
Council of Magus Association

In the middle of a bright room, sat four individual people.


"So, what do you think about her, Blade?" One who appeared to be an old man, slouched over with a long white beard, and long white hair.

[Blade Dagon]

"I think she's a joke. How could some antisocial nerd, be the supposed prophecy child? This must be some fluke." Dressed in an ebony suit, styled like a popped collar overcoat, was Blade, the strongest Wizard of this era.


"Hahaha, could the ultimate wizard, Blade, be jealous of this new prophecy child?" A man dressed in formal clothing like the rest of the wizards spoke. His appearance was rather untamed; having a large scar across his face, brown hair, and a ponytail, with an eyepatch on his left eye.


"What an annoyance. We haven't even seen what she's capable of and we're making assumptions already." A woman with the appearance of a general made herself noticeable. Wearing a white militaristic uniform with an officer's cap, and black long shoes, and a belt. She was the supervisor of the Safeguard Division, cold and stern in her expression.

"That much is true, Supervisor Ludra, but you must know that the council of MA (Magus Association) must take precautions against new members, and decide if they're qualified or not to join us."

Blade lowered his eyes, visibly frowning, "I'm the one who says who should join us, and who shouldn't. This new member is a nobody. I've read her reports and history, and she's a nerd who focuses solely on works of fiction. She doesn't care much about what goes on in real life, and she spends most of her time on the phone."

"Sounds like a normal teenager to me." Said Ludwig, shrugging his shoulders.

Blade, angry, stood up and towered over the council member, eyes glowing with ferocity.

"Do you question my authority, and my strength, Ludwig?"

"..." The scar-faced individual went quiet, slightly nervous in his facial expression, "Of course not... Blade, I'm just saying what came to my mind."

"You may be a member of one of the higher-ups in MA, but I wouldn't hesitate to kill you where you stand."

"Blade." Ludra glanced at him with her hand against her blade inside its sheath, "Kill him and your head will be rolling across the floor in a heartbeat."

"Hmph." Blade shrugged his arms, shaking his head back and forth, "Very well. I'll behave myself, only this one time." Sitting back down, he crossed his leg over the other.

Ludwig was scared, sweating drastically on his face.

"Will you three stop acting like children." Alexander muttered before sighing, "We're the council of the strongest association in the world. We cannot act like fools!"

Blade snickered, saying, "I suppose the old geezer is right. We're supposed to be role models for the new members, aren't we?"

"That is... true." Said Ludwig, tugging on the collar of his shirt to fan himself.

"Then let us decide. For Emmeline's future in the Magus Association, we will test her limits and her capabilities." Said the older council member.

"Hm? What are you implying, Alexander?" Asked Ludra.

"I say we give her the hardest tasks that the MA could produce. Tasks that not even most Supervisors could complete."

"That's absurd." Stated Ludra.

"Ba ha ha! I love the way you think, Grand Minister, Alexander!" Proclaimed Blade.

"But why such difficult tasks? If none of the supervisors can complete them, then why are we believing some inexperienced child can do it?"

Blade turned to face Ludwig, grinning, "It is simple, my dear friend; Emmeline Farewood is the chosen child of prophecy, predicted by the Grand Wizard, Olias. She's the supposed hero that's supposed to save this era, but if she cannot complete the tasks we give her, then she's not qualified to be any hero or savior of humankind." His grin soon faded away, stating, "If she fails any of the trials we give her, I say we execute her. No savior of mankind is supposed to fail."

"Execution?! Are you serious?" Shouted Ludwig, glancing at the Grand Minister, "Sir Alexander, you don't possibly believe we should resort to such barbaric actions, do you?!"

"Hmmmm." Resting his chin atop his conjoined hands, Alexander thought deeply about the situation. There was silence, and only awaited answers for the other council members.

"It is true that if we execute her, then apotheosis will have no choice but to find a new host."

"Pa ha ha! Exactly! Apotheosis will simply move on to someone else, and use their body instead. It's a simple conclusion that favors all of us!" Proclaimed Blade.

"This is ridiculous…" Murmured Ludra, closing her eyes, ashamed at the council.

