
Maid to love you: The boss and the maid

After she got suspended from being a teacher, Gaia (Gaya) Tan decided to find a new job to sustain her daily needs. Gaia soon find a job, but surprisingly, she got a job that she hated the most. BEING A MAID. Unfortunately, her boss named Mr. Kevin Han an arrogant, wealthy, good-looking psychopath, and short-tempered type of person. He keeps nagging her all day long which annoyed Gaia. Mr. Han falls in love with her as time goes by, but he can't express it. He always and keep denying it. Gaia doesn't have any feelings for him. She just considers Mr. Han as her boss, nothing more, nothing less. Will Gaia can handle such things? Can she get used to it? Is there any chance for them to be closed to each other? Will Mr. Han will able to tell her how he feels? Or maybe he will stay be silent and keep his feelings secret? Find it out by reading this novel. Maid to Love you by Andreb_author Disclaimer: I didn't own the illustration and the characters I used in my cover. Credits to the rightful owner. ___ Instagram account: andrebauthor Facebook page : Andreb_author Discord server : Andreb_author#5495

Andreb_author · Urban
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168 Chs

Chapter 29 : Regret

Zoe waited all day for the man but he did not show up. Zoe was about to head back when her phone rings.

She was annoyed as she saw 'Stranger' was calling her.

"Yes? What is it?"

"I'm here, where are you?" Zoe immediately turned around and saw the man wearing a black cap and hod jacket still on it.

"Hey! I've waited for you the whole afternoon. Why did you suddenly show up?" she annoyingly asked him.

He sighed, looking at Zoe, "I did some urgent things. I'm sorry I took too long,"

They were walking, the man was following her until they arrived at the park. He looks around, checks if someone's around.

"No one's here at this hour," she said.

They sat down on a bench, while the leaves whirl because of the wind. The man was silent as Zoe started talking.

"What is this all about, Mister? Who are you and what do you want from me?" she asked.

The man scoffed, "You really didn't remember, huh," he utters and took off his cap and hod. He then looks at Zoe.

"It's me, Gaia. Dexter," he said.

Zoe was looking at him as she didn't have any clue or information about this man. She closes her eyes as she started to feel the pain in her head.

He looks at her, "Are you okay?" he said and was about to touch her when someone blocked and pushes his hands away from her. He raised his head and saw a man in front of him. He then stood.

"Who are you?" he asked the man.

Zoe raised her head and went towards the doctor when she saw him. "I'm relieved I saw you," she utters while hugging him tightly.

Dexter was confused, "What did you do to her!" he asked angrily. "Give her back to us," he said.

The doctor glared at him and smirked, "Who are you to say that to me? Are you her boyfriend? No. You're not, so you don't have any rights to take her away from me," Zack said to Dexter.

"Hey! You're playing with her. You didn't even know her real name. We... We know her well, so please, give her back to us,"

"You have guts, young man. But... y-you can never-"

"I can," a man said suddenly behind them. They all turned around and saw Kevin.

"K-Kevin? What are you-"

"I'm going to take her with me, Doctor Zack," he said.

"Mr. Han, I guess you're talking nonsense. You can't take my wife with you," they were surprised even Zoe. She was about to go deaf what she heard. She was looking at Zack as he looked at her. He slowly leans towards her and kissed her on her lips.

Shock and anger blazed inside Kevin. He wants to punch that damn doctor for kissing his girl.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

The doctor looked at him, "I said, don't you ever talk to my wife again, okay?" he said and they walked, leaving the two in the park.

"Kev? Do you know about this too?" Dexter asked him.

"Yes, I did. I know she's Gaia, but why that damn doctor says she's his wife?" he said in anger.

"Kev, we need to do something to take her away from that doctor," Dexter said to him. He agrees with him, they've been friends for a very long time and Kevin knows he could trust Dexter on this matter too. He badly wants Gaia back, everyday he feels empty, sad, and lonely.

After Gaia left him, Kevin had realized so many things. He had realized that Gaia had given him happiness not so long, but one thing he's sure...

"I missed her," Dexter was surprised when Kevin utter that. Dexter was looking at him and he smiles, he can now finally say, "You've changed, Kev. Gaia gives you good influence after all," he teased him.

"That's why I regretted it," Kevin said.

"Why? What did you regret?"

