
Chapter 5: Death

--Kubota Juro POV--

I walk out of the office with a suitcase in hand... not believing what happened.

I really got a suitcase and it might just be full of cash...

I stare at the suitcase almost not believing my eyes... could it be that what I wrote on that note is going to become reality! I didn't believe it at first but now I have to believe it. I wrote down that the section chief will give me a suitcase full of cash so if what I wrote is true then this suitcase should be full of...

I quickly decide to open it up to check what was inside but found out that case was locked and there was a name tag attached to the case that clearly wasn't my name on it...

The name on it was Junichiro Taro the head of department in the company, so could it be that this case was meant for him...

I remember that when I first went into that room he was simply threatening me about how if I reported this and a bunch of other stuff that he'll make sure that he'll make my life hell and what not and then he threw me a suitcase saying this is for you, and then he simply left with his hands on that bitches waist.

Could he have passed me the wrong suitcase...

Then I suddenly recieved a call from a unknown number that I don't have saved to my phone.

"Where are you!"

It seems he noticed that he gave me the wrong suitcase...

"Who is this?" I try to feign ignorance of the matter and play it off.

"It's me, get up here! Bring the suitcase!"

"..." I hang up Immediately and call for a taxi.

Ring Ring Ring

The phone continues to ring but I don't pick it up. This is one of those so called dangerous situations which someone is after your life.

What is the most logical thing to do in a situation like this? Talk it out- Ignore- RUN

Kubota chose to run.

The Chief immediately rushed down the stairs only to see he get on a taxi.

"Where to?" The Taxi driver asks as I get on.

"Just start driving, anywhere away from here."

Hmm... this voice seems familiar... where did I hear this voice before...

"Got it." The driver immediately pulled the lever to get off the parking and started driving.

"Get Back HERE!"

I hear the screams of a bastard come up behind. He immediately rushed to get in his car and started giving chase. He continued to honk his horn onto us and it seemed like he had gone mad.

"Quickly lose him! I'll give you money so just lose the guy behind."


The driver changes lane and when the light is still yellow and at its last second he rushes to make the turn and drifts the car onto another street.

He almost hit someone!!! This driver! Who is he... how can a driver of a taxi possibly have this kind of driving skill.

But I suddenly hear the sound of a large smash happen and when I turn behind to take a look at what happened. I see a large truck smashing into the drivers side of the car that was just giving chase to us moments ago.

I suddenly remember the words that I was told to write down.

"Here take this pen and write the mans name and that he will bring you a suitcase full of cash as a apology for what he has done to you tomorrow, but he sadly passed away in a car accident."

Shit! T-that was real... What I wrote came true!!!

"Mr. Kubota-San I wonder if you remember where you were supposed to leave the suitcase?"

Suddenly I shuddered. I look towards the face of my driver and started to feel that he was oddly familiar... then I recalled the words he said... and I started to shiver uncontrollably.

"Long Time no See Mr. Kubota-San." Smile*

I know this man, even though I don't recognize his face I know that this is the man who kidnapped me yesterday...

"Y-you, just what do you want from me!"

2 hours ago

--Qin Yu POV --

I need to make sure I can get that money and if possible I don't want to use the death note.

I head to the sushi bar downstairs and have my breakfast. I ordered the most expensive things on the menu since I'll be getting rich soon and after eating breakfast I head towards a convenience store again and buy a suitcase, with the remaining of my money.

I call for a taxi afterwards in a spot without any security cameras.

I go to the trunk of his car and ask if he could help me put the suitcase in.

The driver gets out of the car.

"This is pretty light, why would you need help?"

I knock the man out. with a brick and throw him into the back of the taxi after tying him up.

I then drive towards the front of a large building which is the company building of the man who got fired and waited there.

I see him! Smirk*

He goes into the building like I thought and 15 minutes later comes rushing out the door. He even waves towards me. I pull up in front of the building and soon after I see a plump man chasing down from the door.

He quickly gets on my car and I immediately ask him in a professional tone.

"Where to?"

"Just start driving, anywhere away from here."

"Got it."

I suddenly hear a very angry voice come up.

"Get Back HERE!"

The man quickly gives chase upon getting on he car and this guy keeps on yelling to lose him. Sigh, doesn't he know the money is all mine to begin with!? Smirk*


I immediately change lane on a yellow light and a stupid jaywalker walks up in front, I drift past him and make it to the other side of the road. I then hear a crash from behind me.

Kubota seems shaken as he starts to shiver in my car and keeps saying the words, It really happened... haha.

"Mr. Kubota-San I wonder if you remember where you were supposed to leave the suitcase?"

The mans face instantly turns white.

"Long Time no See Mr. Kubota-San." Smile*

"Y-you, just what do you want from me!"

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