
Magus in Marvel

Baldur Mikaelson has just completed his Magnum Opus and he prepares to open a portal to another world. What will await him on the other side? Will it even work? discord code: F9G9ub4NDr

Pineappl3 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5 Part 6

Magus in Marvel

Chapter 5 Part 6

By: Pineappl3

I looked down at the invitation from my family. It was a simple card made of aged paper and contained faint hints of silver dust. It read, 'Baldur, you are cordially invited to the Michaelson family's nine hundred and forty-fourth annual Vampire hunt.'

Flipping over the card, I saw the address and the date and time of the event. 'They continue to test me, this is in three hours.' I roll my eyes at the obvious disrespect and determine what they really want to know is the limit of my resources.

'Wonder why they decided to settle in Tennessee. If I was a normal person I would only be able to get there with a private plane or jet. It's a good thing I'm not a normal person.'

Deciding to finish a few matters before I left for the Michaelson estate, I first teleported myself to the prison that held Xavier. As I looked down at the sad pathetic shell of a man, I couldn't help but pity him.

It had not taken long for him to go crazy without his powers and the situation may have been exacerbated by my intervention. I had attempted to make it easier to break him on account of the mind-altering he tried to subject me to and may have gone overboard on the spells.

I had half a mind to kill him, but I needed him alive to pacify the faction of mutants he was once in control of. Finished looking at Xavier's sad state, I moved to the next prison in which Summers was contained.

He had a hot head and honestly, if it wasn't for that strange alteration to his mind and his refusal to allow Xavier to be imprisoned, I would have let him go with the others. For me though, his imprisonment had nothing but upsides.

I had a test subject, a source of power, and I had a hostage. I knew that if I played my cards right I could offer my services to imprison mutants for I knew all too well after being here for a while that the government couldn't ever hope to restrain them for long.

Dangerous people seemed to always find ways to escape and cause mass mayhem and destruction. Looking at Summer's prone form I thought about his state shortly after waking up from our 'spar' if it could even be called that.

His anger seemed to heighten his explosive output and he even managed to shake off his restraints. This had led me to equip him with an X-Gene suppressant and knocking him unconscious.

I checked to make sure he was still living and teleported myself back to my room. I sat at my desk and looked out my window at the sprawling streets of Manhattan. Down below I could see Aldebaran and Balrog leaving my tower and my gaze followed them for a bit as I recalled that we had come from the same world.

"Athena, anything interesting you have gathered for me during the week?" I pulled my gaze from the duo and looked out at the horizon.

"Yes Father, I have quite a bit of news for you and I even have a few updates."

I nodded my head, "Go on."

"Certainly. It seems as if every night Felicia leaves the tower. At first, I had thought nothing of it, but after a few reports online that matched her description, I managed to put two and two together. She seems to be fighting thugs and low lives. It is my assumption she is trying to gain experience so she can personally take down Wilson Fisk."

I scratched my chin in thought and simply nodded my head for Athena to continue.

"Sofia continues to steadily improve and has been asking me questions in her free time."

I let a smile stretch across my face, "Good."

Athena continued to speak through the earpiece I wore, "I had also discovered, partially because of Sofia, that you are the cause for the appearance of Aldebaran and Balrog in this world."

I sat up instantly, and I began to think. "If- No. But? I got it! Malcolm's interference most likely left the mind portion of the circle alone. Meaning my mind was transferred. It doesn't explain why I ended up in a doppelganger, but it explains the missing memories everyone else shares."

I frowned. "This also means Malcolm is out there somewhere. Find him, so I can kill him personally."

"Would you like me to finish my report?"

"Of course, let me hear it."

"Your factories are complete and all the required golems have been transferred for labor. You may begin production on the shield artifacts at any time."

Standing up from my chair, I began to pace around my room. "Start it then, and get it on the market. This will change the world."

As I made my way to the door leading to my living room, I spotted a stack of papers on my desk. "Athena, what are these?"

"Nixie left them for you Father. They are the resumes of the three interesting people. Out of the thousands of applications for your company, I deemed these fit for your eyes and input."

I picked up the first one named Natalie Rushman, real name Natalia Alianovna Romanova. She was nicknamed 'Black Widow' and she worked for some government organization named S.H.I.E.L.D.

The resume was obviously fake, with how over accomplished it made her seem, it was a wonder why she would want to work for me. "Come on. Latin? Really? I'm pretty sure I'm one of the only people who speak it, and that's because you put it back together for me."

"It was simple father, much easier than creating a whole new coding language so I could use magic."

I chucked at that, "Yes if you were not limited to using external sources such as the Arc Reactors, I'm sure you would be just as accomplished as me in the field of magic."

I crumpled Romanova's resume and looked at the one under it. "Raven Darkholme? Isn't she the one you mentioned likes to recruit mutants?" The name felt familiar, so I could not help but ask.

"Yes. It was in a report, around the same time Charles Xavier had first tried to recruit Sophia, shortly after Raven Darkholme came. She was dealt with the same way as Xavier, and I believe you disregarded the report after I explained a bit of her background."

"Ah yes, I remember now. Something about a brotherhood." I gave her resume the same fate as Romanova's and gazed at the last resume.

It was unimpressive, this Xander Nox had only recently finished High School. He was the same age as my body but had none of the comforts in life. The poor kid was orphaned recently and had a younger brother to take care of to boot.

I was wondering why his resume was even left for me to look at when I saw it. Towards the bottom, he detailed the position he was vying for. He wanted to be a test subject.

"Well. Color me surprised. Did we even put out the info that I was looking for subjects?"

"No. It was so strange I had thought it was prudent to show it to you."

"Accept him. But make sure he knows what he is in for. My experiments are. . . life-altering." I looked down at my watch and noted the time. "I still have lots of time to waste. Call Nixie for me."

"She is already approaching Father, shall I enable the soundproofing runes?"

"Yes. Can't have the neighbors downstairs complaining again."

If you wanna talk, I'm on discord. Code: F9G9ub4NDr

Next upload (some time early next month) will be a full chapter.

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