"For being so mean and cold to her. I could have been good and-"

"You're good to her, Kev. You might not know this, but she's always talking about you like she knows you well more than I do," Kevin was stunned. He didn't even ask Gaia once if she's okay.

It's twelve o'clock at midnight. Zoe gasped as she searched for an exit to a room where she was locked. A boy was with her. They were tied up as Zoe slowly loosened the rope in her hand.

"Don't worry, well be fine," she said to the boy who was with her.

A gunshot.

She was immediately awakened by the sound of gunshots.

"What's that? Why is my dream like that?" she asked herself while confused.

"Zoe? Are you alright? Did you have nightmares again?" the doctor asked her.

"Ah, yes. I am," she lied.

"I thought you're having-"

"No, I'm not. I'm fine, doc,"

The doctor leaves her. She was still thinking about her dream. "Who's that kid? Why did I see him? I saw him clearly, but I can't remember his name,"

The next night, Zoe sees the same dream. She looked at the clock and it was exactly twelve o'clock at midnight.

She sighed, "What's this? Why do I keep dreaming about that kid?"

Zack was looking at her, smiling like he was planning something for her. "You'll be mine, Zoe. Only mine,"

Kevin and Dexter were quite a while as they were planning how to get Zoe away from that doctor.

"Sir, I think that's too dangerous, he might file a case for trespassing if you do that," Anthon said.

Kevin sighed, "I think we should stop this," Anthon and Dexter were surprised and looked at him with their eyes widened.

"What? Why! Are you just going to give up on her, Kev!" Dexter shouted.

"Yes, I will. I think that's the best for her too. She looks happy with that doctor tho," he replied.

"Maya!" her mother shouted who was angry with her. Her mother could not understand her behavior as they talked about her sister.

"Mom! Can you stop mentioning that name! She's dead! And she's never coming back!" a strong slap Maya received from her Mother.

"I made a mistake, Maya. I didn't think this is what I did for you would end things like this," her eyes watered as she faced her child.

Maya smirked, "Why mom, did you think of me? Did you even ask me what I feel? If I'm okay or I'm not? Didn't you? Gaia was always on your mind even though I was next to you,"

Her mother stopped at what she heard from Maya. "What do you mean, Maya? That I'm unfair? If it's unfair, you won over Gaia on that. I wasn't there for Gaia. I even deny her as my daughter, where did I lack, Maya. Where !?" her mother was already blazing with anger as she faced her.

"You'll never understand me, Mom. You will never," Maya suddenly went out of her mother's room, she slammed the door.

Maya's mother immediately weakened. She was leaning her back at the wall as she started to feel pain in her chest. She sobs so hard as she always thinks of Gaia's death.

"I wasn't even there for her. I'm such a bad mother! I didn't even provide for her needs. How can I say I'm a good mother for her?" her mother could only shed tears because of her loss, she was very sorry for all the things she had done to her deceased daughter.

The day after ...

Gaia's mother visited her grave. She even brought flowers to put in the vase in front of Gaia's grave. Her tears fell suddenly while looking at her daughter's photo.

"You look so happy at this picture, Gaia. How I wish to bring you back. How I wish, I could be a mother to you. How I wish I never hurt you and left you. I regret all of that, Gaia. If I could turn back the time, I will, " she said tearfully as she caressed her grave.

Kevin was about to go to her grave also, he wanted to accept the fact that Gaia was dead and would never come back to him but there was a woman before him to go to Gaia's grave. He was frowning while walking closer to her.

"She's very familiar," he utters and the woman stood suddenly. Kevin hides. The woman wiped the tears from her eyes and fixed herself.

"I'll visit you often, my daughter," Kevin heard it which makes him surprised.

"Gaia's mother? Mrs. Garcia?" he murmurs and peeked. The woman went back to her car and left.

Kevin was confused as he was looking at Gaia's grave. He then saw a new flower was put on the vase and he thinks of Gaia's mom.

"I saw how regretful she is," he said and smiled at Gaia's picture.

"Gaia, there are a lot of people waiting for your come back. But right now, at this moment, I will... forget about you. I want to accept that you'll never be mine, Gaia. I know it might be hard, but I think I can do this,"

"Thank you for being there for me every time I'm stressed. I know I'm not perfect, but I want the best things for you. And I know you're happy right now with him,"

To be continued...

Help me to win the competition. Sorry I take too long to update. Good evening everyone. Enjoy reading!