"Grand Minister!" Ludwig stood up, slamming his hands on the table, "We aren't barbarians! If she fails one of these trials, then what stops us from just training her, and making sure she gains the experience she needs?! That's how all of us started here, as amateurs!"

"Hmm. I see. Young Ludwig must be right, I see no reason to execute a child who's done nothing wrong."

"You dare deny my words?" Blade approached the Grand Minister, glaring down at him in disgust, "You've gotten soft, haven't you, Alexander? The man I know would've resorted to execution without hesitation, but now… you're just like the rest of them."

"Sit down, Blade Dagon." Said Alexander, glaring back at him.

"And now you're telling me to sit down? Kuhahaha! Are you prepared to die?"

"Defy me, and I'll ruin your public image."

"…You wouldn't dare!"

"That's all you care about—your public image—and your self-worth. You're nothing more than a narcissistic fool who doesn't know his boundaries. Approach me with malicious intentions again, and I will strip you of everything you have. Your Model career, and your position as one of the council members of MA."

"You wouldn't dare do such a thing! I'm the face of the MA! This place wouldn't be alive without me!!"

"Sit down Blade, don't make this any worse for yourself." Proclaimed Ludra.

"Tsk. Fools, all of you! If you won't bother executing her if she fails, then I will."

Stomping out of the room like a child with a temper tantrum, Blade clenched his fists and scowled at them all.

"Take away what I have if Emmeline dies, I do not care. But I'm not letting some inexperienced, and antisocial nerd, be my savior. This world needs a better hero. Someone like me who's willing to make vile decisions for the better of mankind."

Ludra frowned, stating, "If you decide to kill her, then you'll be making the entire Magus Association your enemy, Blade."

"Pa ha ha! Then so be it. It doesn't stop me from destroying their stories with Allegory, now does it?"

"…" Going quiet, Ludra twitched her eye at his words.

"I'll be off now. Make your decisions without me, not like it'll change much." Walking out the room, he closed the doors shut, leaving them quiet, and in thought.

"Why did such a narcissistic, sadistic, asshole, have to be the strongest Wizard of this era? Life is unfair sometimes." Said Ludwig, leaning back in his seat to sigh.

"Do you think he meant what he said?" Asked Ludra.

"Oh, one hundred percent. That guy is willing to do anything to get his way, even if it means ruining his public image." Proclaimed Ludwig.

"I doubt that. His public image means more to him than anything. He was likely bluffing when he said that he didn't care if Grand Minister took it away if he killed Emmeline."

Ludwig huffed another sigh, saying, "That could be a possibility, but nobody knows what's going on in that wicked head of his. What do you think about this, Grand Minister- Huh?"

Cutting himself off, Ludwig glanced at Alexander to witness his malevolent expression. His eyes were filled with an overbearing bloodlust. An aura surrounded his body, dark purple in its color.

This was bloodlust.

Normally, those of the Awakened could emit bloodlust whenever they're angry, or driven by hateful emotions. It was a dangerous form of Ether, having the capabilities of enhancing one's physical attributes, and techniques by x10.



Ludwig and Ludra just stared at him, nervous in their expression. They've never seen the Grand Minister of MA so angry before. Not even losing hundreds of men in the fight against Phantasms in the past could make him this angry.

"…I'm assuming this council meeting is over." Said Ludra.

"Yes, take your leave." Responded Alexander.

Ludwig gulped, shakily rising from his seat, "R-Right."

The two of them headed for the door. Ludra remained firm, while Ludwig became fearful.

It looked like he had just seen a ghost.

Walking out of the council room, Ludra pinched his arm, snapping him back into reality.


"Snap out of it. His bloodlust wasn't targeted towards us."

"I-I know that." He rubbed his arm, still shaking in his body, "I-I just never knew that the Grand Minister had such an overwhelming aura."

"He's lived for thousands of years, of course he does. We're only insects to him, excluding Blade."

"Oh my, mentioning my name when I have nothing to do with the conversation. You just can't stop thinking of me, can you, Ludra?"

"What do you want?" Asked the Safeguard Supervisor.

"I need you to do me a favor."

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