lisa asked Lance while blinking fast.

"You always are"

"What d-"

"I mean you look cute with that flower." Lance corrected himself upon realizing he had voiced out his thoughts.

"Then I am going to have many suitors in the future because I'm cute and pretty! Right?"

"No way! That can't be. You know what will happen in the future?"


"When we became adults... I'll be yours and you'll be mine." Lance grinned widely after saying those words as if he already knew what's ahead of them.

Lisa uncontrollably blushed with that childish confession of his. With that said, she learned that they were each other's puppy love.

"Are you a fortune-teller? Why are you teasing me like that!" she lightly pushed him away, stucked out her tongue and ran back to the house with glee. Lance, slightly shocked, smilingly ran after her. She chased her throughout the house, both of them not minding who or what they bumped to.

"Lance? Lance? Lance!"

Lance went back to his senses upon hearing his Uncle Philip shouting his name. "Oh, I'm so sorry Uncle. I was a bit lost upon remembering some childhood days with Lisa. Were you saying something?" he smiled awkwardly.

"No. It's nothing important." Philip smiled as he saw how this man loved his daughter so dearly. There were just a lot of unavoidable things that came up that required them to part ways for some years. But he felt with the longing in Lance's eyes that it had been only Lisa in her heart since then.

"Uncle... I am ready now."

Philip smiled because he knew what Lance was talking about. He was actually waiting for those words for years already.

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